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Interface on your member pages

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Started by admin at 05,Sep,09 04:37  other posts of admin
I'm trying to make it more "decent" so you now have different look of your member pages menu (it's different only on your own pages for now and only in "Dicks" side of the site).

I've tested it in several browsers, seems to be working, so you should not have any problems. But I'm still not sure about its usability. Please tell me what you think - is it understandable? is it comfortable?

If you have any notes or suggestions, please let me know.

If you do not like it - I can roll it back to exactly what it was.

Similar topics: 1.Some more small changes   2.Anyone suggest some good member pages for uncut, flaccid vids???   3.Sexual outdoor/Nature pics   4.Another small addition   5.Freddy.. This is a threat.  

New Comment

By #11218 at 06,Sep,09 02:57
Is any one else having problems with the site being really sluggish since these have been added? my processor seems to be running at 50% alll the time with it open but as soon as i close it it's fine again!
By #11218 at 06,Sep,09 03:00
Never mind I just updated flash and it seems to be fine now. As i'm getting used to it I'm liking it although part of me says it's more clicks to get where you want go.

Edit: Flash update hasn't fixed it as it's still doing it.
By admin at 06,Sep,09 03:51 other posts of admin 
This site does not use flash at all. What is your browser?
By #11218 at 06,Sep,09 14:22
I'm running ie8, i've updated every thing, all my anti malware and anti virus software and win 7 but it's still doing it, it's started doing it on other sites now too so it's obviously something up with my pc :(
By admin at 06,Sep,09 16:39 other posts of admin 
Ok. Glad to know it's not my fault.

By #8288 at 06,Sep,09 07:45
One feature that I liked and is now missing is that you could see what other friends another member has. That often led to the discovery of some nice pics and interesting members that I otherwise would not have found easily.
By admin at 06,Sep,09 12:18 other posts of admin 
I simply missed that. Now it's there again.

By #15267 at 06,Sep,09 01:09
it's a logical arrangement... i believe there was a time when clicking on friends gave me the list which was sorted by time of previous visit to the site. i kind of liked that feature - also would it be possible to have a date and time of last visit?
By admin at 06,Sep,09 03:53 other posts of admin 
Actually the member search by name or by country sorting results by last visit. I can do the same with friends, but I'm not sure if it's convenient for other members.

By #21042 at 05,Sep,09 19:05
its an improvment, ive have no complaints

By admin at 05,Sep,09 16:51 other posts of admin 
OK, now it's everywhere

By smagma at 05,Sep,09 12:25 other posts of smagma 

By #6236 at 05,Sep,09 10:32
works for me

Adult Discussion Forum