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Communication and Courtesy

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #7976 at 01,Sep,09 02:05
I have been a semi-regular on this site now for some months and it is unfortunately apparent that too many people do not give even the slightest courtesy to comments on their photos. The number of folks who reply to my comments, and I assume it is the same for others as well, is a very low percentage of those on which I comment. It would be nice for more people to at the very least thank those who give them positive comments on their photos or posts. Anyone else have an opinion on this subject?

Similar topics: 1.Is this too much to ask?   2.profile   3.who agrees?(about messaging)   4.Banning   5.Rude  

New Comment

By MoeJoe at 05,Nov,09 09:40 other posts of MoeJoe 
I have to admit, that I do not reply to every comment I get, but I do take a look at their pics and return a comment or two on the pics that I like. I do respond to all PM comments, though. I make tons of comments everyday, as I roll through the previous 24 hours new postings, and if I miss replying to someone, I hope they don't take it personally, as I will eventually catch up to them in some fashion.

By #6568 at 01,Sep,09 18:56
Having read this topic I am deeply embarassed to admit that I am a serial offender,....for which I now apologise to all users of this site.

In future I WILL try to at least acknowledge a comment on any of my pix.

With hindsight, I now realise that, although I always aknowledge messages (even just to say 'Hi' or 'thanks but nothanks') I do not take too much notice of comments on pix,...and sometimes don't even look at that part of my page. In addition, I realise that comments by other men to my pix has never had a great impact on me, a bit of 'low priority' comes into play here, especially since I usually only make flying visits to the site.

So, I'm sorry, and I will do better in future.........

Adult Discussion Forum