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guys that offer to castrate another guy

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Started by royal at 06,Sep,24 21:44  other posts of royal
Recently I've had some kinky chats where another dude has recommended / offered to castrate me. The interaction and going through with it actually gets me excited but I love getting my balls busted / kicked.

Im down for more modification, circumcision and keratotomy on my cock but what do you think of castration ?

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By tyguy_135 at 07,Sep,24 18:27 other posts of tyguy_135 
I totally get how you might fell. I have thought about it - although playing, beating and hurting my dick are my favourite things to do! If I become terminal with some sort of aliment or old when it is useless I would want it. Until then I will be satisfy modification - extreme modification.

By Scooby69 at 07,Sep,24 09:57 other posts of Scooby69 
Not for me personally I completely get where you’re coming from with the excitement of watching him do it to you though, On the flip side you’re still quite a young guy and you’ll be a long time without them afterwards and could even end up regretting it. Once it’s done you’ll be pretty restricted with what you can do down there I’d definitely stick with the things you mentioned above way more fun 👍

By cricrilover at 07,Sep,24 07:40 other posts of cricrilover 
I've been thinking about it for a long time, I'll probably do it one day, and have my balls and sac cut off right at my perineum

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