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Do you think there is a reason for some to burn my points? from Latinbb

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Started by #199710 at 09,Nov,11 04:23
I always try to be polite and nice to everyone and some ASSHOLE is always burning my points. I dont really care because there is a lot of people that like my pictures. I would like to know why they do that shit. On the other hand thanks to all the people that leave comments and send me messages. I love you all.

Similar topics: 1.Bigbob is a jerk   2.Why burn someone's points?   3.Points deducted to 0! Why?   4.Someone keeps stalking me constantly burning my points and dowvoting my pictures?   5.Why...? do people burn other peoples points if they are complimented  

New Comment

By #68656 at 09,Nov,11 06:07
The pictures are very good and your comments of Nov. 9th are also well stated, my compliments.
Regards the points, it could be the ridiculous "domination game", if so then opt out of it, otherwise it could be some individual who could have misinterpreted a comment you made.
Regards. John S.
By #199710 at 09,Nov,11 14:08
I think it's childish to do that. I wouldn't do that to anyone.
By #199710 at 10,Nov,11 05:48
Actually I got out of the stupid game and that's when my points startedto get burned

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