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Why burn someone's points?

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Started by #47775 at 27,Nov,11 17:00
I don't think I have enemies on here ..? Any advice would be appreciated ...thank you.

Similar topics: 1.Bigbob is a jerk   2.Do you think there is a reason for some to burn my points? from Latinbb   3.Points deducted to 0! Why?   4.Someone keeps stalking me constantly burning my points and dowvoting my pictures?   5.Why...? do people burn other peoples points if they are complimented  

New Comment

By #47775 at 27,Nov,11 17:22
Mean people suck! Thanks
By #81191 at 27,Nov,11 17:47
its not for your pics, that's for sure
By #47775 at 27,Nov,11 17:52
Thanks sweetheart
By #81191 at 27,Nov,11 18:38
No more than you deserve, or maybe extra points from admin
By #47775 at 27,Nov,11 18:48
What would admin have to do with this?
By #81191 at 27,Nov,11 18:55
nothing, just thinking of compensation
By #47775 at 27,Nov,11 18:59
Aaahhh, thanks! I've been on here for almost 2 years and I've never started any crap. Thanks
By #81191 at 27,Nov,11 19:26
You dont have to start any crap, there are those that do random attacks like spam emails or cold calling. Its the downside of social networking and sites like this are more prone. It will blow away in time like tumbleweed.

By #81191 at 27,Nov,11 17:20
I have no idea although there are those that get pleasure from it but dont ask how

Adult Discussion Forum