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I want to suck a dick

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Started by #243126 at 18,Mar,12 06:18
I want to suck a dick, but I am nervous. Not entirely sure why, because I always fantasize it. I'm sure I'm not alone, so, help?

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New Comment

By probowler298 at 07,Apr,23 18:34 other posts of probowler298 
I need to suck some dick. Train me.

By probowler298 at 06,Mar,23 03:04 other posts of probowler298 
Bella wants me to suck some dick. Should i?

By probowler298 at 20,Jan,23 19:05 other posts of probowler298 
I want to suck some cock.
By bella! at 20,Jan,23 23:41 other posts of bella! 
Just do it! ✔️
By probowler298 at 21,Jan,23 00:24 other posts of probowler298 
Nike. Let me see your boobs first. Please.

By probowler298 at 21,Jan,23 01:05 other posts of probowler298 
You really want me too?

By #242935 at 18,Mar,12 14:06
i want to suck a dick but i'm not nervous at all i'm really looking forward to it and to have a dick cum inmy mouth is very very sexy.
By Gntlmn at 21,Mar,12 01:05 other posts of Gntlmn 
you could certainly suck mine
By #147052 at 21,Mar,12 14:18
I'd do both of you!

By spermkiss at 21,Mar,12 04:15 other posts of spermkiss 
It's normal to be nervous the first time you do something new, especially something new sexually. When you meet a man it wouldn't hurt to let him know that it's you first time. Most men are really gracious and will help you along. He'll want to make your first time really special. And if he doesn't, pass him by. You're better off moving on to someone else.

By #188764 at 18,Mar,12 12:15
It's usually pretty easy to hook up with a guy to trade blow-jobs, through one of the various Internet sites. Craigs List, obviously, if you live in an area that's covered. Try Silver Daddies if you're an older guy. When you're looking for a hook-up, it wouldn't hurt to mention that you're a first-timer. Might even be fun to get with another first-timer. As for being fat (as your name states), lots of the guys who are are looking for m/m sex are overweight.

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