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Someone keeps stalking me constantly burning my points and dowvoting my pictures?

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #310348 at 11,Nov,12 20:25
This just seems purely malicious. Why the hell does it not tell you who does this and why is there even an option to burn someone else's points?

Similar topics: 1.points   2.Votes against your pictures   3.Do you think there is a reason for some to burn my points? from Latinbb   4.Voting is now non-anonymous   5.Jacking for points  

New Comment

By #305812 at 12,Nov,12 22:04
They must be jealous of your big beautiful dick

By hytiger at 12,Nov,12 03:31 other posts of hytiger 
As with the "domination" game, this is an outdated part of the site which is long overdue for removal.

Adult Discussion Forum