Vintage sex cartoon movie from 1920:
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I love finding out how people had sex in the past:
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No matter how far back you go into the history, 2000, 3000, 10 thousand, 50 thousand ... years, you'll realize that people wanted to fuck and they did fuck, regardless of prohibitions and religions and restrictions. So, why not accept it globally and end bad attitudes towards sex?
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only registered users can see external links This beauty is from 160 years ago.
only registered users can see external links This doggie style fucking is from 2 thousand years ago.
only registered users can see external links This mutual masturbation scene is from 2.5 thousand years ago.

This goddess showing her cunt is from 4 thousand years ago.
Feel free to contribute with other fucking images or stories of the remote or not-so-remote past.
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Please admire Asianwife's sexy boobs because they'll remain in history as being representative of what men want in the 21st century.
World shortest statement on pornography and the beginning of fleas:
Adam had йm
Cover of a sex book from 1677
"The School of Venus, or The Ladies Delight, Reduced into Rules of Practice"
by Michel Millot (French), translated into English soon thereafter (1680).
The 166-page manual aimed to elucidate the "this mysterie of fucking", and was so startlingly graphic
It was known to the Member of Parliament, Samuel Pepys only registered users can see external links who used it for his sexual pleasure. Pepys used to bring a telescope in the church to observe women's boobs and buttocks.
School Of Venus has been digitized by Google Books. You may enjoy it here: only registered users can see external links
FRANK: I must use the very words without Mincing, Cunt, Arse, Bollocks, &c.
KATY: I am contented.
FRANK: Then let me tell you, the Thing with which a Man Pisseth, is sometimes call'd a Prick, sometimes a Tarse, sometimes a Mans Yard, and other innumerable Names, it bangs down from the bottom of their Bellys like a Cows Teat, but much longer, and is about the place where the Slit of our Cunt is through which we Piss.
KATY: Oh strange!
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Here is one of the drawings of this 3-and-a-half-centuries old book:
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The woman is pleasing herself by sticking a wooden dildo in her cunt, pushing it in with her foot. See how big her cunt lips are. It also appears that she's shaved down there, something unusual in the past.
Cover of a book containing poetry by Paul Verlaine.
Here is the first one, from 1890;
the rest can be found here only registered users can see external links
Je veux m’abstraire vers vos cuisses et vos fesses,
Putains, du seul vrai Dieu seules prкtresses vraies,
Beautйs mыres ou non, novices et professes,
Ф ne vivre plus qu’en vos fentes et vos raies !
Vos pieds sont merveilleux, qui ne sont qu’а l’amant,
Ne reviennent qu’avec l’amant, n’ont de rйpit
Qu’au lit pendant l’amour, puis flattent gentiment
Ceux de l’amant qui las et soufflant se tapit.
Pressйs, fleurйs, baisйs, lйchйs depuis les plantes
Jusqu’aux orteils sucйs les uns aprиs les autres,
Jusqu’aux chevilles, jusqu’aux lacs des veines lentes,
Pieds plus beaux que des pieds de hйros et d’apфtres !
J’aime fort votre bouche et ses jeux gracieux,
Ceux de la langue et des lиvres et ceux des dents
Mordillant notre langue et parfois mкme mieux,
Truc presque aussi gentil que de mettre dedans ;
Et vos seins, double mont d’orgueil et de luxure
Entre quels mon orgueil viril parfois se guinde
Pour s’y gonfler а l’aise et s’y frotter la hure :
Tel un sanglier иs-vaux du Parnasse et du Pinde.
Vos bras, j’adore aussi vos bras si beaux, si blancs,
Tendres et durs, dodus, nerveux quand faut et beaux
Et blancs comme vos culs et presque aussi troublants,
Chauds dans l’amour, aprиs frais comme des tombeaux.
Et les mains au bout de ces bras, que je les gobe !
La caresse et la paresse les ont bйnies,
Rameneuses du gland transi qui se dйrobe,
Branleuses aux sollicitudes infinies !
Mais quoi ? Tout ce n’est rien, Putains, aux prix de vos
Culs et cons dont la vue et le goыt et l’odeur
Et le toucher font des йlus de vos dйvots,
Tabernacles et Saints des Saints de l’impudeur.
C’est pourquoi, mes sњurs, vers vos cuisses et vos fesses
Je veux m’abstraire tout, seules compagnes vraies,
Beautйs mыres ou non, novices ou professes,
Et ne vivre plus qu’en vos fentes et vos raies.
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They couldn't stand ancient Greek religion because, in it, there were both male gods and female goddesses. And both divine sexes copulated like crazy. But in Judaism, and all offspring religions, copulation was a sin.
These days it's not so puritan, but, still, we're not free. So many people suffer because of lack of sexual expression or practice and can't even seek help because lack of a partner to fuck isn't seen as lack of a basic need.
She interviews for a role, he fucks her.
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--------------------------------------- added after 19 hours
And one from 1930
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Actually, sexual "taboo" is quite a recent thing and mainly the product of the Church when it realised that it was mainly a financially motivated business......The only real ompetition to 'the church' is sexual pleasure and priests understand that sex offers the sublime experience that they wish they had available......Actually 'God' is closer to you when you orgasm than in most churches......
Not long ago there was no "sexual taboo" it was just part of normal (and communal) life....only two days ago I watched a video about Icelandic village life which only ended 60 or so years ago...the farm building were all interlocked and communal and everyone slept, coupled, gave birth and died in the large central room. Clearly, sex, life and death could not have been the hidden mysteries that they now are.
It has been estimated that upwards of 60% of women have sexual difficulties of one kind or another and there are plenty of men with sex problems.....disccusion and better coverage (or perhaps 'uncoverage') would be a much more healthy attitude, but it would not make money, fill up newspapers andn websites like sexual prudishness can do.....
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