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The influence of SYD on your sexual orientation

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Started by #144077 at 04,Jun,11 07:54
Well i came here straight now every time i jack off i think about sucking dicks and getting fucked in my ass.

Similar topics: 1.Defining Sexual Orientation   2.Is the glass half full or half empty?   3.In-The-Closet Heterosexual Cocksuckers   4.Undercover Gay   5.Your #1 Choice to Have Sexual Relations With (Famous or Not)  

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By #142318 at 05,Jun,11 10:53
Im straight. But i am aroused by big cocks. I know i am straight becouse i dont feel romanticly or physicaly attracted to men. Only girls can give me that lovey feeling inside. To me sex is just sex. Thx toSyd i now am more open to having men sexual partners and showing my cock to men.
By spermkiss at 05,Jun,11 17:51 other posts of spermkiss 
This happens all the time and is completely normal. See my remarks above. Thank you for an insightful comment.

By #158021 at 06,Jun,11 09:56
I feel the same way you do. I'd probably chicken out if I was naked in a room with another man, but I have no problem fantasizing about it. Maybe one day I'll just let all my inhibitions go, and enjoy myself.
By spermkiss at 06,Jun,11 16:11 other posts of spermkiss 
GO FOR IT! Expanding your sex life will open up your mind and broaden your horizons. You'll be glad you did because it will make you a more well rounded and interesting individual. When I expanded my sex life to include women it certainly made me feel better. And it didn't turn me straight so having sex with a man isn't going to turn you gay.

By #7976 at 05,Jun,11 01:20
Absolutely no influence at all. At nearly 60 my sexual orientation is set in stone. It takes more than an open forum on sex to make one's sexual orientation. If your interested in guys now, after viewing SYC, you were probably already interested in them or you wouldn't be looking.
By #144077 at 05,Jun,11 09:25
I was interested before. I found this site because i was looking for some penis pics on the net. I always wanted to watch other guys cocks. But now every time i jerk off i imagine a guy pounding me in my ass i dont even fantasize about women any more.
By spermkiss at 05,Jun,11 17:49 other posts of spermkiss 
This is probably because man-on-man sex is new and novel. It's your newest toy and you like playing with it. As time passes you'll know your true orientation. If you find that your interest in women is returning and your interest in men diminishing you'll know that you are indeed really straight, despite having interest in men. If, on the other hand, your interest in women is permanently gone, you're gay.

By spermkiss at 05,Jun,11 17:41 other posts of spermkiss 
I very much agree with you BushPilot that a man's sexual orientation is hard wired into his brain and cannot be changed. As to whether a man had a latent pre-existing interest in gay sex that was brought out by visiting this site, well maybe. But for most men only in the sense that virtually all men are capable of responding to both gay and straight sexual stimuli and are able to perform in both gay and straight sexual situations.

I'm as gay as they come, but when I've been in sexual situations with women I did indeed become aroused and was able to perform.

Turning that around, if a straight man finds himself in a sexual situation with another man he will probably become aroused and be able to perform. Indeed he will probably get caught up in the situation and do all kinds of things he never thought he'd do. That was certainly the case with one straight man I was with. He pretty much did everything and later was candid enough to tell me that since he had never been with a man before and because he might not have another opportunity, he wanted to fully experience man-on-man sex while he had the chance.

So will visiting this site turn a straight man gay? Absolutely not. It very might, however, help him to realize that gay sex is normal and natural and is something many straight men engage in quite willingly and even enthusiastically. See sovietmeat's insightful comment below.

By #5594 at 04,Jun,11 09:44
Hi I think we are not alone in that
By #102837 at 05,Jun,11 00:37
Definately not alone. When I'm jerkin off now all I can think of is guys cocks n having fun with them. My cock has just got harder as I wrote that

By #128507 at 04,Jun,11 09:43
That's hot!

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