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Started by #18577 at 30,Jul,09 18:06
Anyone over 50 who has prostate cancer in there family should have a total PSA test done when your doctor draws blood yearly. I just found out that I've got prostate cancer and now my prostate is coming out. When I read the book that I was given by my doctor about food and exercise I was doing it all, but still got prostate cancer.

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New Comment

By onthelose at 22,Mar,20 11:02 other posts of onthelose 
I had a PSA check recently and was relieved to hear I was in good shape, after years of avoiding the test for fear of having cancer.

By #612667 at 22,Mar,20 07:54
I wish you all the best cancer is a sucky thing to have to deal with i have been doing psa test s since i was 38 and continue to do so early detection is crucial as gives you better chance excersize and diet very important i was diagnosed with blood cancer/ luekemia and that can be a bumpy road ti travel im very lucky i was diagnosed when i was so medical check ups are important

By stiffone4u at 21,Mar,20 22:29 other posts of stiffone4u 
I was just biopsied positive after a psa of 7
By #613471 at 22,Mar,20 00:59
Bad news
By stiffone4u at 22,Mar,20 01:05 other posts of stiffone4u 
As if there's not enough shit going on...I need a scan then will schedule surgery. Other than the high psa I had no symptoms.
By #613471 at 22,Mar,20 01:08
OMG if you lose prostate you will lose erections
By stiffone4u at 22,Mar,20 01:12 other posts of stiffone4u 
Not always...lose cum for sure. If they do nerve sparing surgery see Fiona are possible...tough decision. Shitty options

By Olddude at 09,Apr,10 22:11 other posts of Olddude 
Thats great news!

By Olddude at 26,Sep,09 18:48 other posts of Olddude 
I am glad you are doing so well!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best wish's, and speedy recovery!

By sailor at 22,Sep,09 14:31 other posts of sailor 
Thaks for the update. And here's to your continued health, no more cancer, bladder control, and hopefully a good hardon once in awile,

By sailor at 05,Aug,09 21:42 other posts of sailor 
I agree, have it tested. I'm having surgery in Sept. Seems like if you live long enough 1 in 2 men will have prostate cancer.

By Olddude at 02,Aug,09 22:20 other posts of Olddude 
I've read a great deal on the subject, and I work in a hospital. Robitic surgery is best way to go. I have seen a DeVincy Robot, quite impressive. I have BPH and keep a close watch on PSA. Best of luck! Please post results!

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