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Anyone interested in castration?

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Started by #506820 at 10,Feb,16 09:34
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone else is interested in castration? (removal of the testicles) Ive wanted this done since i was around 10 or so. Contemplating having it done this year.

I pretty much keep them tucked up inside at all times, can only orgasm if theyre pushed inside etc.. The few times ive topped i even have them up inside.. (normally bottom)

Ive read a lot about it at and there seems to be a few people around like me, anyone here??

Similar topics: 1.castration   2.SUBS, CASTRATION, HUMILIATION   3.Castration   4.CASTRATION   5.guys that offer to castrate another guy  

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By tecsan at 05,Oct,22 05:39 other posts of tecsan 
WTF...I aim to keep my nuts.

By subfuckhole at 04,Oct,22 23:11 other posts of subfuckhole 
i wanted my nutts removed for many years but the society made it to difficult to have done

By Yobud at 25,Oct,17 08:41 other posts of Yobud 
I've never been interested in being castrated, but I've long been turned on by the fantasy of having my penis cut/bitten off. Of course it's just a fantasy, and I don't really want to do that, but the thought of a man who has normal sex urges but no way to relieve them seems really hot to me. He would be a sex slave who has intense regret, envy, frustration, and lust at all times.
By Reinhold at 01,Oct,22 05:57 other posts of Reinhold 
deinen penis abschneiden - hцrt sich geil an aber das noch ein stumpf von 1 inch bleibt

By phart at 31,Oct,17 18:14 other posts of phart 
Well we used to castrate goats with a emasculator.It was a big pliers like tool that spread a rubber oring.You slid it up over the nutsack on the goat and released tightened around the nut sack,cutting the **** off.In a few days the nut sack would just fall to the ground a shriveled little clump.It made the male goat more gentle,and grow bigger.
You could do it yourself with 1 of those tools. I can't see why in the hell anyone would want them gone. it would make you start talking in a high voice and you would be wimpy.

By #493361 at 31,Oct,17 16:17
I'm a natural born eunuch so in esscence I'm already castrated. My testicles don't work and barely even show. Sometimes I think it would be easier to just get rid of them all together

By #543844 at 28,Oct,17 00:29
I like the look of am empty scrotom, but I don't think I could do it. I like to play with my penis too much.

By #485312 at 10,Feb,16 13:00
there was a dude here that was castrated recently, but l cant remeber his avatar, he even kept his balls in a jar, if l find him l'll let you know of his page so you can contact him on the subject *lix*
By leopoldij at 20,Oct,17 00:20 other posts of leopoldij 

By #147052 at 17,Feb,16 17:45
Donald Trump would be my choice for the procedure. Unless medically necessary, no, no, no.
By leopoldij at 20,Oct,17 00:19 other posts of leopoldij 
would you want Donald to castrate you?

By #289712 at 16,Feb,16 03:19
No way
By #68656 at 16,Feb,16 07:54
Agree absolutely, in fact I would respectfully suggest the sissy consults a psychiatrist.
Adelaidean regards.
By *kmadeau* at 17,Feb,16 17:49 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #460523 at 16,Feb,16 23:06
do not do it

By slipper at 13,Feb,16 05:39 other posts of slipper 
I had a disease as an older teen that pretty well ravished and shrunk mine--not much more than almond sized and one smaller than the other by quite a bit. They are also quite susceptible to pain, so yes, I've thought of doing away with them (if you look at many of my pix you'll see little evidence of them anyway and they do lift into my groin at the slightest provocation). BUT, if you "talk" with castrated guys, as I've done, they all are very direct about the problematic consequences--assuming of course, that yours are still producing hormones at all. Obviously, google is a start for ya, but at some point you need medical input, too. All the best!!!

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