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Cock Head Question

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Started by jocstfr at 31,Jul,11 16:27  other posts of jocstfr
After looking at various cock pics on the site I have notice that my cock head has a bluish/grey color to it as opposed to pink or brown. IS this becasue I am cut and exposed (uncovered) all the time? Just wondering.

Similar topics: 1.shower head + dick head   2.My Big Cock Head   3.What do you think about head size?   4.What do women find attractive about a man's cock head   5.Straight guys and giving head?  

New Comment

By #332336 at 17,Dec,12 15:14
Looks good to me. I once had a guy who's dick was blue. Not bluish but really blue! I thought he had it tatoo'd but no, he said it turned blue when he was a child and stayed that way. He was from northern Italy, large uncut dick. The shaft dark blue and the large head bright blue. Loved sucking it. Very unique.

By #10886 at 31,Jul,11 17:29
Nice pics of a fine dick!!! Color of the glans is more determined by the closeness of the blood supply to the surface of the glans. The closer to the surface, the pinker it is. You have an advantage too!! I can bite you a little without making a mess!! Looks great, and certainly appears to work just fine!!
By slipper at 02,Aug,11 13:37 other posts of slipper 
Right, color varies to a degree (even for the same person) based on conditions, mainly dilation of capillaries.

By niginni at 01,Aug,11 15:03 other posts of niginni 
looks a great cock il have to check my friends cut cock and give it a

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