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My Big Cock Head

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Started by #6741 at 05,Feb,11 23:10
Whenever I show people my cock either in real life, or on the internet, I often get the same remarks on how my glans is big and specifically 'suckable.'

Is my cock head big, and does it contribute to the look of my dick?

Similar topics: 1.shower head + dick head   2.Big head or skaft   3.What do you think about head size?   4.What do women find attractive about a man's cock head   5.Straight guys and giving head?  

New Comment

By WristThick at 28,Sep,16 03:57 other posts of WristThick 
It's big, but my base is quite a bit thicker:

By Beercan10 at 22,Sep,16 17:32 other posts of Beercan10 

By #509632 at 22,Sep,16 07:07
I have a small cock with a tiny glans - you guys are so lucky!
[deleted image]

By #517092 at 07,Sep,16 18:05
Big Black Cock 8.5 inc /22 cm. Check mine thoughts?

By newwt10 at 20,May,16 21:03 other posts of newwt10 
What do you think?

By cazzoduro69 at 20,May,16 14:40 other posts of cazzoduro69 

By leopoldij at 08,May,16 23:45 other posts of leopoldij 
[deleted image]
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By #505980 at 08,May,16 16:30
You are pretty suckable! I've been told in r.l. The same /image/dmplz8k830jx_2265178447.jpg
By #506430 at 08,May,16 23:09

By DarkMax at 27,Jun,15 15:33 other posts of DarkMax 

By #373704 at 27,Jun,15 07:39
[deleted image]
By #457775 at 27,Jun,15 14:56
gorgeous head!

By jocstfr at 27,Jun,15 14:06 other posts of jocstfr 
you have a good size glans. Ive been told the same thing! what do you think?

By xxx25 at 27,Jun,15 11:14 other posts of xxx25 

By thesevenpointfive at 01,Jun,15 10:15 other posts of thesevenpointfive 

my big head

By #264686 at 01,Jun,15 03:39

I know what ya mean.............

[deleted image]

By #443033 at 30,May,15 16:58
I've also been told I have a big glans.

[deleted image]

Yours is a little big but I think the main reason people say that is because your shaft tapers a little before it gets to the glans so it looks bigger. That's not bad. It's just what I see.

By Chandu at 14,May,13 18:20 other posts of Chandu 
Wht about my cock head
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By Peeweebeefed at 13,May,13 19:13 other posts of Peeweebeefed 
My whole cock is decently big I think. Check it out!
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By #78188 at 14,May,13 01:51
yeah nice cock like the big vains
By Peeweebeefed at 14,May,13 04:31 other posts of Peeweebeefed 
Thank you very much

By xxx25 at 20,Jan,13 20:18 other posts of xxx25 
Photo of a pocket rocket from xxx25

By *kmadeau* at 31,Oct,12 19:40 other posts of *kmadeau* 
it looks really big, but on the "soft pics" only!

By #291618 at 16,Oct,12 19:46
Looks normal to me

By nekekal at 16,Oct,12 16:56 other posts of nekekal 
To my eye, the head of your cock is not especially big. But it could be that in some of the pictures the shaft of your cock seems pretty large and that makes the head look smaller.

Or it could be that my cock head is pretty large and that is what I am used to seeing, so others looks smaller.

But you do have a nice looking cock. Good size, good shape, nice head. Just a fine looking cock.

By dickisgreat at 16,Oct,12 16:16 other posts of dickisgreat 
Your head is a decent size, not huge, but it's beautiful, perfectly shaped, and massively suckable. I've just posted to a comment on the best pic.

By spermkiss at 06,Feb,11 06:37 other posts of spermkiss 
You do indeed have a very fine glans. A nice helmet shape and not too big and not too small but just right. In the case of an uncircumcised man, like you, it's really fine when the outline of his glans shows thru his foreskin.

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