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Started by #55241 at 22,Apr,12 10:52
have any other guys here ever thought about getting castrated ? Iv had it on my mind for a while now i did try banding once but the pain after about 15 minutes was unbearable so i cut the band. Do any of you know where you can go to be surgically castrated i know you can get it done in germany but it is expensive anyone know places in the uk pm me

Similar topics: 1.Anyone interested in castration?   2.SUBS, CASTRATION, HUMILIATION   3.Castration   4.CASTRATION   5.guys that offer to castrate another guy  

New Comment

By #190275 at 25,Apr,12 21:51
If you have been examinated and doctors says your fine, then it's a psychological reason, now what this means is that even with an operation the pain might acctually continue. Something called phantom-pain, and its very real. Maybe see a pschyologist instead?
By #55241 at 26,Apr,12 05:31
i have been examined by many doctors and specialists who agree that i have a problem with pain when they physically manipulate my nuts they see it for themselves only one has talked about castration to me but it is not available in my situation on the nhs by the way that doctor was a woman and understanding and explained a lot to me
By #190275 at 26,Apr,12 13:00
Clearly i didn't hold all the facts, I wish you all the best.

By #68656 at 23,Apr,12 14:31
I just had a perusal of his photos, with the greatest of respect no wonder he has pain and problems in that area if he does things such as this to them. This is just one of several examples.

By #23212 at 23,Apr,12 19:37
These photos of his do 'kind of' weaken his 'reasonings' here, eh non?
[deleted image]

By #172995 at 23,Apr,12 07:14
You will lose your natural source of male hormones. The lack of male hormones will fuck you up in the head.
By #55241 at 23,Apr,12 13:02
the pain i sometimes like today does as you say fuck my head up anyway i think id rather be pain and testicle free
By penisadmirer at 23,Apr,12 13:13 other posts of penisadmirer 
So it really hurts???And there's no solution??? Such a shame . i would like to have two balls instead of one,,,

By slipper at 23,Apr,12 06:27 other posts of slipper 
Btw, after reading the comments to the original post... for those with especially sensitive testicles, the pain for even minor "bumps" and pressure can be excruciating! I did speak with a urologist at one point and there doesn't seem to be a way to "desensitize" to the pain.

By #68656 at 22,Apr,12 11:31
Just for my information, and I feel sure for many of the male members of this group, could you explain and elaborate in detail why you find it necessary to castrate yourself.
Is there a medical reason, a fetish or gender confusion.??
By #55241 at 23,Apr,12 05:38
i have always had very sensitive testicles and have had many painful experiences whilst having sex and in everyday life i do not need to breed again i have been to doctors who have examined me had various scans and been told medically i am fine but now i am at a stage where i dont want any more pain and dont need my testicles anymore and hopefully sumone will help me find where i can go to have them removed whether it is done by a doctor or a vet i will gladly allow either i hope this explains why i want then gone before i have to try sumthing more drastic
By slipper at 23,Apr,12 06:20 other posts of slipper 
I can relate. I had mumps that "went down" when I was an older teen! GAWWWD what pain at the time! Afterwards, one nut shrank considerably and both have remained VERY sensitive to pressure/pain ever since. If there were a simple, safe way to regulate hormones without them I would consider it, and would be happy to be free of them. My suggestion is to go to and get a temporary membership. Then, you can explore this with those who have done it. Good luck!!!

By bigone21 at 22,Apr,12 18:50 other posts of bigone21 
go see a doctor, as soon as possible!

By #81191 at 22,Apr,12 11:37
It will be expensive here unless there is a medical reason. Obviously you have a phycological reason

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