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To Circumcise or Not

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Started by #55295 at 25,Sep,11 19:28
A relative and I are thinking of getting circumsised. Should we? There are a lot of pro's and con's, but I think we both imagine there would be sexual benefits in having it done, such as constant friction on the glans while wearing boxers / underpants etc.

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New Comment

By spermkiss at 26,Sep,11 05:54 other posts of spermkiss 
I was circumcised as an infant and I've got no regrets. I'm glad it was done. An oft repeated claim made by those opposed to circumcision is that the man loses sensitivity. This sounds reasonable, but an internet search of "Penis Sensativity" turns up dozens of articles about how to REDUCE sensativity to slow down climax and ejaculation even with circumcised men. There is precious little about how to increase sensativity.

The bottom line, however, is that it's YOUR body, YOUR penis and YOUR foreskin and it's YOUR perogative to do what you want with it.

Adult Discussion Forum