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Is craigslist a safe place to post for encounters?

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Started by #80851 at 20,Jul,11 07:03
Hey guys, I have always wanted to meet someone around my age to jerk off and maybe blow each other but I've always been unsure about the safety of posting ads online. Could you guys tell me about your experiences with people you met here or on craigslist?

Similar topics: 1.anyone use craigslist for sex??   2.Now Craigslist have taken there casual encounters page down, which site is best to go for casual sex?   3.A Safe Room for Site Snowflakes   4.Craigslist posting is gone   5.posting naked pics on Craigslist  

New Comment

By slipper at 30,Jul,14 21:27 other posts of slipper 
There is NO guaranteed "safe place," PERIOD. Explore but be very, very careful. Meet in public, etc. Use some sense.

By dgraff at 29,Jul,14 00:24 other posts of dgraff 
i just baged me a 19yr old last satturday i met on craigslist we both had a grate time even though i am 30yrs older then him we both came maltabul times i am going to meet him again this weekend

By leopoldij at 26,Mar,14 20:18 other posts of leopoldij 
If you are in Britain, is the place to check. Best Deals! It works In other countries to, but kinda limited.

By #5532 at 05,Dec,11 13:32
No. You have seen the several people in Ohio who were recently murdered through meet-ups from Craigslist
By admin at 05,Dec,11 15:52 other posts of admin 
This is actually a danger you can face with any type of meet-up. I doubt Craigslist is any different from other sites in this sense. Before internet anonymous mailboxes + newspaper ads were used for meet-ups and presented the same danger.

Honestly, if I wanted to make a meet-up site for sexually-unrestricted (so to say) I would make it totally different from this site. One of the key features would be that registration only could be made by recommendation of already trusted member with further complicated trust-rank system. Because it's the most important part for safety of encounters and genuinity of members.

And it's not even that I don't want to make it, I don't have means to promote it, because it would be much more difficult.
By #206416 at 05,Dec,11 20:29
You should look further into that and see if you can figure out a way. You've been very successful running other sites. I bet you could do it right.
By admin at 06,Dec,11 02:16 other posts of admin 
Not "very" at all. And I really have no way of promoting such a site. Making it is not hard at all. But I was never a part of any society of swingers or something like that. And site like that requires connections to such societies in order to start it.

I'm not even sure I get it right. For example, to my opinion, a real dating-for-sex site should not have any openly posted images and personal information at all. It just has to be numbered accounts with sexual preferences, locations and trust-ranks. Images shown only by request and permission from member to member. General public would definitely not understand it. I know that general public do not engage in such sexual activity anyway, but I'm just speaking in terms of promotion - it's very hard to launch something that general public do not have interest in.
By #311947 at 20,Sep,13 22:59
Im not so sure. I think enough of the general public would have interest in it. Since most of the general public is up tight about expressing sexuality, discussing it, exploring it etc, they would appreciate the confidentiality of it. They like it, they want it, they just dont know it. Yet! You are on to something. You should explore how to put it out there. Some site have gotten national coverage. It could be a great platform for society to open up and explore boundaries. There is a need and even want for it. I could be wrong but thats how I see it

By #301038 at 20,Sep,13 16:19
It depends on a city you live in. Some are pretty good, while some are just a waste of time. Beware of bots, always voice verify before meeting and request a proof pic. Like, tell them to take a picture in front of the mirror holding a bottle of ketchup.
By bella! at 20,Sep,13 16:56 other posts of bella! 
On a similar note, I have asked members to do "similar" things/antics when unknown members ask me to verify them. None of that "here's my verification pic" generic stuff for me!

By #172995 at 20,Sep,13 16:15
Buyer beware! CL is loaded with dataminers seeking to steal your real email address and flood your inbox with spam.

By #188764 at 06,Dec,11 12:06
I've used CL a number of times for hook-ups, all of them satisfactory. Maybe I'm just lucky. Also used Silverdaddies, which focuses on my age group and seems to have a "better quality" of guys (older, middle-class, and sane).

Anonymous hook-ups always have some risk, so trust your instincts if anything makes you feel at all uncomfortable.

By slipper at 05,Dec,11 21:36 other posts of slipper 
You don't read the papers or see the news? Every encounter of any kind with a stranger (and some with friends and relatives) entail a degree of risk.
By admin at 06,Dec,11 02:17 other posts of admin 
my point exactly

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