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Started by bella! at 20,May,18 22:36  other posts of bella!
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.


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By bella! at 26,Jul,24 22:49 other posts of bella! 
Any roofers out there? I need a complete tear off on my home and detached garage. Any bids under 15k will be considered. Must have transportation!
By kebmo at 26,Jul,24 22:59 other posts of kebmo 
You can’t afford to buy cheap shit. That’s my advice on roofing and a lot of things in life.
We get a fair amount of hail storms in Alberta and they really fuck up your roof and siding. My dad had his roof done about 10 years ago and I think the shingles were slate, but I’m not sure. He pays less for hail damage insurance and his neighbours on both sides have since installed the same shingles.
By bella! at 26,Jul,24 23:04 other posts of bella! 
So are you going to come to Michigan to help an old girl out?
By kebmo at 26,Jul,24 23:07 other posts of kebmo 
I’ll make dinner for the roofers if they do it naked!
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And you too, of course. Clothing optional for you 😜
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…. because I a gentleman
By Cody8789 at 26,Jul,24 23:48 other posts of Cody8789 
I just spent 42 thousand on a new roof because my roof was 17 years old and my insurance company wouldn’t cover my house after a 15 year old roof. I also pay 10,400.00 a year on my homeowners ins. My house is paid off so I really don’t have to hold ins on my house but living in s. Florida where we get a lot of hurricanes I felt I need it. I don’t need flood ins. Because I’m not in a flood zone do to increased elevation when the home was built.

By bella! at 26,Jul,24 23:03 other posts of bella! 
I had a conversation with the son of the female client that I provide care to. He owns a full size Tesla sedan and the darn thing always seems to be plugged in. I specifically asked what kind of mileage he gets per charge and was surprised to hear him say that it was approximately 220 miles. For real, 220 per charge? He said the mileage is also dependent upon the weather conditions and how much "stuff" is being used. He seemed to think that it would take a good 3 to 4 hours to then become fully charged one again. My goodness, 220 miles per charge is nothing to get excited about! Can you imagine driving this car from the Metropolitan Detroit area to SW Florida? Yikes! Drive 220 miles (3 hours) then pull off to charge 3 to 4 would take 5 to 8 days from Michigan to Florida. Heck, I set out to do the drive and freaking forget what I was doing.

By Gaydave at 25,Jul,24 23:34 other posts of Gaydave 
Just an idea but if we dont have gov id how about a live photo ?
By bella! at 25,Jul,24 23:46 other posts of bella! 
A live photo for what?
By Gaydave at 25,Jul,24 23:52 other posts of Gaydave 
For proof of age not saying do it its just an idea
By bella! at 26,Jul,24 02:25 other posts of bella! 
So a "live photo" proves to admin that the member is over 18 years of age? What if I submitted a picture of my Uncle Bruce????
By Gaydave at 26,Jul,24 03:19 other posts of Gaydave 
Okay point taken

By Numb_Nuts at 26,Jul,24 03:33 other posts of Numb_Nuts 
Do you have a uncle called Bruce though

By Numb_Nuts at 26,Jul,24 02:51 other posts of Numb_Nuts 
More or less everyone has some form of Gov ID to get through modern life, it is a idea but for what purpose really. If you a newer profile here you cant share multimedia unless you send Boss Man an official form of ID, I could send a copy of my wife's license so that doesn't really prove anything, I could use a photographed or scanned copy of anyone's ID really.

I am also involved as a creator in OF & Fansly, those places & others where you can share content, like sex stuff or nudity, everyone involved in the content has to be verified in quite stringent ways, a clear image of the person holding the ID with other documentation & other stuff you have to do, in fact OF is that strict on who is shown in content, on upload if even someone else's finger it in shot, their AI bots will flag it immediately on upload.

There is a loose system here for something I think you are getting at, the verification process, typically a member will photograph themselves holding a piece of paper holding a note explaining they are real, then 3 established members (or more) can verify.

Doesn't stop them from uploading any other content that isn't actually theirs, like stollen of the internet or something.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 26,Jul,24 03:04 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
@gaydave Yeah right we all know you’re Chuck and CAT-litter.

By bella! at 25,Jul,24 18:54 other posts of bella! 
And TWOWARMTTS is up to the same ol', same ol'......

This is what she posted prior to her blacklisting me;

I’m not causing any trouble. Now, please tell me why I shouldn’t block you too. From my perspective, posting in your threads leads to, disagreements, crap from the mafia types, and generally not something to merit my participation in your threads. There are plenty of other threads that are here for the politics. FYI, I’ve blocked all the usual and you are the only one with an axe to grind that I still haven’t. Please advise if you want me to block you. For me it would be a habit breaker. Again, I’m not here to cause trouble in any way.
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By bella! 25,Jul,24 11:53 other posts Edit

I don't give a flying fladoodle what you do OR if you block me or not. How's that?

Do you happen to be bipolar? I just cannot wrap my head around why you delete your various profiles, return in a short period of time and then be deceitful about who you are.
By Numb_Nuts at 26,Jul,24 03:11 other posts of Numb_Nuts 

By Gaydave at 25,Jul,24 19:12 other posts of Gaydave 
Thinking about comedies or sitcoms there is been a successful or unsuccessful spin off ( cheers -fraser ) successful, ( friends - joey ) unsuccessful.But what other sitcoms could do a spin off of which hasn't had one yet ?
By Numb_Nuts at 26,Jul,24 03:07 other posts of Numb_Nuts 

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, there was a movie made few years back, an American film, it was rubbish compared to the BBC original series

Luv Thy Neighbor, another hilarious British sitcom, but would be deemed racist these days, without being able to use terms like "nignog" or "white honkey" there would be no point really

By Gaydave at 25,Jul,24 17:01 other posts of Gaydave 
By the way if any of you have a chance check the music video android love

By Gaydave at 25,Jul,24 16:50 other posts of Gaydave 
We in the uk have our own battle bots but it is called Robot wars which aired on our bbc2 first presented by jermery clarkson then craig charles then rebooted by dara o brian

By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 16:39 other posts of dgraff 
So after watching the clip of president trump being shot and the secret service pushing him to the ground to protect him i noticed as they were helping him up he had his fist in the air yelling i will never serenader with blood dripping from his ear and I’ve come to a conclusion that he is one tough son of a bitch now that’s my president
What would Biden have done pissed his pants and laid there until an ambulance arrived he’s weak like that
By Cody8789 at 20,Jul,24 18:48 other posts of Cody8789 
If it was me, I’d be screaming like a five year old
By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 19:15 other posts of dgraff 
I would have returned fire i work good under pressure
By Cody8789 at 20,Jul,24 19:24 other posts of Cody8789 
Not me, I don’t like a gun pointed at my face, it’s terrifying to me

By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 15:42 other posts of #578610 
I don't think Trump carries. I'm not even sure he would be allowed to carry.
By dgraff at 24,Jul,24 18:19 other posts of dgraff 
I don’t think he carries a gun either but in the movies he would grab one off the secret service guys trying to protect him and return fire
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 21:34 other posts of #578610 
I see. “Trump, Donald Trump. Make my day. Are you feeling lucky, punk?”
By dgraff at 24,Jul,24 23:18 other posts of dgraff 
Now you get the picture

By phart at 22,Jul,24 20:37 other posts of phart 
i am kinda surprised Trump didn't pop back up with a Glock 9 and start shooting back!

By phart at 20,Jul,24 20:25 other posts of phart 
Well, considering everything the man has been through the past few years and even after being shot at he is STILL in the running for Prez, he must want to try to save America,what other reason would anyone take all that shit,plus get shot at, and still be there?
Most folks would have chickened out by now.

it is disappointing that a fellow got less than 500 feet from him and was able to shoot him . Makes me wonder if the ball wasn't dropped on purpose by someone
By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 22:42 other posts of dgraff 
Absolutely that’s what I’m thinking say what you want about Donald Trump but he loves his country all the fingers are being pointed at the Democratic Party for that shooting but hey every failed attempt just makes trump look better and better they tried to scare him away that didn’t work they tried to lock him up that didn’t work they tried to kill him and that didn’t work he’s going to be our next president

By #578610 at 20,Jul,24 22:42 other posts of #578610 
I think he's running to win and pardon himself. If he loses he will be prosecuted.
By Cody8789 at 20,Jul,24 23:05 other posts of Cody8789 
No president will ever be prosecuted

By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 21:40 other posts of dgraff 
He better be running to win I’m counting on him to straighten things out
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 15:43 other posts of #578610 
Dgraff, if you are talking about stiffies, he's ugly as crap.

By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 21:43 other posts of dgraff 
So let’s give Joe Biden a moment of silence while we reflect back on the great things he accomplished in the last 3 years
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Nope sorry I’ve got nothing
By phart at 22,Jul,24 23:23 other posts of phart 
I think I just heard some crickets.
By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 00:10 other posts of Cody8789 
Wow, I’m really not a Biden fan and I found quite a few things Biden had done for the American people too many to post. If you google and verify like I did, you will see what he has accomplished. As has most presidents do. Even trump has many accomplishments. Anyone can google, but verifying the facts, is just as easy to do. Too bad he couldn’t get the border under control three years ago before the influx of sh!t coming into this country
By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 00:22 other posts of dgraff 
I know he pulled us out of Afghanistan so fast that people were hanging on to the wings trying to get out of there and they were dropping off to their death
I know he left important pieces of equipment like black hawk helicopters sit over there with the keys in the ignition as if to say come get me isis and alqaeda
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 13:33 other posts of #578610 
And that defines his presidency?
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Like most president’s achievements, even Trump’s, most people are not aware what they brought to the table. Check this out:
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I find that most people fixate on what is important to them and forget everything else. I think your fixation is, “I was better off at the start of Trump’s presidency and I’m not now”.
Ok, good point, but, the majority of the country, 50%+1 at least, disagree with you. Also, the 600K+ dead Americans, victims of Covid 19, would agree too.
By phart at 23,Jul,24 14:42 other posts of phart 
Covid was a terrorist attack on the world by china. to Blame Trump is just using him for a scape goat.
Trump was ill advised and what few times he was advised by someone outside the circle he was called a idiot or worse.
So many things like the studys on the "vaccine" won't be public for 75 years, is that Trumps fault that we can't learn the truth about the shot that was made quick?
Covid should not define Trumps presidency either.
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 15:19 other posts of #578610 
What China did or didn't do, it doesn't take away that Trump mishandled the whole situation IN THIS COUNTRY.
By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 19:29 other posts of dgraff 
I seem to remember something to the effect that trump tried to warn everyone that it was coming way before it got to the United States he even asked congress for funding to prepare and they voted in down Joe Biden himself said trump was just being paranoid
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 20:17 other posts of #578610 
I remember him saying that it was a strong flu and would go away in a few weeks. He's also that shut down the department that deals with pandemics.
By phart at 23,Jul,24 21:05 other posts of phart 
fauchi told him 15 days would stop the spread,then it was 30 days to stop the spread,i remember getting the card in the mail with Pence's picture on it asking us all to shut down for 30 days to stop the spread,all the while fauchi said for 2 months we didn't need mask,
for a fucking AIR BORNE issue???
Trump may not have made everyone happy, but the staff he tried to trust fucked him over.
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 21:28 other posts of #578610 
Still, it was on his term of office. Like Truman said, "The buck stops here.".
By phart at 24,Jul,24 01:45 other posts of phart 
but most of it was not his fault.
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 13:20 other posts of #578610 
Ok. Now imagine this. Don't change a single thing except everything that happened had happened with a Hilary Clinton win. Or, same scene. Nothing changes but Biden was phe president. Or, Obama.
Would you still say it wasn't his/her fault? I think not. Trump throws everyone under the bus. HE IS NEVER TO BLAME.

By phart at 23,Jul,24 02:25 other posts of phart 
On a more serious note, has anyone used the Relaxuim sleep pills they advertise on tv? I have been having trouble sleeping for months now, and it's not a guilty conscience or anything, it is stress and worry, and i need some friggen sleep. i get about 4 to 5 hours of sleep and i either am sitting up or laying in the bed tossing,turning,farting.I want to be SNORING. so if this pill on tv don't work,what does?

I mean really, I feel like the energizer bunny for about 2 hours then the rest of the day I feel like i have ran a marathon around new york. It has to be because of not enough sleep.
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 03:49 other posts of bella! 
Have you ever taken Benadryl? The active ingredient is diphenhydramine which is an antihistamine; "It can treat pain and itching caused by insect bites, minor cuts, burns, poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac when applied topically. In its oral form, it can treat hay fever, allergies, cold symptoms, and INSOMNIA. In its injected form, it can treat severe allergic reactions, motion sickness, and symptoms of Parkinson's disease." Bottom line, it's effective as well as an inexpensive treatment for your sleepless nights, but first check with physician. "Common side effects include feeling sleepy, dizzy or unsteady on your feet. You may also have difficulty concentrating and have a dry mouth. You can become dependent on diphenhydramine if you take it continuously for a period of time. It may also stop working as well."
By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 19:37 other posts of dgraff 
I can’t take Benadryl for some reason it makes me mean like i want to pick a fight over anything mean

By whatsupcocks at 23,Jul,24 11:44 other posts of whatsupcocks 
Try Meditation. There are classes you can take. You may find that peace your looking for. I wish you luck.
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 21:18 other posts of bella! 
Hey, whatsupcock, thanks for your input! As you see, admin also suggests that phart try meditation. Great minds think alike!
By whatsupcocks at 23,Jul,24 22:16 other posts of whatsupcocks 
Your welcome. 2023 was a ruff one for me. After losing 6 loved one's in one year, I felt like I was going to end up in a rubber room. Meditation helped me from going and doing something stupid.
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 22:42 other posts of bella! 
Again, thank you for sharing, sharing something so very personal.
By phart at 24,Jul,24 01:19 other posts of phart 
Let me be straight up honest, Until you mentioned it, I would have never thought about meditation. I always thought that was for marial artist or monks or , but since you all mentioned it,I will do some reading about it.
I hope it aint to hard to do>
Ok, so a quick google and youtube thing, I can lay flat of my back and try to be still, i might can do that, thanks for the tips. I will see what happens.It is hard to picture a redneck doing meditation
By whatsupcocks at 24,Jul,24 05:23 other posts of whatsupcocks 
There are many ways to meditation. It's kind of like day dreaming but much deeper. Make sure you practice controlling your breathing. Sometimes when I can't fall a sleep I will take long slow deep breaths. That may not work for you because every one is different but it's worth a try or two. all so there are classes that help you . When I took a marshal arts class they show you and will spend time doing it. It was part of the class. I have rambled on to much all ready. I hope you can get this Snafu in your life put behind you.

By admin at 23,Jul,24 13:23 other posts of admin 
Relaxium pill contains:
L-tryptophan (Amino acid)
GABA (Amino acid)

I say it would be wise to add some B-vitamin complex to it. But overall it looks like it may very well help you if you do not yet have serious conditions like anxiety and depression. If you do, consult a doctor. Mild tranquilizers or anti-depressants may be necessary. Anyway, don't wait too long if you do not see changes to better. Sleep issues tend to worsen over time and form bad sleeping patterns that are hard to overturn.
By phart at 23,Jul,24 14:38 other posts of phart 
thank you sir
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 18:56 other posts of bella! 
See, phart, admin is concerned about your well-being because you are such a big contributor.

By admin at 23,Jul,24 13:26 other posts of admin 
Also, for better relaxation I would recommend some form of "nidra yoga" meditation.

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Just pick whichever one works best for you from the list.

It will not help though if the underlying condition is somewhat serious. It will help you to fall asleep anyway, but you will still be waking up too early.

By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 13:43 other posts of #578610 
Be careful Phart. My mom started with sleeping pills, graduated to Valium, and never recovered.
By phart at 23,Jul,24 14:37 other posts of phart 
that's why I want something that is non addictive, i understand exactly what you are saying and thanks for being real and telling me.i hope we can all prevent bad situations the same way. '
I am just trying to find a positive solution to a issue that is bothering me, the dr just ignored my complaints the last 2 times I went to the dr. same with the loss of strength and mobility in my hands, stiff and can't hardly make a fist most of the time anymore.
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 15:20 other posts of #578610 
Maybe you need a second opinion?
By phart at 23,Jul,24 18:26 other posts of phart 
I could and guess i should but previous experiance has taught me it may be a waste of time.
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 18:41 other posts of #578610 
I have had a lot of experience dealing with doctors. My dad went through that and there were times I wanted to strangle them. Don't give in. On the average it takes five or more different doctors before you find one that really listens to you.

By bella! at 23,Jul,24 18:53 other posts of bella! 
This title says a mouthful; "Secret Service director steps down after assassination attempt against ex-President Trump at rally"

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By phart at 23,Jul,24 21:53 other posts of phart 
she needed to go, but I think folks higher need to go to that denied protection to Trump and family
By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 22:02 other posts of Cody8789 
Secret service are supposed to be the best we have, how can they get relaxed to the point that not only the three buildings were not secure, but neither was the water tower, come on s.s. Do your job and stop putting the blame on the local police.
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 22:40 other posts of bella! 
Did you happen to catch Marjorie Taylor Greene question Kimberly Cheatle about the debacle? Cheatle would not respond.

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By phart at 24,Jul,24 01:17 other posts of phart 
Water tower? holy crap, they didn't secure a water tower? how DUMB can you get?
The few that were right there near Trump seemed to do what they were meant to do as fast as they could be expected to but the lapse is somewhere up the ladder,as in who would say, "don't send anymore men" or similar.

By phart at 24,Jul,24 01:31 other posts of phart 
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By bella! at 23,Jul,24 22:56 other posts of bella! 
"The U.S. Postal Service is honoring late "Jeopardy!" host Alex Trebek with a new forever stamp and celebrated the pop culture icon in a dedication ceremony Monday. The new stamps will be available in a set of 20 designed to resemble a "Jeopardy!" game board with its eye-catching, signature blue video screens."

By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 20:54 other posts of kebmo 
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By phart at 23,Jul,24 21:03 other posts of phart 

By bella! at 23,Jul,24 21:14 other posts of bella! 
kebmo, just an f.y.i., I posted this 2 hours ago. Looks like some of my posts go unnoticed.
By phart at 23,Jul,24 21:53 other posts of phart 
Sometimes I post things only to find they were posted earlier.

By phart at 19,Jul,24 20:17 other posts of phart 
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By bella! at 23,Jul,24 19:00 other posts of bella! 
And I thought that the voice of Alexa was AI.

By bella! at 23,Jul,24 18:59 other posts of bella! 
I want a cat like this!

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By bella! at 23,Jul,24 00:49 other posts of bella! 
Listening to Sirius XM this afternoon, it was reported that Bruce Springsteen is a BILLIONAIRE!
By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 01:28 other posts of kebmo 
I am a huge fan of classic rock music, but Bruce Springsteen never did it for me.
Ditto for Rush.
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 03:53 other posts of bella! 
Bruce Springsteen is okay but is really not one of my favorites either. I'm just blown away to hear that his net worth is $1.1 BILLION!

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By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 17:11 other posts of #578610 
I tried to leave a public message on a lady's page and it said I'm spamming. Is there a limit to how many is allowed per day? It was my third one.
By Cody8789 at 22,Jul,24 19:51 other posts of Cody8789 
No, just un click and reclick the submit button and it will go through.
By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 20:27 other posts of #578610 

By White_Mamba at 22,Jul,24 03:35 other posts of White_Mamba 
I have a question for my frinds concerning a member on the site known as BJUK. He says he's a man but according to his pictures I was wondering.

You see, the pictures he has looks like an overgrown clitoris and not a penis. Nothing can be that small, dude its a clit. I was wondering according to site rules that if you have a clit you should be moved over to the cunt site?

I've been an xray tech for over 25 years. In order for me to get my license anatomy was a strict requirement. I can tell you from my experience that it is a clitoris, not a dick. No Way Man.

He says he wants to be king but I think he would be more suited as the queen of the site..

By bella! at 19,Jul,24 14:37 other posts of bella! 
"You can't argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”

~ Mark Twain
By phart at 19,Jul,24 15:49 other posts of phart 
You can't squeeze blood out of a turnip either,but it sure feels good to squeeze that sumbitch till it turns to mush!

By Jamie at 18,Jul,24 19:31 other posts of Jamie 
Look what I found dgraff /[deleted image]

By Jamie at 16,Jul,24 12:57 other posts of Jamie 
[deleted image]
By dgraff at 16,Jul,24 13:36 other posts of dgraff 
I seen that on Facebook this morning funniest thing I’ve seen
By Jamie at 16,Jul,24 13:52 other posts of Jamie 
There where I got it. Thought it be funny to post it here
By dgraff at 16,Jul,24 14:30 other posts of dgraff 
It’s hilarious
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Look up Graffs garage on Facebook and send me a friend request

By phart at 16,Jul,24 13:43 other posts of phart 
would be funny if not so close to reality.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 13:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
AI making wonderful creations again.
But, OMG, what is that horrible tumor supposed to be?
Some ridiculously gigantic dick, or their satanic baby, or the 1979 alien?

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 17,Jul,24 20:11 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
This one cracked me up:

By Jamie at 17,Jul,24 21:16 other posts of Jamie 

By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 08:45 other posts of dgraff 
That’s hilarious

By bella! at 09,Jul,24 00:35 other posts of bella! 
Looks like my post(s) Sir-Skittles blog as well tecsan's blog hit a sore spot. Yep, only my post went POOF in Skittles blog and the entire nonsensical blog posted by tecsan went POOF!, too.
By tecsan at 09,Jul,24 03:51 other posts of tecsan 
Remember I did say it would be there briefly. I figured two hours. But you know why I left it longer. If you want to discuss it further you know how to get in touch with me.
By bella! at 09,Jul,24 04:18 other posts of bella! 
If you wanted to engage in a discussion about your rationale aka "comment" of;

"Admin asks for money to keep the site going and also line his! pockets. Just asking does not prove a thing. Show me why this account should be deleted. It was created 06-01-24 but that really should not matter. I know admin does not like solicitation without paying for the ad first, but he did not offer to provide services. I will post a screenshot of the post in question for a brief time on my blog. Under the title of several ? marks"

The time for discussion was when my post was visible on your blog which you had not yet deleted. There is no need to discuss anything with you now.
By tecsan at 09,Jul,24 08:24 other posts of tecsan 
But I think you of all people knew what I meant by briefly. But if you want to be that way it is ok. I thought I would be over ruled in 1-2 hours and I was going to delete it. But as you saw it was very questionable and very few wanted to get involved. It was not you, skittles or freddy that got me to delete it. I stick to my word.

By tecsan at 10,Jul,24 02:49 other posts of tecsan 
I felt that comment did not belong in public. However; I guess you do. Are you going to tell the back story why you posted it? I really do not care. But some of that was for voting members only and that is the people I posted it for and they would have known. Others had no business with the info. I see you also sparked a few like anuslicker with it. BTW, you verify him first and stop telling him to get me to first and you will be second and you know someone to do the third.
By bella! at 16,Jul,24 12:00 other posts of bella! 
Regarding your comment/reason that accommodated your vote, my opinion, you just plain ol' missed the boat. Really, do you truly feel or believe that admin "asks" for money? And to say he "lines his pockets", yeah, I bet all your $34.95's" coupled with all of my "$34.95's" made him a rich man and he was able to retire early. Yeah, he's probably relaxing on his own private and picturesque island somewhere, sipping on a cocktail garnished with fresh fruit and a pretty paper umbrella. Are you for real?

By the way, you thick headed dumbass, I did reach out to Ananas2xLekker with the following message;

Jul 4, 13:47 bella!: From your list of friends, PITBULL, tecsan and UnderCoverAngel would be able to help you with verification.

Jul 4, 13:45 bella!: By the way, I believe you are real And have verified you. You might want to reach out to two more members to obtain your green tick/verification status.

I was the first to verify him and suggested that he reach out to HIS FRIENDS for additional help. Looking at his list of friends, which only appeared to include 3 members that were verified, he seems to be carrying a lot of DEAD WEIGHT if you know what I mean. What a wake up call this should be for him because if I were him, I would trim my list of anyone who is a friend in name only.
By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Jul,24 13:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
At least I'm verified now. When it comes to my friends list, if I remember correctly,
I have never before asked anyone to become my friend and I have never removed anyone from my friends list. I'm a bit timid in that way.
By bella! at 16,Jul,24 21:58 other posts of bella! 
Dump the dead weight, get rid of (in alphabetical order) PITBULL, tecsan and UnderCoverAngel. What you do for them is far greater than anything they could ever do for you.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 13:27 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Thanks for the advise, but I think it's impolite to dump them.
Tecsan is definitely not 'dead weight'. We talk a lot in the PM's.
Sure, we disagree on almost everything, but sometimes we surprise each other.

I was so bold to ask two members, who I like, to become friends.

By tecsan at 18,Jul,24 08:07 other posts of tecsan 
My comment went above your head obviously. I meant admin offers a service (this site). Now the other person you chose to vote off did not offer a service. You admitted it yourself on the panel that you voted the way you did because someone else did. Sorry, I follow what is proven and right.

By admin at 14,Jul,24 10:57 other posts of admin 
1. If there is anything written on this site that asks to pay money for it, I would like to know. May be I have forgotten and there is. Some paid services are being offered, sure, but I don't think any of those offers qualify as "asking".

2. Though the statement is rather poorly formulated, he did have a point. I do not ban anyone for business per se, I'm for the freedom of business. I ban for spamming and solicitation. And one single sentence taken out of context is not a proof of that.
By bella! at 14,Jul,24 20:11 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for your response.

So that I am clear, when you say that you do not ban anyone for business, should business be interpreted members selling videos or used underwear, etc?

The act of asking for membership for money "just because" falls under the umbrella of "spamming and solicitation", correct?
By admin at 14,Jul,24 21:12 other posts of admin 
Look, I don't understand why this is so difficult to grasp unless the panel participants want to use my answers to such questions to unfairly remove someone they dislike or to protect someone they favor.

Let's use an analogy. Imagine you own a diner.

Situation 1: Two people come to your diner. Maybe both eat, or one eats while the other just talks, or perhaps they both only ask for water. You don’t mind because there are plenty of empty tables for other customers. They’re discussing business, buying and selling something between themselves. Would you kick them out for that?

Situation 2: A person comes into your diner and, without ordering anything, starts approaching your customers, trying to sell them some random items, like candy or even vouchers for another diner. Wouldn't you kick that person out?
By bella! at 15,Jul,24 04:51 other posts of bella! 
I thoroughly understand your analogy, and with that in mind, I would ask diner #2 to leave. As a business owner I wouldn't want the ambiance of my establishment to be compromised by having my patrons subjected to that annoyance.

I recognize that there are members, paying and non paying, that offer to make special videos for a price, there are members that want to sell their soiled underwear and then there are some members that just want members to give them money for some lame reason or "just because". Of course there are some folks that create a profile just to entice your membership to follow them to another website. This is YOUR website and with the scenarios you presented, I see you as being the proprietor of diner #1.

Bottom line and with regard to this comment that was made within the Evaluation Panel, I was angry that someone could say something so darn stupid.

"Admin asks for money to keep the site going and also line his! pockets. Just asking does not prove a thing. Show me why this account should be deleted. It was created 06-01-24 but that really should not matter. I know admin does not like solicitation without paying for the ad first, but he did not offer to provide services. I will post a screenshot of the post in question for a brief time on my blog. Under the title of several ? marks"

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 09,Jul,24 23:03 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
My comments on kebmo page must have hit a sore spot as well, because it was deleted.
By bella! at 10,Jul,24 00:58 other posts of bella! 
I'm not sure about what was deleted on kebmo's page, I can only speak about my post(s) in Skittles and tecsan's blogs. My words were not insensitive, harsh, rude, vulgar, etc so I was quite surprised that my posts were deleted. Seems like the fellas were and/or are a bit sensitive.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 10,Jul,24 06:12 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
tecsan likes to comment in mine mainly to fight with Skitz. Yet he ( assuming it’s a he anyway, hard to tell) has it set to friends only for the one he made about me. He says no one cares for my opinions in forums, yet the forum is littered with his.
By tecsan at 10,Jul,24 07:37 other posts of tecsan 
Your assumption is right. I would try harder if I were female trying to convince you I am a male. Sorry you are right with the assumption. Very few care about your opinion and I am having a harder time trying to believe you are female. Hell ask anyone they no I am male. I get varying answers with the question about you. There is no way in hell I could keep up a lie for five years going on six in a few months. Someone would have sought the truth out. Your conspiracy crap is just that CRAP.
By bella! at 10,Jul,24 11:47 other posts of bella! 
Just a question, why would adjust your settings to only allow "friends" to comment on your blogs, pictures or on your wall? That's the same issue you had with Freddy, now known as PITBULL, and that sent you into an ugly spin.
By tecsan at 12,Jul,24 08:05 other posts of tecsan 
Oops, bella! thanks for bringing that to my attention. I did change it from that. I cannot recall doing that.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 10,Jul,24 13:12 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Well usually a clit would define you as being a female. You don’t possess a penis so was just guessing your pronouns are male.
By tecsan at 12,Jul,24 07:51 other posts of tecsan 
You guessed right.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 13,Jul,24 18:32 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Whatever Transan
By tecsan at 14,Jul,24 09:43 other posts of tecsan 
Whatever transexual.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 14,Jul,24 12:20 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Look who’s talking Lady Transana.

By bella! at 17,Jul,24 03:47 other posts of bella! 
I spotted a most curious vehicle on my way to work today. It was a ROSE PEST SOLUTIONS K9 vehicle. What!? This is a residential pest control company that rids your home of the normal stuff, ants, termites, cockroaches, spiders, mice, etc...... So explain to me why there is a need for the dog? Does it enter the home and bark when it detects any of the above critters?
By phart at 17,Jul,24 20:36 other posts of phart 
dogs can find termites better than most other methods.
Dogs are capable of alot more,
We could be using them here in the US for cancer detection if our government would let us.
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By Jamie at 15,Jul,24 13:22 other posts of Jamie 
Why did twinky delete.He made a profile yesterday Was it cat?
By phart at 15,Jul,24 13:42 other posts of phart 
89 years old? Probably

By bella! at 15,Jul,24 22:20 other posts of bella! 
I don't think Twinky is/was CAT. I spoke briefly with Twinky late last night. If it was CAT, that would not have happened.
By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 23:31 other posts of dgraff 
A twinkly cat that’s funny
By bella! at 16,Jul,24 02:44 other posts of bella! 
When someone says Twinky, I immediately think TWINKIE, the snack cake brand by Hostess. The golden yellow sponge cake with creamy white filling/fluff! So yummy!
By dgraff at 16,Jul,24 08:47 other posts of dgraff 
They are good but don’t eat to many they go straight to a woman’s ass
By bella! at 16,Jul,24 11:26 other posts of bella! 
Every man and woman are different, you know that. Some folks are "blessed" with good metabolism and some folks NOT. You talk about a woman's ass, what about a man's beer belly!?
By dgraff at 16,Jul,24 23:27 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah I have one of those I use to have a 6pack now i have the whole keg
By bella! at 16,Jul,24 23:34 other posts of bella! 
You have a beer belly? I think you're yanking my chains, dgraff! If you have a belly it's from all that good cooking that's going on at your house!

I wanna see that belly you claim to have. Have Miss Marcy take a side view pic of what's going on, clothes on please. I don't want to see your bare belly!

By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 11:16 other posts of dgraff 
Wee Willy winky runs through the town up stairs down stairs in his night gown
By bella! at 15,Jul,24 22:23 other posts of bella! 
Uh, what?
By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 23:32 other posts of dgraff 
Don’t mind me it’s the heat
By bella! at 16,Jul,24 02:46 other posts of bella! 
You are so silly! The heat and possibly your age. Someone is going to be another year older really soon.......
By dgraff at 16,Jul,24 08:49 other posts of dgraff 
Yep retirement age
By bella! at 16,Jul,24 11:14 other posts of bella! 
Did you make the decision to retire this year? What really are your plans, to work only 10 hour days instead of your normal 12 hours?

Me, I went back to work again....... I'm a caregiver for a local agency. That's kinda what I have done all my life however this time I'm getting some remuneration. When I was 14 years old, I volunteered at a local "nursing home" until there was a need "closer to home", so to say. My maternal grandfather had just been released from the hospital and my grandmother needed a bit of help at home. Because my father was a HS teacher who had the summer off, he drove me to my maternal grandparent's house and I would "help" my grandmother in whatever way possible. Sometimes it was running up and down stairs with whatever she asked me to do. Sometimes I was dusting and running the vacuum cleaner and sometimes she allowed me to "cook". I remember what my grandfather liked what my grandmother referred to as soft scrambled eggs. Yeah, they were still wet and yucky looking. Sometimes the extent of my cooking was opening, adding water to then heating a can of Campbell's soup! Yeah, I was a regular Chef Boyardi back in the day and I still have the same skill set. Of course I had to go back to school in September and my grandfather died on my 15th birthday that September. I helped take care of my mother while she as well as my father, sisters and I navigated through her cancer. And last summer I was a caregiver turned hospice caregiver for an older guy in town. I figure being a caregiver is my niche or my calling in life so it is back to work for me. Other than going to a nearby pool to swim or walking, it gives my day some purpose and structure and I chose to work only 24 to 28 hours.
By dgraff at 16,Jul,24 12:33 other posts of dgraff 
Me my deal is set in stone way back in March I quit taking in any new work I finished what I had and I started posting all my equipment on marketplace i managed to sell everything off and I got my price for everything I moved out of the shop may 15 th i kept all my hand tools and I setup a small shop in my basement so I’m now working on motorcycles lawnmowers chainsaws weed wacker s and other small items I also kept my welder and I’m making things lawn ornaments trailer hitches and swinging targets for the local shooting range I kept my mountain property and my gun collection but yeah I’m pittaling around at home being creative I’ve already signed up with social security and my first check will be deposited on the third Wednesday of September
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Now it’s time to get my fishing license and get back in touch with nature and my thoughts
By phart at 16,Jul,24 13:25 other posts of phart 
Just be careful of those 69 dollar weedeaters that take 4 hours to make run again! And any 2 cycle that comes thru the door that does not run, remove the muffler and check the cylinder for vertical scaring.

Enjoy retirement,
Bella, caregiving is a great way to help folks but be careful, my former girlfriend worked as a nurse in rest homes and she got close to alot of her patients, and when they died it took a toll on her. Just imagine your grandmother dying twice a month type stress. So be careful, and thanks for trying to be there for the neglected and forgotten.
By dgraff at 16,Jul,24 13:41 other posts of dgraff 
Every time god closes a door he opens another one that he wants us to walk through it’s just another chapter in our lives
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He has his reasons
By phart at 16,Jul,24 13:44 other posts of phart 
yep, just sometimes it is difficult to understand why I had to fall flat of my face when kicked out of 1 door and thru another!
By dgraff at 16,Jul,24 13:45 other posts of dgraff 

By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 20:54 other posts of dgraff 
Who is JD Vance he is going to be trumps running mate
By bella! at 15,Jul,24 22:17 other posts of bella! 
An Ohio Senator.

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By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 23:34 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah I just got a text message from him he sounds like a go getter

By phart at 15,Jul,24 23:37 other posts of phart 
I had heard of him but Damn, you would think Trump would pick someone we would know something about/

By phart at 14,Jul,24 22:04 other posts of phart 
So a local officer has a chance to save 1 man from being killed and 3 others including our President and instead climbs back down the ladder.
"Around 6:10 p.m.
— After rally-goers notice a man climbing on the top of the roof of a nearby building, a local law enforcement officer climbs to the roof, according to two law enforcement officials.

— A man identified by the FBI as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks points his rifle at the officer, who retreats down the ladder, the officials said.

— Crooks then quickly fires, according to the officials who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation"

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The cops hide behind their cars during a shooting at a school in florida, wait to long in Uvaldi and now, can't even save a PRESIDENT????
what is up with "law enforcement".
By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 02:12 other posts of dgraff 
A lot of my friends are cops 👮 and after they locked up cops for trying to subdue George Floyd they are just afraid to get involved anymore
By phart at 15,Jul,24 13:25 other posts of phart 
This is really sad, the Trump supporters actually saw the guy, took photos,tried to get the secret service involved and nothing happened until we about lost Trump
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The head of Homeland security denied Trump added security when it was requested
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Now common sense tells us, a democrat on bidens administration denied protection for a republican candidate.
Blatant disregard for a opponents safety.
I bet if biden ask for more security he would get it.

By CountryCouple54 at 15,Jul,24 15:50 other posts of CountryCouple54 
The officer climbed the ladder, as he reached the top the kid pointed a gun at him. The officer reached for his gun, lost his footing falling to the ground causing injuries. Officers are not scared to engage these situations, it's the outcome that follows. An officer shoots someone, he's on his own. The Union, State, County, City, Mayor, Police Chief, they leave them hung out to dry in fear of losing their own job. What you seen was not the result of the local Sherrifs department. It was piss poor procedures by Trump's staff and Secret Service. How the fuck do you not secure the roof tops of the only buildings with 10 Miles of that field. That's straight up amateur shit right there. One agent could have stood on the roof and secured all of them. Just stupid shit.
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By phart at 14,Jul,24 22:18 other posts of phart 
This is how liberals act in a crisis
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By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 02:20 other posts of dgraff 
The democrats are losing control and they know it the more seats they lose the stronger we become

By phart at 14,Jul,24 22:15 other posts of phart 
Do democrats act like this when tragedy strikes?
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1.6 million raised so far, and it has barely been 24 hours!!

By phart at 14,Jul,24 21:40 other posts of phart 
Hey cat, I know you are out there,
I wanted to make sure you saw how a real leader reacts to a challenge.
This I hope will be our next President
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What do you think the stumbling old man joe would do if his ear got nicked?

By phart at 14,Jul,24 21:04 other posts of phart 
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By dgraff at 14,Jul,24 10:13 other posts of dgraff 
I’m honored Donald Trump came all the way to butler Pennsylvania just to get his right ear pierced by a bullet
Maybe old Joe Biden didn’t break his ties with the Scranton mafia completely

By bella! at 11,Jul,24 02:59 other posts of bella! 
I saw this on YouTube and quite honestly, I'm not sure what might catch my attention first......her lips or her butt. I watched the entire 6 minutes, or so and also was amazed at how often she twisted, flipped or played with her hair.

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By t-rex at 11,Jul,24 03:36 other posts of t-rex 
I just watched this, omg ! To much for me. Way too extreme ? She must be from a rich family, I think she said she has spent over $150,000 on surgeries so far
By bella! at 11,Jul,24 06:59 other posts of bella! 
She did say she spent 150k on her various surgeries. I just can't imagine that that much money was spent and she still looked like a train wreck! It surprises me that a doctor just doesn't say, NO or ENOUGH!

As I recall her "before" pictures, she was an average looking young woman with average sized lips and an average shape. Now....
By t-rex at 11,Jul,24 10:03 other posts of t-rex 
Yes, and she said she is having another bum enlargement, (smh)

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 11,Jul,24 13:18 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
The lips freak me out.
By bella! at 11,Jul,24 15:04 other posts of bella! 
Her appearance was totally over the top! If you were to meet her while she was sitting down, your eyes would go directly to those lips. By the size of her face it would be easily discerned that she has a healthy appetite however that butt! There was a good amount of junk in that trunk! Oi!

I just don't understand why ANYONE would spend excessive amounts of money to achieve results like that. It makes absolutely no sense to me!
By phart at 11,Jul,24 15:58 other posts of phart 
There are so many people with weight issues that would give a million dollars to look as good as she did BEFORE all that surgery. She is a walking freak show and I am willing to bet she will have all kinds of health issues from the surgery's as she gets older because that stuff that is blowing up her butt, can't be healthy.
And i am sorry, but I have to ask, HOW does she stay CLEAN? As in simply wiping her butt? how could she reach it????

By dgraff at 12,Jul,24 00:29 other posts of dgraff 
I just had to look now I wish I hadn’t it’s decussating what is wrong with young people now days
By bella! at 12,Jul,24 02:52 other posts of bella! 
I'm being totally honest, if I saw her on the street, I know that I would discreetly grab a second look.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 12,Jul,24 02:27 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
My significant others cousin had her butt and boobs done and her lips, had a brow lift and also Botox. She looks ridiculous and out of proportion. And then she went back and got her thighs done too. Looks like the Pokйmon character Mew Two.
By bella! at 12,Jul,24 02:48 other posts of bella! 
Does the cousin of your significant other have a significant other? How does he or she feel about the new look?
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 13,Jul,24 18:32 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
No she got dumped
By phart at 13,Jul,24 19:22 other posts of phart 

By BirdDog at 12,Jul,24 04:45 other posts of BirdDog 
yeah, me too!

By kebmo at 14,Jul,24 03:23 other posts of kebmo 
No, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no and no!
By bella! at 14,Jul,24 03:47 other posts of bella! 
Those lips look so kissable, right?
By kebmo at 14,Jul,24 06:33 other posts of kebmo 
Same reply as above! 😄

By dgraff at 12,Jul,24 00:36 other posts of dgraff 
I’m your ice cream man stop me when I’m passing by oh my my I’m your ice cream man stop me when I’m passing bye and if you let me cool you one time you’ll be my regular stop all right boys I got chocolate and vanilla Dixie cups all flavors of push ups to
By bella! at 12,Jul,24 02:49 other posts of bella! 
Oh, Van Halen!
By dgraff at 12,Jul,24 08:35 other posts of dgraff 
It’s been hot out and I guess I was thinking of ice cream

By kebmo at 13,Jul,24 03:36 other posts of kebmo 
Are all your flavours guaranteed to satisfy?
By dgraff at 13,Jul,24 04:40 other posts of dgraff 

By White_Mamba at 12,Jul,24 16:42 other posts of White_Mamba 
I have a question. Why does BJUK act like a cunt-wipe-smear all the time. Once in a while yes but he is cement3ed into the books.
If you call him a cunt he turns into a triple thick cunt. A cunt is a cunt. BJUK fits this decription totally. He's so rude and nasty

By kebmo at 08,Jul,24 15:41 other posts of kebmo 
I just saw on the news that over 2 million people in Texas, primarily in the Houston area, are without power. It’s going to be in the mid to low 30’s (90’s)for the next week so hopefully the power will get up for air-conditioning and refrigeration quickly.
By bella! at 08,Jul,24 16:16 other posts of bella! 
Was that a result of hurricane Beryl?
By kebmo at 08,Jul,24 16:41 other posts of kebmo 
Yes. Think of all the food in restaurants, warehouses and people’s homes that will end up in the garbage. I suppose more than a few people have generators for such occasions.
By phart at 09,Jul,24 23:19 other posts of phart 
well I just read that the idiots in california are going to cut peoples power off from 2 am to 2 pm or so to prevent fires. So we kill off people by spoiling their food, and heat exhaustion??
By kebmo at 10,Jul,24 00:01 other posts of kebmo 
I think you need to confirm if that is factual information. I think you’ll agree that that sounds absurd.
Wherever you read it is probably not a reliable source of factual information.
If you can confirm that and post proof here I will send you a gift! 👍
By phart at 10,Jul,24 02:07 other posts of phart 
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"PG&E has stated that they will likely start shutting off power to these customers somewhere around 2:30 a.m. and 4 a.m. on Tuesday morning.

The electric company will then restore power to its customers by 2 p.m. on Wednesday. "

By phart at 10,Jul,24 02:10 other posts of phart 
may sound absurd to us normal folks that live in area's where the power company takes responsibility's for their right of ways and keep them clean.
BUT you have to remember this is california and they are more concerned about the trees then they are about the people.
So much for all their smog control methods with half the damn state on fire.And I can't find the link right at the moment but colorado is doing similar things with the power for the same reasons.
By kebmo at 10,Jul,24 04:01 other posts of kebmo 
Well you got me but it’s only about 12,000 people
In a state of 50 million and it’s related to idiots
and their fireworks on the Fourth of July.
I live in Alberta and there were forest fires
every summer that cause evacuations. I have never
heard of a preemptive power outage.

Enjoy your gift! 💝

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By phart at 10,Jul,24 10:20 other posts of phart 
well,it's not just california.
december 24th 2022, we were greeted with a 12 hour power outage, it was very cold and the power company was supposedly shifting the outages around to keep folks from being out over 2 hours or so at the time. we were left off for 12 hours. imagine trying to cook Christmas dinner with no electric,and it very cold, i can't remember but seems 20 was a high?
By kebmo at 10,Jul,24 12:51 other posts of kebmo 
Those are called brownouts or rolling blackouts.
By phart at 10,Jul,24 14:19 other posts of phart 
and that day, it SUCKED

By bella! at 10,Jul,24 11:37 other posts of bella! 
This is titled as "seat belt secret". Does the seat belt have any relationship to why the car can be maneuvered while in neutral?

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By phart at 10,Jul,24 14:19 other posts of phart 
It is acting as a harness on a horse pulling a plow,it is another contact point for your body to help push the jeep.
in this case it also keeps you in a postion to steer and your body can push.
1 issue I see is if you trip, fart and fall,as i do often, you will get drug to where ever it stops.

By phart at 10,Jul,24 13:47 other posts of phart 
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By bella! at 06,Jul,24 22:44 other posts of bella! 
Member #717506, Wife+Hubby, has deleted.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 09,Jul,24 00:04 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Oh well.

By tecsan at 09,Jul,24 08:25 other posts of tecsan 
Great news, thanks.

By kebmo at 29,Jun,24 04:57 other posts of kebmo 
She is the person who won on Jeopardy tonight.

Who is Cat?
By bella! at 29,Jun,24 10:23 other posts of bella! 

Are you viewing the Jeopardy that features Ken Jennings, who replaced Alex Trebek or a Canadian something else?
By kebmo at 29,Jun,24 16:53 other posts of kebmo 
Ken Jennings. The winner of yesterday’s game is Cat.
By bella! at 29,Jun,24 17:28 other posts of bella! 
Oh, apparently the Survivor player, Drew Basile lost, yeah? I read some articles that folks didn't like him because he acted like a pompous jerk when he won. By the way, did Jeopardy's Cat look like the CAT who was here?
By kebmo at 29,Jun,24 17:47 other posts of kebmo 
I totally agree with the dislike of Drew. I was really hoping he wouldn’t make it to five games because now we have to see him in the tournament of champions.

Not the same Cat.

By bella! at 29,Jun,24 17:38 other posts of bella! 
I just watched the episode and it is not the same Cat.

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By phart at 29,Jun,24 21:53 other posts of phart 
The last 7 or 8 minutes of that is some barefooted fellow sitting indian style on his couch eating out of a bowel with his hands???

but as for cats, I am concerned, there was a stray cat in my yard last night! Eyes glowing by the golf cart lights, could it be cat has morphed and traveled north?????
By dgraff at 30,Jun,24 23:58 other posts of dgraff 
If it is keep her down there because there’s not enough room for her and myself in Pennsylvania
By phart at 01,Jul,24 01:36 other posts of phart 
since i found out that squirrels eating the insolation off the electric wires is why my neighbors house burned down, I am thinking of getting a cat or 2. keep them chased away. The hawks are not doing their job!
By dgraff at 01,Jul,24 08:38 other posts of dgraff 
Cat’s get fat and lazy i have one it sat and watched a field mouse run by and snickers pounced on it and killed it so get a Rottweiler instead
By phart at 06,Jul,24 21:45 other posts of phart 

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 01,Jul,24 01:30 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
CAT as a cat:

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By phart at 01,Jul,24 01:34 other posts of phart 

By bella! at 01,Jul,24 11:43 other posts of bella! 
That is one ugly ass looking cat.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 01,Jul,24 12:37 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Which one?
By bella! at 01,Jul,24 13:57 other posts of bella! 
Dang, you got me there.

By the way, I noticed that my "predictive text" apparently changed "looking" to "cooking" and for the record, I edited my post to correctly reflect LOOKING.

By bella! at 01,Jul,24 13:55 other posts of bella! 
By the way, kebmo, if this is the Double Jeopardy round, I would say; Alex, I choose "Who is CAT" for $1,000.00.

By bella! at 06,Jul,24 12:05 other posts of bella! 
This looks like a great "trick" to wager money on. 👍

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By kebmo at 06,Jul,24 20:49 other posts of kebmo 
Well not a gambler but if somebody proposed that to me I would immediately know that they know something that I don’t know and I would decline.

By White_Mamba at 06,Jul,24 03:18 other posts of White_Mamba 
From a great profit who once said many years ago:
BJUK is a cunt
That concludes the history lesson for today.
By dgraff at 06,Jul,24 11:41 other posts of dgraff 
Not only a cunt but a big hairy smelly cunt that looks like a bucket of smashed crabs 🦀
By White_Mamba at 06,Jul,24 20:35 other posts of White_Mamba 
Ya think.

By Jamie at 05,Jul,24 21:21 other posts of Jamie 
Now this is funny only registered users can see external links
By dgraff at 05,Jul,24 23:59 other posts of dgraff 
he’s a black woman all right

By kebmo at 04,Jul,24 22:23 other posts of kebmo 
So the men’s Nathan‘s hotdog eating contest in New York today was won by somebody who ate 58 hotdogs in 10 minutes. That’s disgusting. 🤮

The woman’s title was won by a woman who ate 51 hotdogs.
I don’t know why I know this but I just know that somewhere there are guys jerking off while watching her scarf down hotdogs! 🤣
By bella! at 05,Jul,24 05:35 other posts of bella! 
And two hotdogs are too many for me. Every now and again I want a hotdog, whether it be a coney dog, fully dressed with chili, onions and mustard, of course! Or just a good, natural casing dog, cooked on the barbecue grill is yummy!

Regarding somewhere around the world, men jerking off while watching a woman pound down 51 dogs, ewwww.....! Just Ewwww.....!!!!
By dgraff at 05,Jul,24 10:21 other posts of dgraff 
I like to do hotdogs in my blue speckled roster with a bag of sauerkraut on the bottom a 24 jumbo pack of ball park beef franks and another bag of sauerkraut on top of them then heat them in the oven
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Ball park Frank’s they plump when you cook them
By bella! at 05,Jul,24 12:50 other posts of bella! 
Oi! You and your arsenal of catchy commercial hook lines! You're a funny bunny, Mr. dgraff! Yep, a funny bunny!
By dgraff at 05,Jul,24 13:13 other posts of dgraff 
I can just see the dents in my roster forming
By bella! at 05,Jul,24 16:27 other posts of bella! 
You are SO SILLY!

By bella! at 05,Jul,24 16:26 other posts of bella! 
By the way, I enjoy baking a lean pork roast over sauerkraut. So darn good!
By dgraff at 05,Jul,24 19:25 other posts of dgraff 
Yep me too
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And with my leftover sauerkraut I make Rubin sandwiches but cornbeef is way too expensive right now

By kebmo at 05,Jul,24 22:48 other posts of kebmo 
Nothing like a nice plump wiener in your mouth. 😜
By dgraff at 05,Jul,24 23:56 other posts of dgraff 
Mmmmm I can just taste one now

By kebmo at 05,Jul,24 19:05 other posts of kebmo 
Just when you think you’ve heard it all…
Chess boxing.

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By dgraff at 05,Jul,24 10:29 other posts of dgraff 
So now my milk is 4.99 a gallon ten cents more than my gas here is a toll free number to the White House 1-202-456-1111 tell them to quit denying skyrocketing prices and fix this economy now they all ready got an ear full from me
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Donald Trump would be more than happy to help if Joe Biden can’t figure out how
By bella! at 05,Jul,24 12:51 other posts of bella! 
The current president is 100% clueless.
By dgraff at 05,Jul,24 13:17 other posts of dgraff 
This happens all the time
The problem is if you tax the rich heavily and they own all the businesses they will either move to a different country or they will raise their prices to make up the difference if a dumb shop owner can see this why can’t the Democrats

By bella! at 04,Jul,24 17:52 other posts of bella! 
Ex-IRS contractor sentenced to 5 years of prison.

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By bella! at 01,Jul,24 12:07 other posts of bella! 
_AxCx_ posted a blog which mentioned Temu and it has me curious and wondering whether anyone orders from Temu and have they been satisfied with their purchase? One of my friends has purchased through Temu and from what I can see, it's just crap and I do mean CRAP.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 01,Jul,24 12:47 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I did when it first launched. I saw some hair thing on instagram. I had to order a minimum.I ordered these patterned fishnets for Halloween, the hair thing, and some Sanrio stickers for my desk . The stickers were okay, as were the fishnets but the hair thing sucked and didn’t work.

I deleted the app from my phone and cleared my cache after.

Here’s an article about TEMU: only registered users can see external links
By bella! at 01,Jul,24 13:48 other posts of bella! 
My friend has purchased through Temu for well over one year and I can't say that I've ever thought of anything as a "great buy" or a "bargain".

Last year she was proud to reveal that she snagged two cross body "leather" purses for some ridiculous price, like $14.95. She showed them to me, they felt like vinyl, they smelled like vinyl, dammit, they were vinyl. She showed me the description which asserted they were "leather" and yes, the description indicated they were PU (polyurethane) "leather". For my birthday, she gave me a "sterling silver" necklace, very pretty and I wear it all the time. On an aside, for driving and distance I wear eyeglasses, when I'm not using them, for convenience I will hang them off of the neckline of whatever I'm wearing. My eyeglasses have two small magnets, one on each side, to attach the sunglass thingy to. So here's where this detail is going day I missed my neckline and my darn eyeglasses magnetically grabbed the so-called "sterling silver" necklace. The necklace is pretty, it's shiny, it hasn't turned my neck green (yet) however it is questionable whether it's sterling silver or just silver in color.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 01,Jul,24 14:09 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
You can always brush it with clear nail polish to keep it from turning green.
By bella! at 02,Jul,24 02:58 other posts of bella! 
I do purchase jewelry that I like that is classified as costume jewelry. If it discolors, I might be saddened, but it's then "retired" and tossed.

By Ananas2xLekker at 01,Jul,24 14:56 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
There's lots of stuff getting delivered here from Temu, but it's my girlfriend that orders it. Sometimes it's crap, but more often she likes it. She just got a dress that she's happy with.

I have never ordered anything myself from Temu, but it looks very similar to AliExpress,
of which I have ordered some things. For example, several LED light modules that I can only find on AliExpress, which are also very cheap. I have not found those on Temu yet. That would be nice, because Temu has faster shipping.
By bella! at 02,Jul,24 03:20 other posts of bella! 
My post about Temu is based on the several things she's shown me that she has purchased. I actually don't know what she's paid for those things however I subscribe to the idea that you get what you pay for.

The crossbody purses that she bought were definitely not leather. Did she pay $5.00 for them? I don't know. She did buy what I thought was a cute one piece lounge outfit. She ordered what she thought would fit her but apparently it didn't. She didn't like how the smocking grabbed her and the garment was too short. She asked me if I wanted it and like I said, very cute so I was excited having the opportunity to try it on. So strange, I wasn't able to discern which was the front versus what was the back. I stepped in through the neckline pulled it up and the left shoulder kept slipping down off my shoulder. I stepped out, spun the garment around, pulled it back up and BOOM!, now the right shoulder kept slipping down. When I took the garment off, it didn't take much to detect what the problem was. In my opinion, the garment was irregular as one shoulder had a longer length of elastic than the other side.

As for quick shipping, she recently purchased some type of screening for her outdoor porch patio area. This screening was under $20.00, it took 5 weeks to get to her and came in some makeshift box that was held together with yards upon yards of cellophane packing tape.

By kebmo at 01,Jul,24 01:50 other posts of kebmo 
Saxx men’s underwear was originally pitched on
Dragons Den, Canada‘s version of Shark Tank.
He was declined by everyone but the viewing
audience had other plans for his company.

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By bella! at 01,Jul,24 11:52 other posts of bella! 
Very cool! Although it seems that you choose to be naked rather than being clothed, there probably is a time when you wear underwear. I'm curious, do you own any Saxx men's underwear and if you do, what are your thoughts?
By kebmo at 01,Jul,24 17:07 other posts of kebmo 
I do have two pairs. I bought them because of all the hype but I prefer Joe Boxers.

By bella! at 01,Jul,24 12:12 other posts of bella! 
Yesterday our high temperature was 64 degrees. It's currently 8:12am and it's only 52 degrees. This is summer, dammit!

By bella! at 27,Jun,24 02:30 other posts of bella! 
I want to bitch about the price of gasoline in my town. It's freakin' $3.899 per gallon and that's crazy!
By #717506 at 27,Jun,24 02:42
Winging Americans 🤭

I paid $8.286 per American gallon just yesterday at my local servo 🦘 $2.189 per Lt & that's only for 91 octane, the cheapest one before the sugar shit
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With the fuel light on in my Mazda 3, its a modern one, cost $100 bucks to fill usually, gets me bit over 450km (280 miles)
By bella! at 27,Jun,24 09:25 other posts of bella! 
Currently, the Australian dollar is 0.67 to USD.

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And just an f.y.i., the Canadian dollar appears to be stronger than the Australian dollar.

By phart at 29,Jun,24 21:54 other posts of phart 
it took 105 to fill my truck last week at 3.24 a gallon.
By #717506 at 29,Jun,24 22:01
Fuck, how big is the tank, what sort of truck is it 🤷‍♀️
By phart at 29,Jun,24 23:43 other posts of phart 
just a dodge, 1/2 ton ,34 gallon tank.
By #717506 at 30,Jun,24 00:26
So when you say 1/2 ton is that load capacity, like most of our utes over here (pickups/trucks what I'm figuring your speaking about saying truck) are rated to 1 ton capacity, its a tax thing for tradies mostly, covers our 4 door utes as well so they can use it for a familly trucsker, I'd actually like to see one loaded with a measured ton though 🤣🤣
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You guys would be imperial or US ton I would imagine, our metric ton is different I think, but not to much, could be bothered Google at the moment on phone (cell 🤭
By phart at 30,Jun,24 00:45 other posts of phart 
Well that is the label the factory puts on it, if you buy tags for weight the trucks will handle much more, this week it will have a total vehicle weight about 5 tons for about 350 miles.

my older truck has dual tanks, about 37 gallons total

By #717506 at 29,Jun,24 22:20
Filled up last night fuel light on, fuel has come down a little $7.91 a gallon ($2.089 Lt) $93.99 a tank, -$4.05 discount with my Uber tier 🥳.

Since doing food/alcohol delivery, the biggest expense is fuel of course, so keep a closer eye on these these days, so they advertise $2.08 per lt, but your actually charged $2.089 per lt, they all do it, just another fuel rip off charging more or less a unadvertised 1c per lt more
By phart at 30,Jun,24 22:00 other posts of phart 
just curious, electric charging, how do your electric rates compare with ours? similar?
By #717506 at 30,Jun,24 23:04
Fuck thanks for reminding me, I have a bill due this week.

I don't understand my electricity bill, there are different rates at different times & stuff, this bill is $300 for a 1/4, I'll PM you a screen shot of the figures if you wanted to continue the conversation here if you can make head or tail of it, it would be interesting to see a comparison actually, since our fuel is at least twice of yours by look.

By #717506 at 30,Jun,24 23:14
I sent you a copy, FYI even though I don't understand the guts of my bill, that is the cheapest provider, well maybe that's not quite the right term, the power comes from the government at it source, the people that charge, would they be better described as vendors maybe 🤷‍♀️

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That's the mob there if you were interested
By phart at 01,Jul,24 01:37 other posts of phart 
OH, that is a quarter?? Ok we get ours every 30 days so your electric is cheaper than ours for sure.

By bella! at 30,Jun,24 00:52 other posts of bella! 
By phart at 30,Jun,24 02:57 other posts of phart 
yea, and in about 500 or so miles, fill it up again.
of course I don't drive alot all the time,truck may sit 4 or 5 days, if I make a local run, i use the old 1 that does a bit better on gas.

By phart at 27,Jun,24 03:16 other posts of phart 
was 2.99 to 3.04 yesterday, 3.45 or so today. I filled for 3.24 at a bp with the card that saves me 15 cent,but still to damn high.
By #717506 at 27,Jun,24 03:52
I don't know what it like over there but they blame the Ukraine war effecting the price of a barrel of crude here, its just a fucking excuse, the war hasn't been going on forever.

Doesn't Diesel come from the same barrel 🤷‍♀️

So why would it be that diesel sits steady in price & our unleaded for example at its cheapest $1.79lt to $2.49Lt its all just bullshit & lies 🤷‍♀️
By Cody8789 at 27,Jun,24 04:35 other posts of Cody8789 
It’s all about making money

By phart at 27,Jun,24 15:22 other posts of phart 
diesel is the lower teer product not far up from motor oil. used to be way cheaper than gas.
By #717506 at 30,Jun,24 11:19
There maybe but here diesel here typically was always more expensive that guzzaleen, diesel is still more expensive when our guzzaleen is cheap, but when our guzzaleen is expensive diesel is cheaper than it. Diesel seems to be fixed, more or less, but guzzaleen goes up & down.

The excuse we get on the cost of guzzaleen & it's fluctuation is because of the fluctuating price on a barrel of crude.

Both guzzaleen & diesel come from the same barel, so the whole fucking thing is bare faced lies 🤷‍♂️

By bella! at 27,Jun,24 09:11 other posts of bella! 
Gas has been crazy high here. In a small city 8 miles north of me, their gas was $3.359 when ours was $3.699. On Monday, the price of gas in my town went up not pennies, but 20 cents per gallon and that's a big jump!

By Cody8789 at 27,Jun,24 05:01 other posts of Cody8789 
By #717506 at 27,Jun,24 07:37
⚫️ mines bigger

By bella! at 27,Jun,24 08:48 other posts of bella! 
What is the cost of "regular unleaded" in your neck of the woods?
By Cody8789 at 27,Jun,24 22:39 other posts of Cody8789 
In ft,lauderdale the gas prices ar between 3.19-3.35 for regular at most stations, 93 octane, which I use is running about 3.99 a gal. Still sounds cheap compares to prices in Europe and Australia.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 27,Jun,24 22:54 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Just use the phone numbers of your elderly relatives. I type their numbers in at the pump and use their fuel points.

By bella! at 27,Jun,24 23:11 other posts of bella! 
Yeah, that's a way to solve the problem.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 27,Jun,24 23:15 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I’m kidding. But I have a Costco membership and use the discount for fuel.
By bella! at 28,Jun,24 00:12 other posts of bella! 
Oh, I knew you were just kidding. Strangely, I have memberships to BJ's, Costco and Sam's Club. BJ's is the closest and it's slightly more than 20 miles away. By the time I drive for their more cost effective gas and return home, I've driven 40 miles, used 1.5 gallons of gas and probably a total of 45 minutes of my time. I'm serious, I live in BF Nowhere....

By bella! at 27,Jun,24 23:10 other posts of bella! 
And in the Fort Lauderdale area and as in Fort Myers area, both tourist destinations, I would anticipate higher gas prices. This is a little Podunk town in Michigan and I DO NOT understand why gasoline has to be $3.899, that seems unreasonably high.
By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 06:40 other posts of Cody8789 
Blame that on the president and opec.

By dgraff at 30,Jun,24 23:54 other posts of dgraff 
We are bouncing around the same price range in Pennsylvania 3.79 per gallon

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