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Most orgasms in a day?

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Started by #161797 at 06,Sep,11 22:26
Whats your record?

7 for me (when I was 17), 4 from sex with the gf and then 3 more from her giving blowjobs. Last cum shot was more of a cum drop

Similar topics: 1.ORGASMS!   2.multiple orgasms   3.Anal orgasms   4.Your wife's/girlfriend's orgasm   5.Ruined Orgasm  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 08,Sep,11 17:47 other posts of spermkiss 
You multi-orgasmic guys really impress me. I'm pretty much a once a day kind of guy, but I could often manage twice and occasionally three times. Now, don't get me wrong and think I doubt you. I was once with a guy who came six times in the course of our evening together, so I know it's possible.

By #7976 at 08,Sep,11 13:42
I'm not sure about orgasms but I once made love to four different women in the same 24 hour period. Perhaps the most orgasms came during a weekend threesome that seemed to be non-stop fucking and sucking. The two ladies were truly insatiable.

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