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Started by bella! at 20,May,18 22:36  other posts of bella!
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It's refreshing to see that our current President was able to negotiate the 25+ stairs into Air Force One and remain standing!
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A deal had been discussed, the leader of ukraine came over here to sign it and decided on national tv to renegotiate the deal asking for military presence in his country of US troops? Uh, NOPE. It is ukraine who is on the chopping block,and we have drained our military resources and sent millions in money to them and they are STILL fucking loosing the war 3 years in, and they want our troops to come over there and be cannon fodder for the russians? Literally creating WW3?? what the hell part of that do you think is logical?>
Hey, dgraff, send Kayla upstairs early and shimmy out of your pants. Maybe you can treat Marcy to your balls dipped or slathered in peanut butter.
○ Who gives a rat's ass.
● it was more "cost effective"
● and there were several guys in my community that were willing and more than capable of installing the unit within a matter of days of the unit being delivered.
Never having a mini spit, I didn't know what to expect and the neighbors nearby recently purchased a Goodman unit and love it. What the heck, I'm in, that's perfect!
The unit is whisper quiet and I love that aspect. The only thing I'm not so sure about is that the fan continually runs. For anyone who has a mini split, does that seem to be true for you? I called the company that the unit was purchased from and the representative confirmed, YES. Once the temperature is set and reaches the desired level of comfort the fan will run for circulation purposes. Sounds reasonable (I think). With a fan that continually runs I wonder what is the actual lifespan of a mini split?
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Way to go MAGA.
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On the bright side gasoline prices came down 10 cents a gallon and so did heating oil and milk dropped 50 cents per gallon in my area
It’s a start plus I just found out that I now qualify for a rent rebate/ property tax rebate i guess because I’m now retired
Dream on Daniel. Wait till President Elon cuts your Social Security down to $100/month to stop freeloaders.
Telling him there should be no such thing as tariffs every thing should be done in trade and no money should change hands if we buy a billion dollars of crap from China they should buy a billion dollars worth of stuff from us we should not owe other countries money and they should not owe us everything should be in trade for years now we buy off other countries and they don’t buy nearly as much from us
For example, if the US could not make a tractor, we would buy tractors from India. If India could not make cars, they would buy cars from Us.
But so much stuff comes here that we could do ourselves and so little we make can even be used overseas.
Europe taxes fuel, cubic inches of the engines and so forth on cars to a point they are driving overgrown mopeds and spending more that we do on fuel and travel. A good f350 pickup can hardly be driven in europe because of the tiny inadequate roads.
Cuba makes good cigars, and they need cars, so why not trade cigars for cars?
But no, our young people are "to good" to work in factorys and we have to buy everything from someone else.
Why didn't biden deal with bird flu before it got so rampant? your hero's administration let it get out of control and left it for Trump to have to deal with.
and like I said before, if and when you get a check from Doge, cash it and sent it to me, it would be hypocritical for you to spend it.
I also seem to remember that Biden was saddled with the Covid pandemic because Donnie Boy couldn't come with anything better than injecting bleach intravenously.
The only check DOGE would send out would be made to the order of Mr President, the dishonorable Elon Musk.
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A wise man told me that if you watch every penny the dollars will watch them selves
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I'm curious, what type of roof do you have, tile?
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Guys, this is the perfect time to give your girl something truly precious:
Class A Size M/L eggs, from ALDI.
There was one case of bird flu in my country. The farm is closed, all chickens killed,
and there is a transport ban of 10 km around it now.
Better check your fridge for how much eggs you are actually eating.
There is eggs in a lot of food you wouldn't imagine have egg in it.
It's not like the price of other food hasn't been increasing.
I'm not changing my eating habits because of the prices.
But I understand that not everyone is in my position.
My girlfriend is a hobby baker. She bakes cakes for people at only a slight profit margin, mostly for fun. It's just no longer funny what prices she has to ask from the customers. The last cake was $57, just to not burn money.
before the election?
They threw everything they could at us freezing rain snow sleet and now rain yet the roads were a mess at 5:30 when I took Marcy to work this morning
but schools were closed, and will be closed tomorrow.
And yes, Smith and Ruger and Glock all make some fine guns, but the gun that works best for you, doesn't have to be that fancy brand name, my dads favorite pistol is foreign made and reasonably priced but works like a champ
Consider the two space shuttle accidents. One group of astronauts had been on the international space station and the other group didn't even make it to space.
But if you ever do hear of me dying in a plane crash it will be because the plane fell on me. not because I was in it.
A neighbor needed help with loading stuff from sams club so i rode with him to the store and the automatic floor sweeping robutt was rolling around beeping and sweeping. It bumped into a elderly lady and she turned and looked at it and said, "i am so sorry" and looked it over to see if she damaged it.
Deport his ass and you don't have to feed him anymore!
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Official numbers: 4,776,706 votes were illegally purged, putting Trump over the edge.
Real evidence that Trump stole the election, while his evidence in 2017 all fell flat.
Still, he got his 60+ court cases, while Democrats got ZERO. This needs to be fought.
People will listen, when they see how America is being destroyed.
I actually think you lot are already becoming aware of that,
because you are turning more silent by the day.
It's not a temporary pain you have to battle through,
it's going to get worse and worse and worse.
There is no one "winning" here.
Besides didn't you and cat call it Fiat money 1 time ?
no taxes at all. At some point you are giving billionaires government assistance.
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He's still ripped, bit he mostly chooses strength over show.
President trumps face added to Mount Rushmore
Way to go Florida 👍
The other Presidents depicted have made major national contributions to the history of this country. What did Donnie Boy do? Get spanked by Stormy Daniels? If so, his ass on the mountain might be more appropriate.
He’s doing just fine he’s doing what we voted him in to do he’s restructuring our government he’s weeding out the broken and corrupt agencies with in and fixing the ones that can still be fixed our system has been broken for 40 years it’s long overdue usaid has been a leach sucking the blood out of our taxpayers many years and it’s time to put a stop to it
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Just in 57 percent of the people think TRUMP is doing a great job the 43 percent that disapprove are the old prudes that bitch just to bitch sound like any one you know cat
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I could give you a list of all the cock sucking democrats on sight
Well, that's enough for now. I'm betting that in six months groceries will be so high, people won't be able to spend for extras like vacations or go out to dinner.
We know what we are doing
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So I take it you are part of the 43 percent
"Trump Immediately Changes Subject When Fox Anchor Asks When Prices Will Come Down"
Any fool knows it will take a little time to undo the democrats damage
It starts with the price of gas that is we’re operation drill baby drill comes in buy raising the supply and automatically reducing the demand once gas prices start dropping the prices of everything else will follow trump has all the big energy people in his corner it’s going to happen weather you like it or not
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How about you become a Canadian providence every democrat we can get rid of is a step in the right direction
You are so American. You can't take criticism of the Clown even though that's all you did during Biden's term. Look at the mess Donnie Boy and his boss, Eeelooon Muskoil have made of our government and our trade and our economy and our agriculture.
You forget Donnie Boy is my president too. I have a right to expect that my standard of living be, at least, as good as it was during Biden's term. Right now, the last few weeks have been the worst of ANY administration. What a joke.
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Oh, BTW,
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Is that how he plans to help the working class?
Of course, "for ever" won't be that long. Trump is making sure of that.
And a question for cat and annanas, just what do you consider a contribution worthy of another President going up on the mountain? I frankly can't think of a damn thing the last 20 have done that is worthy if you really want to get technical. All the great things were done before 1900 that shaped this country.
And bill Clinton invented pussy flavored cigars
Obama was our first gay and black president
Other then that I’m blank
When the current faces were picked it was done for the following reasons.
"George Washington (1732-1799) represents our nation as its founding father. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) represents expansion, as a signer of the Louisiana Purchase and author of the Declaration of Independence. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) represents conservation and the industrial blossoming of the nation."
an think of at least three presidents that could be in that group after the 1930's
Franklin Delano Roosevelt got us out of the biggest depression this country ever experienced. He's responsible for Social Security and unemployment insurance. He came up with lend/lease to help Britain fight the Nazis before we got involved in WWII.
He pushed for Congress to pass the Fair Labor Standards Act, which established a 40-hour work week and overtime pay for those who worked more than 40 hours
Then there's President Dwight D Eisenhower. He was the supreme allied commander in Europe during WWII. He pushed for the Interstate Highway System
President Dwight D. Eisenhower pushed for the polio vaccine and signed the Polio Vaccination Assistance Act of 1955.
He pushed and go NASA established.
President John F Kennedy established the Pease Corps and got NASA to get us to the moon.
apples to apples.
quite honestly i am surprised obiden didn't blow the mountain up to make a few indians happy.
Only a president RFK Jr wouldn't have made it.
It's the big pharma companies and the FDA who actually did the work.
The only reason to go to the moon was America PR, against Russia.
There is no rivaling country interested in going to Mars right now,
so you have no reason to re-allocate scarce resources to do that,
other than enriching Elon.
Well look at the technology that was developed for the trip to the moon. The very things we are using to argue on here have their roots in that trip to the moon.
I have also told you that I want to spend money on things that add value.
If baggers are not worth a good wage, make people do jobs that do add value.
If burger-flippers don't add enough value, to be paid a good wage, then make your own burgers. Remember?
Sending some unmanned probes to Mars will advance science. It answers questions like; is/was there life on other planets. Going there in person is unnecessary and hundreds of times more expensive. It's useless.
(The Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission cost $1.08 billion.)
Going to Mars would cost between $100 billion to $500 billion per mission.
It would do nothing for the goal of making Mars our backup planet.
Going to Mars is only useful for showing that you can do it to the world.
And for Elon Musk, it's just a vanity project.
Your idea of advancing technology, is like organizing the Olympics in your country, for the goal of improving infrastructure.
It's much cheaper and produces much better jobs, to completely transfer to renewable energy. You would also be energy independent indefinitely and
cut pollution to almost zero.
You tell me that you don't have any money for education and healthcare,
but you do want to spend this money, which doesn't do anything to help you.
(or al least very very little)
Trump is literally telling you; let's cut every dollar that is important for
normal Americans and lets spend all that money on a billionaire's toys.
Elon Musk told Trump to cut childhood cancer research for that!
Even if you don't care about kids dying, that's still a "lucrative investment".
And the funny thing is that you always accuse Democrats of wasting money!
Besides, the compact lithium battery in your cell phone, the chips inside it, that tech started by going to the moon.
flame proof materials besides heavy asbestos. going to the moon helped create them.
No one is going to invest their money with a 0,000001% return on investment.
Sure, they can afford it, but they didn't become rich by throwing away money!
So Elon is at the desk of some venture capitalist, asking for money:
VC: So, Elon, what do you want to do?
EM: I want to go to Mars!
VC: What will it cost?
EM: A trillion dollars!
VC: Is it safe?
EM: No people will probably die!
VC: What is the return on investment?
EM: Nothing!
You're crazy if you think that meeting is concluded by Elon getting money.
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400,000 people were employeed to help get to the moon. How many will have good paying jobs going to mars?
It took me a long time to understand how the moon mission helped us, so i can understand your doubts on the mars mission being of any value.
frankly I hope all democrats go to mars, would leave the earth to the rest of us!
Damn, you're actually defending communism to me, in a way.
Didn't I tell you? Remember this image?
The definition of Communism is the government owning and controlling the means of production and people having no ownership.
Elon Musk IS the government now. He put half a dozen of kids in control of
6 TRILLION DOLLARS of government spending. I can predict he will find whatever he needs for his hobby and tells you that social security, education, healthcare, food for poor people, and everything else that doesn't help him and other billionaires, is a waste of money. When an authoritarian dictator and the billionaires own the government, that is how communism starts. They only need to make you so poor that no one owns anything anymore. When you are forced to sell off all your possessions to the billionaire/government, then it's full blown communism. Stalin would be proud.
Before the election, the American voters never heard any plan to hand over your government to Elon Musk's DOGE or to spend hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars on a billionaire putting people on Mars.
Trump also lied about Project 2025, which is now full steam ahead.
It's the biggest betrayal of voters ever.
and we changed our dollar bill to a coin in 1987.
Our two dollar bill was changed to a two dollar coin in 1996.
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It's free and I probably won't have to wear glasses anymore… what more could I asked for? I was offered a choice of three lenses, The one that is paid for by the healthcare system, a better one and the best one. I chose the free one because it will be a hell of a lot better than it is now.
No no Dgraff, we goin' for the Fleetwood 75 baby!
For me it was the fun of making fun of lixsipsucket the midget and two saggy tits one and two and the twenty five other personalities she portrayed lix and the midget are gone now and cat is being mellow i try to get her wound up but politics is all she answers to so my question is how can we make this forum thread great again
what part of that is so hard to understand?
Why have authoritive figures if they are not respected?
And surely that's what both men were referring to.
It's a pathetic excuse for throwing away your democracy and freedom.
Respect is earned not enforced. I vote for elected representatives.
I respect them, when they respect my rights and represent me.
I can also respect politicians who represent the opinions of other people, as long
as they do their job of representing them and respect the rights of all my countrymen.
Trump doesn't respect ANYONE. It's all about him and you are just patsies.
Punxsutawney Phil says 6 more weeks of winter 🥶
So it’s a tie and I’m retired and don’t give a crap 💩 anymore
I have had enough cold already. this coming week is nice temps again! time to get caught up on outside chores
Today is my day off and I'm going to stay inside and do fuck all!
Round the freeloaders up and ship them out
You just don't think things through, do you? You think illegals sit at home and get a fat check every month? THEY HAVE TO WORK and they have to do so in crappy jobs.
Illegals can't collect at all. I don't believe illegals are entitled to all the benefits that legal citizens are entitled to, but, no matter how they arrived into our country, they are entitled to humanitarian efforts.
Through targeted funding and interventions that utilize evidence-based practices, homelessness among veterans dropped to the lowest number on record. There was a nearly 8% decrease – from 35,574 in 2023 to 32,882 in 2024 – in the number of veterans experiencing homelessness.Dec 27, 2024
Call that maga bullshit if you want to, but it is pathetic either way that there is a single homeless veteran much less 33,000
G@mbling is a bad word? Who knew?
Listen it’s simple if they want to be here that bad they will do it legally
The ones that sneak in are just looking for a free ride they are mainly all the criminals from other countries looking for a place to hide
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By your own words
"The ones that sneak in are just looking for a free ride they are mainly all the criminals from other countries looking for a place to hide"
Germans fleeing the Nazis during the 30's came here just for that. CRIMINALS like you said.
Thankfully none related to hitler. you know his family got together and made a pact to not reproduce and to let the family blood line end to prevent more like him ?
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What about the folks living in apartments that the gangs took over with guns? Now they can live a little more peaceful.
Cat do you think it is ok for a gang of illegals to come in and take over apartment complexes here in the US?
And the cops, scared to death of them. they will blame it on lack of man power or some other reason, but basically they are just friggen scared of the gangs.
Here your peaceful vegetable pickers are caught beating other immigrants.
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BUT if these countries would simply work with Trump on a couple issues, the tarifs would not have happened. BUT these countries are doing what they can to create discord and chaos in our economy, so they do little to control immigrants and do nothing about the drugs coming over their borders from china.
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Read this portion
"The Trump administration put the tariffs in place to force the three countries to stop the spread and manufacturing of fentanyl, in addition to pressuring Canada and Mexico to limit any illegal immigration into the United States.
The official did not provide specific benchmarks that could be met to lift the new tariffs, saying only that the best measure would be fewer Americans dying from fentanyl addition."
what part of that would a sane leader not want to solve unless the demise of the US is their goal?
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Six people.
here is a live look at the plane as it goes down on the left side of the screen. sounded like it was running wide open,
Let’s see what other great things trump did this morning
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And Alaska to Oiltown
OR if we do rename bases'
Army base 1, 2
Air force base 1 , 2,
no names at all. give them numbers that no 1 can fuss about in 30 or a 100 years.
stuff biden couldn't or WOULDN"T do.
Did you not see the news? 500 billion dollar investments in AI tech to be made here in the USA instead of bangledesh or china or nigeria. the money could have been invested anywhere in the world but due to a business friendly President in office now, the money,the jobs are coming HERE.
And about that two day thing. He managed to get everyone of our allies mad at us and they will not help us if we get into a war and the WHO who has helped so many in so many countries is out. A humanitarian group that helps everyone including us is now our enemy. What the crap?
We wouldn't be anywhere near a war if we weren't using ukraine as fall guys and gunnie pigs for our weapons against another nuclear power.
The WHO is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters,
shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.
You have a point that we are using Ukraine as fall guys.
They are fighting the war that we don't want to fight.
We know that if we don't arm Ukraine, then we might be next.
Still, that doesn't mean that the Ukrainians are not willing to fight for their freedom. They have lived under Russian oppression before, and it was horrible.
According to Ukrainians it would be worse than dying.
However, because everyone is afraid, we don't give them enough weapons to actually win. Or some people have decided that keeping Russia occupied in the war with Ukraine is most damaging to Russia. It's horrible, but the alternatives are worse. Putin has smelled blood, and he won't stop until his citizens make him stop.
North Korea has sent at least 10,000 troops to Russia, to aid them in fighting Ukraine. The last news end December was: South Korea said that more than 1,000 North Korean troops have been killed or wounded, while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky put the number at 3,000.
As of January 15, 2025, Russian combat losses amount to 812,670 troops, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
According to Zelensky, on 8 dec 2024, some 43,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed since Russia's full-scale invasion. According to U.S. Officials, the Ukrainian numbers are closer to 70,000 killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded.
One explanation for why so many more Russians are dying is due to poor training, low quality draftees, and very poor leadership!
89% of the Ukrainian troops were trained last year by the British Army under Operation Interflex, to be better equipped to survive on the battlefield.
What reason do you have for thinking they are the same? I think it's lack of information or misinformation, because the differences are huge.
China now mostly has a capitalist free trade economy and the people are free to choose their future, live their lives, leave the country and make connections with people from all over the world. Even though most of western social media
is blocked, they do have WhatsApp, FaceTime, Skype and a few others.
The standards of living of average Chinese people has improved massively from 2002 until Covid. Covid hit them very hard, but they are now recovering. Only 13% of its population fall below the poverty line. The share of their population living in extreme poverty is close to 0%. 90% of Chinese people own their own home. < 2.5% of the population is undernourished or "food insecure". In the US, in 2023, food insecurity was statistically higher than 12.8%.
I just heard an American Trump voting teacher say that he supported free breakfasts and free lunches for kids, because some of his kids don't get to eat anything between the last lunch on Friday and the first breakfast on Monday.
That doesn't happen in China.
North Korea has arguably the worst economy in the world and it is
rightfully considered one of the most closed countries in the world.
60% of North Koreans lived below the poverty line in 2020, but the
global Covid price increases have hit them hard.
North Koreans are basically slaves of the Kim dictatorship.
They can do only as they are told and are completely shut off from the world.
It is very possible that North Korea is close to a complete collapse.
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No taxes on tips is a pretty good start that helps a lot of people
The gulf of American 🇺🇸 has a nice ring to it i like it
Ice an organization that can help local law enforcement find information on people and help them round up cartel members
Operation drill baby drill will increase supply lowering demand bringing down the prices of fuel all in his first week i would say he hit the ground running
Drill baby, drill. Where and how long will it take? And will it offset the cutting off of oil from Canada and Mexico? They provide 8 out of every 10 barrels of oil imported in to the US. Mainly because our refineries are built to process the heavy petroleum that those two countries sell to us. Surely you know that we can't use homegrown petroleum (I'm not sure why).
So, at least we can call the Gulf the Gulf of America even though no one else in the world will do so. Makes me warm all over.
Elon musk jamming his big hard dick in your mouth while Donald trump fills your ass maybe he will grab your cunt
Wouldn’t that be exciting
what ever the folks leave on the table you put in your pocket. And I have saw in 1 situation, that folks leave quite a bit on the table because they know the waitress is dealing her husbands cancer expense's.
Drill for oil. It's not that our oil can be had cheaper,it is the fact the other countries loose a market if they don't sell us ours cheaper than we can get out our own.
OUr crude oil is cleaner,better quality,and sells for more per barrel that what we import.
Right now Russian oil is not being bought by Europe. Canada can sell it's oil to Europe instead of selling it to us.
Ok for dumbass MAGA and people from Ohio, but, for the rest of the world, it stays as it should.
Kinda humorous really, 3 rd world country mexico lost it's gulf with a stroke of a pen.
You did read about the drug cartels firing on agents at the border? If they are going to start shooting at our men simply doing their jobs of protecting our borders, it is time to rock that place with some bunker buster bombs.
Loosing the European Arms Market
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Think of all the billions of dollars that would go to China or France or Israel or Germany. Even Great Britain.
And let's not forget the thousands of jobs that disappear
I don't want a druggie to own an AK47. I do appreciate selling arms to a country that promises to fight side by side with us against a common enemy.
Yes, I understand the principle is above your pay grade but, think about it.
I was blacklisted for being a Trump supporter by someone along time ago.
By the way, I was in error when I said that I was blacklisted within a 4 hour window by 2 members, it was within a 2 hour period!
then what chance would such a person need to give him?
A chance to come back on everything he promised?
He has literally started immediately doing those things.
I know I'm not an American, but Trump doesn't just affect America.
He is literally threatening his NATO allies. Should we like that?
He has already broken the Paris agreement. That affects everyone.
He is planning to start another trade war. His last time caused global damage.
Biden or Harris would have never done that.
I think it is silly to blacklist over no agreeing.
Infrastructure spending? Trump will probably take credit for it.
High prices for groceries? Trump himself just said that he can't fix that.
Were the immigrants coming to eat you? They were just working their asses off.
Most thinks improved under Biden. The things that got worse were not his fault, except for one thing; Biden is to blame for is his support for Netanyahu's genocide. However, if it was Trump, it would have been worse.
It probably will get worse soon. As soon as Natanyahu thinks he has enough hostages back, he will declare that Hamas violated the ceasefire and continue the genocide. Trump is openly saying how Gaza is such a nice piece of land, that you could do so many nice things with....
Trump will get a chance from me. I'm not neutral, but I am objective.
If he does something that I think is positive, I will give him credit,
if he does something that I think is negative, I'll tell you why.
He didn't get of to a good start and I'm not surprised.
Does the President Control Gas Prices? | NACS
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Why America Can't USE The Oil it DRILLS
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Listen to the whole thing. It's not political
The folks overseas are noticing that Trump is making good on signing papers to allow drilling for our own oil here in the states and they may loose their market unless they lower their prices to compete with our own supply. And as long as theirs is cheaper, yep buy theirs and save ours! Logical for national security to have a good supply of oil
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I don’t trust any of them you know who I trust myself my sight eye and my trigger finger
Heres the thing, even IF the oil still cost as much as it does not,if we are using our own oil, we would not be making our enemys richer.
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But I am willing to bet he voted. Democrap.
But the democrats would find someway to blame this on Trump when this guy was obviously riddled with issues before Trumps first term .
What kind of a human being shits in the middle of town on a bench that children might sit on with their parents a few minutes later?