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going to delete my profile and leave this site

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If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #464792 at 13,Nov,14 02:04
Nothing ever goes on. Totally boring and pointless

Similar topics: 1.Changing profile.   2.The anonymous commenter Hacker   3.Can't delete my page images.   4.100 PIC PERSONAL GALLERY PAGES?   5.Freddy.. This is a threat.  

New Comment

By #358797 at 13,Nov,14 03:26
I see you've added me as a friend.... I also see you haven't messaged.... Nor commented on anybody's pictures... The only forum posts I see from you are Skype details, and a random answer to a question that was most likely asked to seek attention that you bought into and replied on... How can you say there's never anything going on if you don't put any effort into making your time here worthwhile? For serious, send a fucking message or comment on some pictures or something...
By #204766 at 13,Nov,14 04:49
Well said

By JeffinKS at 13,Nov,14 12:53 other posts of JeffinKS 
I fully agree..... just like idiots that sit in the chat rooms and say NOTHING.... and then complain that no one is chatting. If you just sit there waiting for something to happen.... well all I can say is have fun being bored...
By #358797 at 13,Nov,14 13:02

But, from my experience with chat, most people who pop in and sit without saying anything are just nosy fucknuts looking for shit to stir.
By #316057 at 13,Nov,14 14:04
Aww but I do try
By #358797 at 13,Nov,14 14:33
You know what I meant, Jamie.

By leopoldij at 12,May,15 02:06 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh but he has so many friends. He must be very popular

By #485312 at 11,May,15 09:54
couldn't you find the delete button??? *lix*
By #7976 at 11,May,15 23:12
Great response.

By leopoldij at 12,May,15 02:02 other posts of leopoldij 
Looks like if. Six months and he hasn't found it yet. Why don't you help him?

By leopoldij at 12,May,15 02:02 other posts of leopoldij 
I see you posted this November last year but you're still around. Why does it take you so long to leave? As I see below, everyone is waiting for your departure in anticipation. Oh, by the way, are you throwing a good bye party?

By #7976 at 11,May,15 23:11
Sorry your not satisfied. Bye.

By #124665 at 23,Nov,14 06:03
I pay for this and might cum on every few weeks.. The fuck you want? Enjoy it for free, no pity party for your exile, so stay for a while. Fucker

By #473614 at 23,Nov,14 00:24
don't let the door hit ya

By #281008 at 19,Nov,14 20:13
ok delete who cares

By #451452 at 13,Nov,14 23:44
Hope that you find whatever it is that you were looking for here someplace else. Peace out.

By #220845 at 13,Nov,14 17:59
Happy tails, I mean trails

By #316057 at 13,Nov,14 03:21
Good bye

Adult Discussion Forum