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Where are all the hairy guys?

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Started by #39904 at 04,Jan,10 17:04
Don't get me wrong...I love checking out all of the cool pics--shaved and unshaved-- but it seems like the trend is to go all hairless, and I happen to be a guy who finds pubic hair to be VERY sexy. (Like to run my fingers through chest hair and LOVE the way cock hair tickles my nose!). Is it just me, or do other guys here like a hairy crotched man? Wouldn't mind hearing from the ladies, too!

Similar topics: 1.Bear cubs... (Young hairy guys)   2.Hairy men   3.Hairy MEN   4.HAIRY DICKS   5.guys i need hairy cock porn  

New Comment

By cut5x5 at 30,Apr,19 21:57 other posts of cut5x5 
I got a hairy one!

By toohey at 22,Apr,19 12:30 other posts of toohey 
I'm here (almost by definition )

By #518391 at 22,Apr,19 15:14
You have the advantage of a hairy belly and chest too...
By 3fdfd at 30,Apr,19 10:44 other posts of 3fdfd 
I agree

By Louis at 28,Apr,19 11:09 other posts of Louis 
By 3fdfd at 30,Apr,19 10:43 other posts of 3fdfd 
That's hairy

By #567127 at 26,Apr,19 12:07
I shaved it once, and I won't do it again!

[deleted image]

By jd1979 at 22,Apr,19 14:40 other posts of jd1979 

By #518391 at 22,Apr,19 11:38
Here I am..
[deleted image]

By jayman73 at 19,Jun,15 21:14 other posts of jayman73 
By 3fdfd at 22,Apr,19 11:24 other posts of 3fdfd 
You always look great

By marc66 at 24,Jun,15 20:50 other posts of marc66 
By 3fdfd at 22,Apr,19 11:22 other posts of 3fdfd 
That is a super cock

By #553294 at 08,Apr,18 20:24
Shaved all of my pubes back in my late 20s, on request of my girlfriend at the time. Found it way too much of a hassle to keep it short enough to keep me from feeling all itchy & scratchy down there, so I let 'em grow wild again & have ever since.

More recently, I learned that less than 2% of the world population has red hair. Even fewer also have red pubes (most redheads do NOT have red pubes). And I learned that the rarest hair/eye color combo is red hair w/blue eyes.

Only a tiny fraction of redheads has blue eyes. And a MUCH smaller fraction has red hair, red pubes, and blue eyes - the rarest hair/pube/eye color combination in the world.

I happen to be a redhead with red pubes and blue eyes. Once I found out how few of us exist, I knew that I'd never shave my pubes again!

Here are some pics of my modest package & untrimmed ginger pubes. What do you think? Hairy enough?

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 22,Apr,19 11:21 other posts of 3fdfd 
Very nice

By 3fdfd at 22,Apr,19 11:18 other posts of 3fdfd 
Guys just look better hairy but I can understand the need to trim things up a bit sometimes.

By Louis at 22,Apr,19 11:00 other posts of Louis 

By #275407 at 21,Apr,19 18:47
In the forest with all the other apes

By #584883 at 21,Apr,19 18:15
Am a proud Hairy Chested Bear!! Check out my Pics!!

By Toasty at 08,Apr,18 21:17 other posts of Toasty 
I too think that hair is kind of sexy.

By #460385 at 08,Apr,18 20:25
At the barber shop.

By #518391 at 08,Apr,18 10:33
Hairy enough?
[deleted image]
By pifad at 08,Apr,18 17:01 other posts of pifad 

By pifad at 27,Jan,10 15:47 other posts of pifad 
No man can be too hairy. Toss those razors in the trash!
By #550094 at 08,Apr,18 14:59
Yaaaaassss, I agree!

By #550094 at 08,Apr,18 10:08
View my pics in my profile.

The Furrier the better for me!
Like I always say, Furry Critters have More Fun!

By cut5x5 at 28,Oct,16 21:49 other posts of cut5x5 
My hairy hard wet one.

[deleted image]

By hotlicker69 at 28,Oct,16 17:28 other posts of hotlicker69 

By #460385 at 28,Oct,16 17:22
At the barber shop.

By hairypussywife at 28,Oct,16 00:49 other posts of hairypussywife 
I'm hairy and so is my wife!

By #519017 at 27,Oct,16 21:55
Here I am! As hairy as they come.

By #316057 at 01,Jul,15 06:14
[deleted image] Here fuck the barber shop.

By #460385 at 26,Jun,15 03:34
At the barber shop.

By Blade at 26,Jun,15 02:51 other posts of Blade 
I've got plenty. sigh....

By xxx25 at 24,Jun,15 14:18 other posts of xxx25 
My furry dick

By soundsgreat87 at 23,Jun,15 05:14 other posts of soundsgreat87 
I'm pretty hairy

By foreskinlover52 at 20,Jun,15 03:00 other posts of foreskinlover52 

I love unshaven

By palunko at 20,Jun,15 00:02 other posts of palunko 

Not the hairiest guy here but I have some hair

By #460385 at 19,Jun,15 15:07
They're all at the barber shop.

By doedeldi at 19,Jun,15 13:45 other posts of doedeldi 

By #653 at 07,Jan,10 20:36
here is one ....
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 10,Jun,15 13:31 other posts of 3fdfd 
very nice !

By foreskinlover52 at 07,Jun,15 15:40 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I love hairy on both males and females..

By #204188 at 07,Jun,15 14:45
I'm very hairy [deleted image]

By Oralanus at 15,Jan,10 20:40 other posts of Oralanus 
My but and dick are hairy

By #26554 at 08,Jan,10 22:07
I am a huge fan of chest hair, also love it trimmed. But for me, a guy NEEDS to have pubic hair. Maybe 'trimmed' a little but certainly not manscaped. Happy to see more like minded guys here too.
By soulpioneer at 11,Jan,10 10:45 other posts of soulpioneer 
Amen on the pubic hair. I like it trimmed down some, but doesnt have to be a total shave job,..leave some of what Mother Nature gave u.

By soulpioneer at 06,Jan,10 04:01 other posts of soulpioneer 
I like a guy with some hair,...chest, stomach (very manly) but prefer pubic hair cut back some, not too bushy, well kept. I'm moderately hairy and trim/pluck pubic hairs as needed.

By #38932 at 04,Jan,10 20:12
I'm pretty hairy in all of my pics!

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