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Started by #22198 at 25,Aug,09 07:00
I'm not at all attracted to men, and very, very attracted to women. The thought of kissing or having anal sex with a man disgusts me. (Not that I stand in judgment---I'm very pro-gay-rights).

However, I have always been aroused by seeing or touching another guy's dick and balls. Not his face or body, not his ass. Just the genitals.

I was just wondering if anyone else is like this?

Similar topics: 1.Why such a big deal about breasts?   2.Anatomy game A to Z ur cock tits vag   4.Eurotophobia   5.Penis O' Plenty  

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By #105042 at 16,Nov,11 21:26
okay, once again. I just want to understand whats up with you so called straight guys getting horny by watching or touching or sucking (or more :-) on another mans cock. I think itґs okay. I donґt care about stupid definitions of whats gay or not. But isnґt it quite intimate to touch or suck another manґs cock?

I canґt understand your kind of intimacy. Sucking a cock is okay but kissing a mans mouth is not??? What are you afraid of? Finding out you are bisexual maybe?? Kissing doesnґt make gay. Iґve kissed women and havenґt got straight :-)

And, if thereґs a difference at all: I would not suck a man if couldnґt kiss him as well. Sex without kissing is poor.
By yellowman at 20,Aug,12 21:55 other posts of yellowman 
Yes, I totally agree. There seem to be an awful lot of strangely screwed up guys on this site.

By #15387 at 13,Nov,09 21:03
I'm same...Have NO interest in kissing a guy or touching except for his dick. Love to suck guys dicks!
Only one guy has cum in my mouth but it was an intense experience, feeling that cum on my lips and feeling it on his shaft...M-M-M-M!
Would absolutely LOVE to suck a couple of guys at the same time and take their cum...
As far as a romantic relationship...YUCK!!!
By yellowman at 20,Aug,12 21:51 other posts of yellowman 
It's funny you know, but as far as romantic relationships are concerned I feel exactly the same way - well, for me it is the idea of a romantic relationship with a woman ....YUCK!!!
Just way too awful to contemplate.

By #291618 at 20,Aug,12 20:55
haha me to i like when ppl see my cock and talk about it and i like comparing w other cocks haha

By #229339 at 20,Aug,12 18:56
The original post could have been written by me. Its exactly how I feel.

By #54774 at 11,Nov,11 21:02
Oh my god, this thread is so old. I'm still the same. LOVE the nice big cocks and I wank to gay porn all the time! But would only ever date a girl! I love girls!

By #105042 at 09,Nov,11 23:19
Sorry, you make me almost speachless. Youґre aroused by male genitals? I can follow so far, itґs easy because we men in general like our genitals and also are curious on others. You like to touch it, okay, nothing wrong with that. Touching genitals is okay but kissing another mans mouth not. Heard this a lot, youґre not the only one.

One of my best girlfriends once told me: I donґt understand why men find it disgusting kissing or having sex with another man. They must find themselves disgusting if they really do.

Think youґre just acting like being so fucking politically correct with anything "gay". But you are not. Itґs nothing else than bigotry in my opinion and thatґs what I really hate.

I donґt want to be rude, I am just sick of this. And what about that: I was kissing once with one of my best -straight! - friends. It was a real wild and manly kissing. Never saw or even touched his cock. Heґs married now and has a baby. We kissed because we like each other and still do. You need to learn a lot about whatґs love without stupid prejudices. Thatґs what I think. Good luck!
By spermkiss at 10,Nov,11 07:21 other posts of spermkiss 
I, too, find this very hard to understand. We gay men kiss each other all the time and think nothing of it. But most straight men are very up-tight about kissing another man. I've had sex with quite a few straight men over the years. Most of them were quite willing to suck my dick, lick my ass hole and swallow my sperm, but very few would kiss me. Go figure. Perhaps kissing is indeed the most intimate act between two people and a lot of straight men just cannot go there with another man.

By wankman9558 at 09,Nov,11 19:21 other posts of wankman9558 
This is exactly how I feel. I just want to suck and wank another guys cock, no kissing or arse touching, just cock

By #70257 at 04,Jun,10 13:37

By #33861 at 02,Dec,09 03:34
I have to update my previous post. Quick recap...homophobic hetero/bi-sexual male. Only had 1 partner, never physically attracted to him or any male...other than cock. I love sucking cock and I'll lick and suck balls, though I only do it to appease my partner. I never had an interest in any other part of the male body and never really cared much for another male touching me...anywhere. Well, things change.

Recently, while surfing through for any new pics, I received a pm from another member. Not being familiar with him, I checked out his pics. There was one showing a good portion of his body and as soon as I saw it, I was more turned-on than I've ever been. My first thought, was of how I'd love to lick every inch of that hot body....cock, balls, ass....everything! I could imagine myself happily doing absolutely anything he wanted...anything. I couldn't believe what I was thinking, it's not like me at all to even consider that with a male.

The hell of it is, there are plenty of others on here with comparable physiques and equipment but even though I may have thought they looked good, my real interest was in their cock, only. I knew I must be some kind of sexual freak but now, I'm really confused. Clearly, I'll have to rethink my position on this matter.
By #39943 at 03,Dec,09 14:15
perhaps its the desired level of perfection that one's after at times.... Most cases its the 'grass being greener over the fence...?'

By Olddude at 05,Feb,10 09:24 other posts of Olddude 
algodown, I could not have said this better myself!

By #24286 at 04,Feb,10 00:13
Well this all makes me feel a whole lot better! I had a fantastic inpromptu bi 3some a few years ago, really went for it at the time but it raised a few questions for me- Did it make me gay? I never ogled men, only women. I can tell the difference between Brad Pitt and The Elephant Man but that's about it! I didn't kiss the guy, nor did he try to kiss me but boy, did we suck and wank eachothers cocks. Not sure if i could do it with someone i already knew, they were both strangers to me so it was new in more ways than one. Funnily enough, and i hope i get feedback, i find myself more turned on by pics of cocks that are similar shape and size to my own.?.? I guess there's some Latin term for this!
By #22198 at 05,Feb,10 08:08
I do too! I don't know if it's some kind of subconscious narcissism or what, but the more similar in shape, size, and color to my own, the more appealing a penis looks to me. Uncircumcised cocks don't turn me on in the slightest, nor do Black cocks (I am not racist in the slightest, and I mean no offense to African Americans. I just don't happen to be turned on by a cock of that skin color.) I imagine that's because they look the most different from my own. Continuing on the scale, gigantic, circumcised, white cocks hold very limited appeal for me. The more similar it looks, the more turned on I am!

By #9077 at 03,Feb,10 02:49
I tend to agree with the majority here. I have sucked a couple of cocks before, last one about 25 years ago. Only one let his cum go in my mouth. I still jack off to that remembered feeling. I had a girlfriend a while back that took my cum in her mouth and then fed it back to me. That made me cum again. It was an undescribable feeling. Maybe I'm just a cum freak. And male bukkake movies make me want to jump in with them. That would be fantastic. Loads and loads all over me and filling my mouth. Just cocks and cum. No more.

By #3997 at 19,Jan,10 19:04
I'm not alone in this boat too, I have always thought i was gay or bi, but I love playing and sucking another guys cock, have never done anal or anyting and don't knock on anyone who does or tried it, cause i want to too, but like to play with my cock, so why not liking playing with another guys cock, i love pussy and love to lick pussy, but swirling my tongue around a nice cock is fun for me too also watching a guy or girl swirl their tongue around my cock really turns me on
By #3997 at 19,Jan,10 19:05
PS. I am married and still have my guy on guy encounters, but do not kiss any guys, just mess with the guy parts, and we do something manly afterwards the kisssing on the mouth is for my wife!!
By #721 at 28,Jan,10 16:05
you are a lucky man that you can do that ... in our country it's next to impossible to find and do something like that and not ruined you marriage.
By #3997 at 01,Feb,10 17:54
My wife doesnt know about me wanting to play with cock i have mentioned to her about bringing another cock into the room havent got the response i have wanted yet, we have had another women play but have to find the right guy for the job, and my wife to go along with it

By #45253 at 31,Jan,10 06:01
Allways wanted to suck a cock....but the thought of kissing a guy grosses me out.....make any sence??
By #3997 at 01,Feb,10 17:52
it makes plenty of sense, I have never kissed a guy, sucked a cock but not kissed a guy,

By #31181 at 31,Jan,10 01:07
Well, thank you very much for starting this thread. I thought no one understood how i felt, but it turns out many guys feel the same as i do.
I couldn't agree with you more. I've always wanted to jerk off with another guy(maybe even do him the favor if i felt comfortable enough), but haven't had the guts to. Although the thought of cuddling or making out with another guy almost makes me sick(likewise I'm far from a gay-basher or anything like that). I feel it's a bit strange, maybe just nature...
By #22198 at 01,Feb,10 14:48
You're welcome It is reassuring to know you're not the only one.

By #39454 at 02,Dec,09 05:05
I'm happy to see that there are lots other men like me. Not interested in other men but there cocks and balls......hell ya. I like all things beautiful, nature, art, pussy, tits, female ass, male ass and nice fat cock ad balls. Some day I will suck my wifes pussy juice off of another mans cock and lick his cum out of her pussy, if it makes your cock hard and wet whats wrong with that?
By slipper at 20,Jan,10 02:18 other posts of slipper 
I'll join ya and yer Mrs!!!

By Thumper52 at 19,Jan,10 23:25 other posts of Thumper52 
Well how refreshing to hear from "Str8" guys who are comfortable with ambiguity about their sexuality. Congratulations, that is the first step to being open minded.

I'm 58, gay and started sucking cock at 7. I love the taste of a man, his masculine parts and qualities, his strength and embrace. I worship cock& balls of all sorts; big & small, cut or natural, and tight or low hanging balls.

Nothing makes me cum harder than strong hands of a man caressing me and deeply sucking his cock & balls or fucking his ass or him fucking me. The point is we are both engrossed with each other and feel a very powerful intimacy. IT'S WONDERFUL.

The only thing that repulses me about a man is when he stops caring for himself and becomes complety out of shape. That said, I'm not looking for "adonis" just a man wwho has keep his firm masculine handsomeness about himself.

And I love every part of a masculine man: cock, balls, ass, tits, armpits, earlobes and delicious lips. Kissing a man is trancendental for me. I get lost in his gaze, smoothered in his deep wet tongue kisses and love the power behind his affection.

How sad that we live in a world where we are condemed for having strong sexual feelings towards another. Man or Woman, we all fit somewhere on the continuium scale.

Lighten up guys, remember it is just sex. If you are concerned you'll feel less macho after kissing a man, then don't do it.

But as much as many str8 guys love having sex and affection and relationships with women, I love being with a man in the same way. For me it is natural, comfortable and fulfilling.

I did try, and was married 6 years, but to no availe.

"Do what you love and do it until you don't."

"Sex is natural, sex is fun, sex is best when it's one on one." George Michaels

By #41760 at 16,Dec,09 03:05
i feel exactly the same way, unfortunately certain ignorant members of this website insist that makes me less of a man.
By slipper at 17,Dec,09 05:46 other posts of slipper 
Why care what they think?

By #22198 at 17,Dec,09 07:46
Well, as you can see from this thread, there are clearly TONS of us, so it must be pretty "normal."

By #40675 at 08,Dec,09 20:43
so agree with you guys, i never wanted ro kiss a guy but love cock and balls, i started out with shemales because sucking them off was hot, they looked like girls but had a cock, and yea was fucked by them too, but guys, much rather suck their cocks through a glory hole
By #721 at 10,Dec,09 18:27
hey.. i like shemales too.. for exact same reason. only problem is most of them are not even OK looking.. and they have fake implanted deformed boobs; there aren't many that are pretty....
By slipper at 17,Dec,09 05:48 other posts of slipper 
If you like Orientals (some of the very most feminine, imho) check out some of the posts/pixs at

MANY very pretty with dicks!

By #8589 at 13,Nov,09 13:28
I think it is simple, if you like looking at cocks and are "straight" then deep down you are Bi like me. Enjoy it and have the best of both worlds!
By slipper at 14,Nov,09 03:51 other posts of slipper 
All in how one defines "bi" I suppose.

By #22198 at 20,Nov,09 07:14
But "bi" means you are attracted to the man, not just to what's between his legs. I'm repulsed by the thought of kissing a man, and I have no attraction to male faces or bodies. I think that's the important distinction here. Perhaps it would make more sense to come up with another term for this type of erotic tendency, since so many of us seem to share it, yet it doesn't fit into the categories of gay, straight, or bi.
By #39943 at 03,Dec,09 14:11
a good way to describe it perhaps is 'appreciation'
Sort of fulfills psychological need to appreciate oneself and oneself's

By #721 at 20,Nov,09 15:49
so... what do we call ourselves guys?
By slipper at 21,Nov,09 04:22 other posts of slipper 
Guy (part) curious?

By Geryon at 20,Nov,09 15:17 other posts of Geryon 
Yeah, i guess lot's of us here feel the same

By #22246 at 30,Oct,09 22:22
There is so much sense spoken here. I am obsessed with the thought of sucking a cock and love looking at cocks online but when I'm out and about and near a man I have no interest. I woul dlove to touch and take a man in my mouth I'm convinced of that but don't know where to start looking
By slipper at 31,Oct,09 03:25 other posts of slipper 
Too bad I cannot set up a glory hole for ya! Do you think you'd be any good with my 4skin???

By lilsoftee at 07,Nov,09 07:16 other posts of lilsoftee 
Cockwatcher, I agree 100% with you! I am totally obsessed with the thought of worshipping a cock orally but have no interest in another man. I would love to touch a man's balls and cock, play with them, lick them, suck them, taste the precum and swallow the cum.

By #34346 at 29,Oct,09 21:30
that's fine, you like touching another man's dick... go to the gym, guys touch each other all over there bodies... a dick is a muscle too
By slipper at 31,Oct,09 03:23 other posts of slipper 
Uh, no, it's NOT a muscle, actually. BUT, it does benefit from regular use, like a muscle!

By slipper at 20,Oct,09 00:43 other posts of slipper 
Yeah, that about sums it up for me, too. I just LOVE genitalia!!!

By #21910 at 25,Aug,09 13:17
IMO, it's as much cultural as psychological. In our western culture, certain things are frowned on if not taboo. One of them is exposing the genitalia. They are "forbidden fruits", as it were. Ergo, even the sight of them, let alone contact with them, arouses an interest based on seeing or doing something that is culturally verboten.

In those places where nudity is the norm, e.g., in African tribal areas, or in situations where naked people are common, such as in nudist/naturist resorts, the arousal factor is diminished or absent just because one is always surrounded by nudity in a great variety of body forms. The mystique is absent. No imagination is required.

Re physical contact or sexual activity with another man's penis or balls, that's just taking the defiance of the norms one step further. And if the man has an erection, it says, "The idea of your seeing me naked and touching my dick arouses me!" If the guy you're with is turned on by you, it's a compliment. And your own boner will tell him the same thing.

Enjoy it.
By #22198 at 26,Aug,09 04:50
"IMO, it's as much cultural as psychological. In our western culture, certain things are frowned on if not taboo. One of them is exposing the genitalia. They are "forbidden fruits", as it were. Ergo, even the sight of them, let alone contact with them, arouses an interest based on seeing or doing something that is culturally verboten. "

That pretty much squares with my own theory about this subject. As kids we were taught that these parts are "private" and not to show them to others. So naturally, all of my friends and I showed each other the first chance we got. I think the real thrill was in doing something "naughty."

I guess I'm just perplexed to find that this desire has carried over into adulthood.

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