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Pregnant W/Boy Circumcise or Not Circumcise

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Started by #200101 at 12,Nov,11 00:31
My DH is uncircumcised but he has never really been happy with it. He has some so called odor issues at times and all of his friends are circumcised. All my cousins and friends have got there kids circumcised. I just don't know what to do.. I don't want my son to have to go through all the issues my husband did. I want my son to be happy, and feel normal. Any help would be appreciated..

Similar topics: 1.How and by who u Cut? UnCut can comment too women like my foreskin?   3.pregnant?   4.To Circumcise or Not   5.I'm looking to get someone pregnant  

New Comment

By bella! at 11,Jul,15 03:32 other posts of bella! 
I realize this thread is old but does anyone know what a DH is? The only thing that comes to mind is in baseball, a DH is a "designated hitter".
By leopoldij at 11,Jul,15 04:09 other posts of leopoldij 
I typed "meaning of DH" on google and got

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In other words, darling husband.

That was news to me too.

By leopoldij at 11,Jul,15 07:46 other posts of leopoldij 
Another very possible meaning of DH could have been Personal Fucker (PF). She was simply using the code P= D, F=H, etc.

But, anyway, I found the actual meaning....

By #232212 at 11,Jul,15 11:19
By bella! at 11,Jul,15 15:44 other posts of bella! 
YES! Darling husband, really? Dick head, hell yeah! I like that explanation for the acronym, DH, thanks for your response!

By #202392 at 13,Nov,14 02:53
Take it from someone who was cut, dont circumcise. I wish i wasnt and even with restoration I will never be the same. If he wants to when he gets older thats fine but dont make that decision for him.

By #194738 at 18,Nov,11 00:51
To islandstud. I assume you mean HPV or Human Papalloma Virus & not HVP.
This a virus that causes the cervix of females to become cancerous & is usually transmitted by uncircumcised males. I have also heard that it can cause cancer of the rectum where unprotected anal sex is practiced.
By #33070 at 24,Nov,11 03:16
Sounds like bull!!
By bighenry at 07,Nov,14 18:49 other posts of bighenry 
I agree

By #473614 at 07,Nov,14 05:33
about reasons to circ:
1- religious beliefs/ practices- you wouldn't be asking this forum if you held a tight belief this should be done.
2- medical reasons- cross that bridge IF you come to it.
3- hygiene/ ease of cleaning- non-issue. don't mutilate your **** just because you think it may be easier or cleaner, that's totally untrue. ppl have been washing their junk just fine for eons.
4- preference based on appearance- ok this one drives me up the friggin wall... what do you care about the appearance or attractiveness of your son's penis? as long as it's healthy & functional, that's all you should care about. if you feel that you may be cock-blocking him later in life by not giving him a porn star style penis & ladies/gents may not want to suck his cock because *gasp it's in it's natural form, why not let him decide for himself when he is of age, and teach him that anyone who is that ignorant & shallow doesn't deserve to suck his un-cut cock?? let him decide if it's worth doing for appearance sake. i have relatives who circumcised their son for this reason, and the procedure had complications & had to be re-done when he was 6 mos. old. it was fixed so to speak & he is fine now but it was a nightmare for them. i wouldn't characterize it as botched but they were supposed to check for the malformations a previous commenter referred to and didn't, and had to stop halfway through when they were discovered. his type would have been fine on it's own. other ppl are not so fortunate. please consider all the risks. please consider the loss of sensation & ppl trying to re-grow their foreskins. imho, if you wouldn't do it to your daughters, you shouldn't do it to your sons. if you're not sure, then don't do it. it can't be undone, but he can always do it as an adult if he wishes.

in the end, as w/ any parental decisions, you have to do what you feel is best for you & your ****. congratulations & best wishes!

By bigone21 at 15,Feb,12 21:22 other posts of bigone21 
this is a discussion that goes on and on and on... and gets to no end! funny thing is, that this discussion arises only with americans! in europe this is not really an issue, we just don't cut little boys!

foreskin is not a problem to most who have it!! no reason to cut in advance!

everybody's ass/ears/hands/feet stinks if not washed properly enough, how are we gonna cut that??

but the main point: the guy can decide for himself when he is 18! hands off!

By twoeyes at 27,Nov,11 16:56 other posts of twoeyes 
Im not cut. Sometimes i wish i was so itd look "nicer". But i love that its sensitive. Ive never had any probs with it being dirty or smelling. I say leave it, if he wants it to different, let him make the choice.

By qhaos at 12,Nov,11 14:57 other posts of qhaos 
There are usually 2 reasons because a penis should be circumcised: for religious reasons or for medical reasons. the first one has no need to be commented but the second is for if your baby is born with phimosis or other diseases involving the foreskin and prevent proper cleaning of the glans, the other reasons are only esthetic and if your baby want his foreskin cut, i think he could decide by himself when he will be older! for now i can tell you that my penis is uncut, (you can see it by my profile) and I have no problems with odors, leakage and other things that could have told you, indeed, is more protected from dryness, and dirt. and sexually speaking is more funny to eat! (some girls tell me this) now is your decision, but i say only that if the foreskin exists, was put there for a reason! (excuse me for my english)
By #81941 at 22,Nov,11 11:28
You forgot the third reason, some people just prefer a circumcised penis. Infact this is the most common reason for circumcision in countries such as America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
By qhaos at 23,Nov,11 11:31 other posts of qhaos 
sure! that reminds at the rest of my post, to apply this reason the penis owner must know if he like a cut or uncut penis, and a baby can't know this! the penis is mine and anyone can cut my foreskin without my permission! you agree?
By #81941 at 23,Nov,11 20:20
So why should religous reasons make it OK?
By qhaos at 23,Nov,11 21:02 other posts of qhaos 
i never said that was ok... but in some religions (like muslims) if the circumcision precedure is done for years and years you can believe that is "normal" also beacuse is written in some holy texts... so can induce parents to cut the foreskin of the son thinking that this is normal for that culture
By #81941 at 24,Nov,11 09:36
Yeah, actually, I agree with you.
By qhaos at 24,Nov,11 14:40 other posts of qhaos 
By #196908 at 24,Nov,11 21:14
Think about the practices of religions that have been around for generations! Circumcision made sense at a time when washing wasn't an everyday occurence and clean water had to be found. Pork wasn't safe to eat because there was no way to regulate temperature to ensure that the meat was cooked throughout. Arabs wore headresses to keep the sand and sun off of their heads. All os these made sense at the time. Religion often skews science. This is the 21st century. Use your mind to make informed decisions. Read up and practice good hygiene from an early age. Personally, if God/Allah/Bhuda put it there, there must have been a legitimate reason, right? You "Circs" make me laugh with your propoganda and you "Uncircs" bother my with your hateful bitching. Blah!
By qhaos at 25,Nov,11 13:26 other posts of qhaos 
i think only that not the entire world knows that we are in the 21st century, in a world where in some countries women can't drive a car, some people is untollerated only for having different sexual preferences, and where a man is killed in the name of god/buddha/allah. i'm making propaganda only at the right of one person to choose what to to with his body. nothing else...

By #196908 at 24,Nov,11 17:59
My ex-wife went on and on about how disgusting an uncircumsised penis was. She found it disgusting. She had no idea that she'd been enjoying my uncut prick for several months. I was always plenty hard by the time the pants got opened. Man, was she shocked! It changed her opinion.

I've never had an odor issue, and no one has ever complained about taste or size. All I can say is it's NOT necessary unless there is a medical reason. Teach your son to pull back the foreskin to clean it thoroughly, but read up first. You don't want to pull it back too early.
By #81941 at 25,Nov,11 02:59
I can see how she thought that you were circumcised. And it is a pretty dick. But I am just wondering, as I could not see it, where is your frenum?
By #196908 at 25,Nov,11 03:34
It's there. Everything's very flush when hard, as I would be called a grower.
By #81941 at 25,Nov,11 04:55
Lucky you weren't cut, otherwise there'd be no room to grow.
By #196908 at 25,Nov,11 05:17
Well, that was kind of dinky, wasn't it? I'd be insulted, but I'm happy being 7.5" long. I said it was flush, I didn't say it was tight. There's still plenty of movement in the skin. This poor girl needs to go somewhere where she might gather intelligent information to base her decision, not a forum full of childish generalizations, misinformation and insults.

By #194738 at 25,Nov,11 00:35
To pretty prick. I have checked out your pic gallery & although you look OK erect you look unattractive slack.
It certainly does surprise me that your wife had not seen you naked & relaxed before 2 or 3 months had passed. Most couples would see each other naked very often, so were you hiding it from her????.
By #196908 at 25,Nov,11 03:31
I was not hiding anything. We had roommates. I wore pajama pants. I was hard before they ever came down.

By #194738 at 24,Nov,11 00:29
As I am circumcised, done as a baby, I give great thanks to my parents for having it done. I have never seen a really handsome uncut cock, but nearly all cut cocks look beautiful & very handsome.
As you Prettypussy007 live in the USA I would suggest that you have your son circumcised as apparently 56% of all males are circumcised. Also you will have less problems when he is baby with urinary tract infections & other problems caused by a foreskin.
I have also read that circumcised males have less prostrate cancer in the older age group. Apparently this is due to not having a foreskin that harbours germs & diseases that do find their way up into the prostate causing problems that appear later in life.
By #196908 at 24,Nov,11 20:59
nova600...I'd like you to look at mine. I know I'm biased, but mine is uncut, well cleaned and (I think) quite pretty. It boils down to hygiene. My forskin automatically retracts when I get a hard-on. Doesn't hurt that I've wanked enough to build decent biceps!

By #199710 at 24,Nov,11 10:12
I think that he should decide that when he is older.

By #201583 at 23,Nov,11 20:35
I at least got to yell at my mom for cutting me. She said her reason was, "it was to much work." So my lazy mom has caused my dick to become so lame I had to get pierced to increase sensitivity. I used to vasaline it every day. My mom sure did her homework, sorry, she dropped out and had me when she was just a dumb kid.

By #149864 at 23,Nov,11 04:54
I agree with those who say you should let him decide when he's aware enough to, because, as it was said, once removed you cannot put it back.
There's no problem in having an intact foreskin. Just teach your son how to keep his glans clean.
About feeling embarassed in front of other guys, well, it may happen, but if he's properly aware of what having a foreskin means, he can deal with it easily. Anyway, kids are kids and they always find something to make the other ones embarassed, so if it's not about his foreskin, it will be about another thing. And I think that what probably could happend is that the other boys (supposing they are all cut), after seeing an uncut dick, will become fascinated and think "cool! I wish I had that skin to play with too!" or something like that.

By #81941 at 19,Nov,11 02:43
I would strongly advise against a partial circumcision. You would still get all of the risks of a circumcision, but none of the benefits. Although my preference is for a tightly circumcised cock, when talking about permanently altering child's penis, I would say leave it alone for now and let him decide for himself later on. I got circumcised as an adult and it really didn't hurt all that much.
By #200101 at 19,Nov,11 15:49
Good point!
By #205743 at 20,Nov,11 03:17
Adult circumcisions are more difficult to do and cause alot more trauma to the penis.

It is a good idea to have it done to your son at birth, the advantages to this is that it also produces a much better looking appearance.
By #94263 at 20,Nov,11 10:17
in fact adult circumcisions are easier (larger work area) and are less prone to things going wrong (plenty of stories in the news of male babies having to have parts or the whole of their penis removed due to botched circumcisions. Almost no stories of that happening in adult circumcisions). Adult circumcision only causes the same amount of trauma as ANY surgury to ANY part of the body at ANY age.
By #205743 at 20,Nov,11 16:59
At Piercedknob: You are WRONG,

I was circumcised as an ADULT, so trust me you can't tell me what I physicaly know and experienced first hand.

Adult circumcision is more difficult for various reasons. One is that the adult penis takes 3-4 times longer to HEAL then an infants.

Secondly it is more difficult for the doctor to estimate how much foreskin to remove on adult penis, as he is operating on a fully grown penis versus a brand new one that has not gone through any significant growth yet. This is why many adult men who get circumcised have to be circumcised a SECOND time. If not enough foreskin is removed durring an adult circumcision it actually causes complications.

This is something an infant does not have to worry about due to the small size of his penis.

So to sum it up......INFANT circumcision is way easier to perform, heals way faster, and has less complications.

Not to say adults should avoid getting circumcised, just be aware that there can me more complicaitons having it done as an adult in comparison to having it done as an infant. And remember I KNOW THIS FIRST hand from having it done as an adult.
By #94263 at 20,Nov,11 20:01
Funny how you still have not shown any evidence of an adult having a partial or full penectomy as a result of circumcision, whereas I can point you at the case of David Reimer, who underwent a sex change as a baby due to a botched circumcision. So once again I say that adult circumcision is easier to perform than on a baby. Yes they might not remove enough foreskin, but that is a damn lot better than ending up getting your whole penis removed, at least you can always go back for a circumcision revision later.

By #59855 at 17,Nov,11 20:55
From Matt's Wife: Yikes, bad question to ask here. She was even warned
By Ray10754 at 18,Nov,11 01:08 other posts of Ray10754 
I think I was the first to inform her of what she was going to be upagainst
By #59855 at 18,Nov,11 04:04
From Matt's Wife: Yes you were, and the very first post. Some people are just not into taking advice

By fila1305 at 17,Nov,11 08:36 other posts of fila1305 
I'm not circumsized myself and being European I don't have to deal with the cultural norm that most boys are circumsized. So since I'm not in the States I cannot really step into your husband's or son's shoes. But because you asked our opininons, I'll give you mine.

After seeing how many times the subject has come up on this forum about restoring the skin, I would suggest you leave the decision to the person involved, i.o.w. your hubby and your son.

Not that you can't discuss it. Above all things, be open. And if he does show signs of having problems in that area, discuss the options. But please don't take decisions for him that he might regret later. Like I said, if he develops similar problems like his dad, then be open about it. Maybe take him to the doctor, so that he can explain what the options are.

But as long as it isn't sure that your son has enharited his father's 'problem', I wouldn't cut in healthy tissue.

You stated you wanted your son to be happy and feel normal. There are bullies inside and outside the locker room. Being cut does not mean he's free of bullies. The best thing you can give him to feel happy and normal despite nasty classmates, is a steady home and lots of love. A save and warm base does more for his well-being then chopping off his foreskin.

Well, that's my opinion. I hope it helps you making up your mind. What ever you decide, I wish you and your family a good and carefree future.

By #33070 at 16,Nov,11 03:08
Don't do it I've never had anyone complain about smell or look of mine.
By #209587 at 16,Nov,11 18:07
I can smell your uncircumcised cock from here, it smells "fishy".
By #33070 at 16,Nov,11 23:04
You fuckin wish I shower once a day, and know how to keep it clean

By #1501 at 13,Nov,11 00:58
Uncut is the natural way and the medical evidence shows that an uncut penis is far more sensitive and give far more pleasure to the owner than a circumcised one. 20 years from now male circumcision will be regarded as being as barbaric as female circumcision, in the West.

Those who explain that hygiene is the answer to odours are correct.

As for you husband he should wash twice a day, but if the problem still persists he should used a mild anti-fungal cream like "Vagisil".

By #139830 at 12,Nov,11 23:27
All boys should be circumcised!!!! Just make sure the doctor gives him a nice tight circumcision.
By #94263 at 13,Nov,11 00:28
So says someone that obviously doesn't know what they are missing

By #4222 at 12,Nov,11 18:45
I know I can't vote, but since you asked--circumcision is really not something you can "take back" later. Once part of the body is removed, it's gone. I don't think the creator, in infinite wisdom, would have purposely designed a penis with a hood unless it had some merit. If it were a non-permanent modification, I'd say sure, but since your son has not yet given his opinion in the matter, I would say wait. The son has to live with a modified penis for the rest of his life--so wouldn't it be good to include his wishes? PS--you can ALWAYS get cut at any time (yeah, it is more disruptive, but at least it is an informed decision.)
By #4222 at 12,Nov,11 18:46
Had I been given the decision for my own body, I would have said nope.
By #200101 at 12,Nov,11 19:07
What about a partial circumcision like some of the other members had said..
By #184974 at 12,Nov,11 21:50
I was cut and have restored, well almost done. My glans had been dry, pitted and scarred after 38 years uncovered, and it has regained sensitivity and evened out now that it is covered when flaccid. My advise is, grant your son the basic human right to make his own choice on this when he is 18. You wouldn't have a girl cut either or would you?

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 12,Nov,11 14:50 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

By Ray10754 at 12,Nov,11 00:53 other posts of Ray10754 
I dont want to be rude, But This may not be the correct place to ask that question! Look back in the previous posts about cut and uncut and you will see what I mean!!
All i can say is good luck in what ever decision you decide to take

Adult Discussion Forum