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Why...? do people burn other peoples points if they are complimented

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Started by #349491 at 03,Feb,13 00:12
I complimented a ...( Gentleman ) on this site and he burned 5 points of mine ...I couldn't care less about the points but why do people loose a grip of things so easily

Similar topics: 1.Bigbob is a jerk   2.Do you think there is a reason for some to burn my points? from Latinbb   3.Points deducted to 0! Why?   4.Jacking for points   5.Someone keeps stalking me constantly burning my points and dowvoting my pictures?  

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By slipper at 13,Mar,14 19:09 other posts of slipper 
Yeah, I've had the same happen a number of times. So much for being nice, but I still try anyway.

By DJS at 13,Mar,14 08:32 other posts of DJS 
I agree with what some said especially a compliment is a compliment.Me personally i don't care what gender/sexuality they are,if there willing to take their time to view my page & comment am grateful to them,(if people are showing their bits on a site that set-up for them to show your bits) me personally i don't think they should complain..

By #81191 at 12,Mar,14 10:11
I cant think of a good reason to be so upset particularly being a member on here.

By #280008 at 03,Feb,13 07:37
I think the only persons points I actually burned was some schmuck that came and posted a bunch of those laughy emoticons on like 3 of my pics with no text at all... comments are cool even if im straight but when its just spam.. thats rude.

besides im here to show my dick.. derp to men/women/trannys and who ever else views the site.. thats sorta the point

By pifad at 03,Feb,13 06:24 other posts of pifad 
I didn't know you could burn someone's points. I never would anyway, I think it's rude.

By #315268 at 03,Feb,13 01:38
I'm fairly new to this site and an absolute idiot when it comes to technology. Can you tell when people "burn" your points? And if so how?
I have had points disappear a few times and I have no idea how that happened. Then again I have no idea how I got them to begin with
Any help would be appreciated...
By #315742 at 03,Feb,13 02:37
Click where it says " you have xx points" then click on "points log"
By #315268 at 03,Feb,13 05:13
Thank you very much.

By #159413 at 03,Feb,13 01:32
I got burned and I blacklist that guy,I know he is a straight and he didn't like other guy complimet his pics.

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