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Started by #646509 at 10,Dec,21 21:52
Anyone think about it ? Anyone have it done ? Any ideas

Similar topics: 1.castration   2.Anyone interested in castration?   3.SUBS, CASTRATION, HUMILIATION   4.Castration   5.guys that offer to castrate another guy  

New Comment

By yeehawboyy at 17,Oct,22 15:32 other posts of yeehawboyy 
the threat of castration gets me really horny but after blowing my load I find myself glad that my balls are intact

By DJS at 30,Sep,22 12:00 other posts of DJS 
Should change the thread to who wants to be a eunuch..
By phart at 30,Sep,22 14:15 other posts of phart 
By DJS at 01,Oct,22 09:46 other posts of DJS 
Cant believe how many threads there is on the eunuch union,if a juggler joins he would certainly be out of a job
By phart at 01,Oct,22 12:59 other posts of phart 

By Richie at 01,Oct,22 13:28 other posts of Richie 
I'm actually a natural born eunuch
By DJS at 01,Oct,22 14:55 other posts of DJS 

By DJS at 01,Oct,22 15:01 other posts of DJS 
So you were born without testi then, not take the piss,but on another thread on the same subject,said he was born a eunuch

testicles don't work and barely even show. Sometimes I think it would be easier to just get rid of them all together. castration is both being cut off or just the ball,depending what era,
Now unless they've defined a new name for it am confused
By Richie at 01,Oct,22 16:17 other posts of Richie 
I was born with undescended testicles that dont function
By DJS at 02,Oct,22 11:19 other posts of DJS 
I understand what that means,even medical terminology does class it as castration but has you stated it is..

By Reinhold at 28,Sep,22 06:07 other posts of Reinhold 
oh ja ich denke schon lange darьber nach, wьrde mir gerne die hoden entfernen lassen
By Markmeato at 28,Sep,22 07:07 other posts of Markmeato 
Da wьrd ich gerne zusehen!
By Reinhold at 28,Sep,22 07:25 other posts of Reinhold 
wьrde mir gefallen wenn du nackt zusiehst und ich deinen schwanz sehe. meinst du er wird steif dabei?
By Markmeato at 29,Sep,22 06:41 other posts of Markmeato 
Oh ja, bestimmt!
By Reinhold at 30,Sep,22 03:51 other posts of Reinhold 
wenn mein sack geцffnet wird, die silberhaut aufgeschnitten so das das ei frei raushдngt. dann die verbindung abgebunden und mit einer schere durchtrennt, danach den sack wieder vernдht und bei der anderen seite genau so, nur das du meinen hoden abschneidest. na lust dazu

Adult Discussion Forum