Started by #47775 at 27,Nov,11 17:00
Similar topics: 1.Bigbob is a jerk 2.Do you think there is a reason for some to burn my points? from Latinbb 3.Points deducted to 0! Why? 4.Someone keeps stalking me constantly burning my points and dowvoting my pictures? 5.Why...? do people burn other peoples points if they are complimented New CommentComments:By #47775 at 27,Nov,11 17:22
By #81191 at 27,Nov,11 17:47
By #47775 at 27,Nov,11 17:52
By #81191 at 27,Nov,11 18:38
By #47775 at 27,Nov,11 18:48
By #81191 at 27,Nov,11 18:55
By #47775 at 27,Nov,11 18:59
By #81191 at 27,Nov,11 19:26
By #81191 at 27,Nov,11 17:20