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Complimenting women is becoming pointless

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Started by #208089 at 22,Mar,12 16:06
This site is just the tip of the iceburg on that one. Very rarely can I say "you look very nice" to a woman and get as much as a simple, "thanks but no thanks". Whuch I would find much less rude than completely ignoring the fact that I said anything. For shame I say! FOR SHAME!

Similar topics: 1.Pointless   2.Fakes   3.THANK YOU!   4.All this damn silliness...   5.going to delete my profile and leave this site  

New Comment

By #139594 at 21,Apr,12 03:00
Well.... speaking only for myself of course, I can confirm that I'm completely real. I came to this site thru my husband. He loves to see me naked and loves to show me off. To be honest, I will admit that I initially went along with this whole "showing my nude body off to the whole world thing" via this site because it made my hubby happy. I will also admit however, after the initial trepidation of being naked for all the SYC/SYD members to see, that I've come to enjoy the thrill of showing my nude pics to everyone, and a big part of that is because of all the lovely comments I've received on my posted pics. That all being said however, does not mean I respond to every nice comment. That decision is not based in rudeness, nor indifference, but more on simply a lack of time to commit to responding to every comment. Also, to be truthful, I'm not particularly fond of typing and chatting via the keyboard. It's not personal, it's just the way it is. Sorry guys(and gals). You may catch me on the odd day where I may respond here and there briefly, but for me, that is the exception, not the rule. Let's remember guys, you are COMPLETE strangers to me; lovely comment or not. I'm married to a wonderful man, who I love very, very much. I'm not here to replace him, or to seek a man or woman on the side. Rather I'm here because of my love for my husband, and my nude pics are posted here for his benefit. All of you who see and enjoy my pictures because of that, are the lucky recipients of my decision to please my husband. So lovely compliment or not, I guess I just don't feel compelled to respond at times because I don't want to lead anyone either. Unfortunately the sad truth is that on the one occasion I did respond to someone it quickly fell into a discussion as to why this person could not find love, and how he was so lonely. Now while I felt empathy for this person, it was slightly uncomfortable and awkward for me to be discussing this man's issues in this way. So when I politely tried to steer the conversation back to a more light-hearted topic, he became very abusive and mean. I just felt it was too heavy a topic for a complete stranger to be discussing with me. From that point forward, I've decided to not get too chatty with anyone. So while I do love the compliments, I'm not likely to respond folks. If it offends you, I'm truly sorry, but at least you know the truth. Sorry for the long winded diatribe, but I just truly want my pictures enjoyed without any expectations or drama. Cheers...JNJ7278
By bella! at 23,Apr,12 21:58 other posts of bella! 
Well said!
By #354961 at 30,May,13 01:47
My dear friend, this time I disagree with you.
By bella! at 30,May,13 02:01 other posts of bella! 
You don't feel that JNJ7278 articulated HER point of view well? I disagree with you, my dear friend -drifter-.

By #269409 at 12,Nov,12 14:40
And you have gorgella pics

By #61033 at 25,May,13 04:44
I think you speak for the majority of women out there and we should all respect this! Most women are inundated with messages from horny men expecting to be treated in kind. I am not surprised they get no response! I join the others in saying - well said!

By #302488 at 12,Nov,12 11:20
is steffi nice, you cant prove it by me, she has ignored me, buzy i guess
By bella! at 12,Nov,12 11:34 other posts of bella! 
Steffi's ignored your message (s)? Steffi's health is her main priority and that takes precedence over SYD/SYC. Perhaps she didn't understand that the message you left on her wall "N E NU stuff"? Was that a compliment or a question?

By #61033 at 25,May,13 04:54
I only have HUGE respect for Steffi! She is not one of the most popular members here by chance and remains one of the most prolific contributors in spite of her health. There is always good reason for no response from her.
By #164428 at 27,May,13 10:11
Awwww. Thank you, Love. That means so much to me.
By #61033 at 28,May,13 19:15

By #303133 at 12,Nov,12 14:25
I could not agree with you more! Everyone knows that the only reason to pay someone a compliment is so that they will notice you. Compliments are intended to be self-serving, not some silly "kindness" thing which is done out of the goodness of your heart. If there is nothing in it for you, why waste your time? Women are particularly rude when it comes to understanding that...because they are only life-support systems for just say nice things because they want to get laid. How rude that they wouldn't melt at your charming words and willingly drool all over the glorious thing that is you! If you say "you look nice", it is obvious that what you mean is "Can I poke around in your cooter, please? I have said words in your direction. The very least you can do in repayment is to drop to your knees and blow me". Ungrateful cows, I tell you!
By bella! at 12,Nov,12 14:28 other posts of bella! 
I guess your clitoris didn't come home.

By #215432 at 24,Apr,12 00:52
Again, I say Never point less to compliment ladies. They keep us, men, in line, and create endless pleasure to All of us. So my Praise, Thanks and Admiration too Each and Every Lovely that is here!!! Its an honor to be able to observe and truly enjoy such Beauty!! Thank You from Me and All Real men and women that can enjoy Life and Beauty all at once!!
By #218130 at 12,Nov,12 12:20
Beautifully said

By bella! at 12,Nov,12 11:30 other posts of bella! 
What do you construe to be a compliment? Is your compliment kind, i.e. nice pics or is your compliment raw and in "Yoda talk"?

By Ablaze at 29,Mar,12 13:08 other posts of Ablaze 
It is true. Comlimenting women is always pointless in social webs. And the most part of women on these cites have profiles only to raise their self esteem and ego from compliments and then to pose as ice queens to men, who did it. It is fucking bitchy. But anyway, when I like some girl or have some desires I write and don't wait answers back. We, the men are more noble than the women.
Also, interesting thing is that I had never received sex from women from web cite made for sexual dating.(From other cites, yes) I don't consider my self to be ugly or to had bad attitude with women, so don't thing the problem is in me. Or may be the women want' t to fuck with men with bisexual profiles ?

By 8x6 at 23,Mar,12 01:40 other posts of 8x6 
I know this is going to get some back lash, but I have seen so frigging many FAKE profiles on here that I seriously doubt that even half the profiles are actually women.
By #244102 at 23,Mar,12 03:22
I agree
By #146919 at 23,Mar,12 12:18
95% are fake
By #236977 at 23,Mar,12 22:24
100% REAL!
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 26,Mar,12 13:20 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
Look real to me! Real SEXY, Sinevra!
By #59855 at 27,Mar,12 06:53
From Matt's Wife: That is why the verify is nice
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 27,Mar,12 13:06 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
I agree, Mrs Matt. But I am "real", and as yet, still not verified. Oh well, YOU'RE SO SEXY!!!
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 27,Mar,12 13:08 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
And, of course; YOU, SEXY STEFFI!!!

By #208089 at 23,Mar,12 15:00
I also said this site is the tip of the iceburg, females are starting to act just as fake in public. As far as I can tell, all but two of the 'women' who commented on this are fake profiles.... get a life.... hell, get some help, Im sure the whole fake profile thing is not mentally healthy.
By #236977 at 23,Mar,12 22:20
By MoeJoe at 26,Mar,12 10:24 other posts of MoeJoe 
Do you take your own pics? Was it your idea to post pics on this site? Is this little venture solely your own ?
By #220783 at 26,Mar,12 19:58
in my case, yes yes and yes.
By MoeJoe at 27,Mar,12 10:09 other posts of MoeJoe 
Then you are the exception and not the rule...

By #59855 at 27,Mar,12 06:55
From Matt's Wife: Pot meet kettle

By #164428 at 22,Mar,12 17:45
And there's a 100 message limit. If one can't be here for a period of time, or if a person chats through the message system (each line "costing" a message slot), messages can "drop off" quickly w/o even being seen.

I'm not sure that's what you're talking about, though. I don't think you're talking about not getting answers, period, but getting rebuffed, am I right?

Maybe it's your approach. If by, "you look nice", you mean, "Baby, I wanna slam my huge cock into your cervix and fuck you all night long", and for first contact, no less, that may garner an icy response. I've heard this from others here and have experienced it myself.
By #59855 at 27,Mar,12 06:52
From Matt's Wife: I try to answer all but I get so many it can be impossible. The 100 limit is a great point, some I just miss

By #243902 at 22,Mar,12 16:52
As a woman new to this site, I find the amount of "attention" a bit overwhelming. There are sooooo many guys here and, it's very difficult to respond to all of them. I do the best I can but, I'm not always able to respond to each and every one. It's almost like a celebrity trying to respond to "fan mail," if that makes any sense. Please try to cut us some slack, K. Thanks!
By #218130 at 24,Mar,12 09:28
Very true

By #211470 at 23,Mar,12 14:04
I say compliment me if you feel so inclined
By #5532 at 24,Mar,12 01:59
By #205329 at 24,Mar,12 08:01

By #181785 at 24,Mar,12 06:21
We all need to remember this site is world wide. There are some language barriers, even in english 1 word means something in the UK and means something completely different in the US. Different cultures have what is rude to you might not be that bad to me, that works both ways. Yes there seems to be a lot of fakes, oh well to bad for them, I have met some very nice people on this site. I try to answer all my messages some are stated in a manner that I don't believe need an answer. And some times you might just come on way to strong, haveing said that I've thought back to some of the messages I sent to people, both male and female for the first time and I sure as hell wouldn't talk to me either. personally I come on here to see the lovely pictures make comments about them show my pics, have fun and maybe hook up with someone.

By #160217 at 22,Mar,12 23:25
its a photo site too. i look at ur pics. if i dont like, i dont talk. men compare their penis with soda cans ?? straight men show their asshole ?? who wants to see that
By #222882 at 23,Mar,12 01:39
likely not straight men showing their anus. they may say they are straight but....
By bigone21 at 23,Mar,12 16:41 other posts of bigone21 
well sknlvr, this is the headline on the homepage:

This site is for the men who like showing their dicks off. May serve as a gay/bi dating also.

so, you BET there is a large amount of gay/bi guys here!!

By bigone21 at 23,Mar,12 16:33 other posts of bigone21 
you're right!! soda cans??? pffff!! who gets off on that??

that's why i used premium brand BEER-cans!! haha!!

By #205329 at 23,Mar,12 05:57
I agree somewhat about why women don't reply back to some men's PMs. I realize they have many more PMs than us men do. But what I don't understand is when I compliment a woman, get no response, figure she might be too busy to reply, then try and send another PM to her on another day, but find out she banned me. I compliment a woman and she bans me??? Go figure. How rude is that?

By bigone21 at 22,Mar,12 23:07 other posts of bigone21 
man!! think about it... a view from the other side... i get 10 messages a day like: fuck me! i want to suck it, great, big, nice, put it in my hole, etc. every day... so if i am away for the weekend, there are 30 or more messages on monday i will try to answer and thank them, but it's not always possible! so, i think sexy women have the same! even more maybe! too big a crowd! just have fun! most people are not on this site to be rude i think! maybe attention is to overwhelming sometimes...

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