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I want to be raped

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Started by #172419 at 08,Oct,11 12:13
I think it would be hot to be raped by 2-5 guys. I am looking for a few good men to cum to my house and rape me. Use me and abuse me. Make me gag on ur cock etc.

Similar topics: 1.Molested / Raped - Might this make you gay!   2.Am I gay or bi   3.any one raped while under age   4.Here is a diffrent question!   5.Favourite Wank Fantasy.  

New Comment

By #172419 at 11,Oct,11 18:52
Funny thing is cum4steffi and Matt59 friends on 2 of my other profiles
By #146919 at 12,Oct,11 12:27
just paid a visit to this clowns page from the way he speaks and from his posts i thought he was an misguided immature adolescent,hes 42 he is a lucky man though, i wish all my female friends would show there tits, strip and finger them selfs for me ,let me take pictures and then allow me to post them on a web site like this one.its nice to think you have such good friends and that you are such a good friend in return
By #59855 at 12,Oct,11 20:03
From Matt's Wife: That is a flat out lie, look at my page....I have no friends
By #59855 at 12,Oct,11 20:04
From Matt's Wife: Mr7 is right, don't believe the op, he is a liar

By #59855 at 11,Oct,11 18:40
From Matt's Wife: Ok Steffi, I volunteer to go over to his house and beat the crap out of him and leave him to be raped by his dog. Wait he will like that. Nevermind

By pifad at 11,Oct,11 04:27 other posts of pifad 
I've been raped and it's no fun.

By #146919 at 10,Oct,11 12:09
NO YOU DONT..what you want is to have sex with 2-5 guys and pretend to be raped its called roll playing.FOR THE REAL VICTIMS RAPE IS NOT FUN OR HOT YOU FUCKING IDIOT
By #131063 at 11,Oct,11 00:01
Maybe he does...maybe 2-5 guys will come to his house and make it really ugly for him. He assumes, even in role-playing - that boundaries will be respected. Maybe he needs a dose of reality.

Adult Discussion Forum