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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #183032 at 25,Apr,12 18:45

Similar topics: 1.Show your asshole.   2.guys, show your gaping holes!   3.Big girls are the best share your pics   4.Best asses on the site Male/Female   5.Flat asses.  

New Comment


By dgraff at 10,Dec,21 15:37 other posts of dgraff 

By dgraff at 10,Dec,21 11:59 other posts of dgraff 
A butt hole should be heard and not seen

By Nerdydick1138 at 10,Dec,21 00:31 other posts of Nerdydick1138 
My hole!

By curious10 at 09,Dec,21 21:13 other posts of curious10 

By Louis at 09,Dec,21 11:17 other posts of Louis 

By #472128 at 15,Jan,19 15:04
[deleted image]
By Ablaze at 15,Jan,19 16:01 other posts of Ablaze 
I want it on my face

By Ablaze at 15,Jan,19 12:38 other posts of Ablaze 

By *1dick* at 15,Jan,19 02:04 other posts of *1dick* 

By leopoldij at 15,Jan,19 02:02 other posts of leopoldij 
[deleted image] [deleted image] [deleted image]

By #571688 at 11,Nov,18 14:33
[deleted image]

By Louis at 11,Nov,18 13:26 other posts of Louis 

By #570911 at 11,Nov,18 05:52
let's rehab this topic

[deleted image]

By #423426 at 11,Jan,17 02:07
Here's both our arseholes, enjoy! [deleted image]

By Stigma33 at 10,Jan,17 18:07 other posts of Stigma33 

By niceonebighead at 09,Jan,17 17:00 other posts of niceonebighead 
u asshole bandits need 2 start ur own place on the net this is show your dick get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By smokieb69 at 09,Jan,17 15:55 other posts of smokieb69 

By leopoldij at 03,Jan,17 17:37 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm not into anal sex, I don't really care, but I like playing with an ass and look at the ass hole while I'm fucking a pussy.

[deleted image] [deleted image] [deleted image]

By #525127 at 03,Jan,17 08:44
[deleted image]
By #486758 at 03,Jan,17 16:48
hot ass mmmm

By Yando at 01,Jan,17 15:46 other posts of Yando 

By EarthQuake69 at 22,Dec,15 13:14 other posts of EarthQuake69 
By *kmadeau* at 31,Dec,16 18:20 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By routemaster at 31,Dec,16 01:51 other posts of routemaster 

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By xxx25 at 17,Apr,16 13:21 other posts of xxx25 
[deleted image]

By #508312 at 06,Mar,16 19:08
[deleted image]

Hurt me

By #482162 at 22,Dec,15 13:44
[deleted image]

Taking advantage of the morning sunlight
By #503128 at 05,Mar,16 23:44
So lick-able.
By #482162 at 06,Mar,16 13:15

By leopoldij at 05,Mar,16 22:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Look [deleted image]

By routemaster at 01,Mar,16 00:32 other posts of routemaster 
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By #505755 at 19,Feb,16 00:07
What if your asshole is someone here on this site. Can we post them..
By #485312 at 19,Feb,16 10:48
yeah why not. your idea of an arsehole can be anything you want it to be *lix*

By #96761 at 05,Feb,16 21:12
[deleted image]
By #507279 at 18,Feb,16 14:39

By routemaster at 17,Feb,16 04:55 other posts of routemaster 
[deleted image]
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My friend John from Ireland is an EXPERT ASS CHEEKS SPREADER and LOVES exposing his HOT TIGHT ASSHOLE for all you MALE ASS fans

By routemaster at 15,Feb,16 08:23 other posts of routemaster 

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My lovely friend John from Ireland, Christmas 2015

By routemaster at 14,Feb,16 07:21 other posts of routemaster 
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By #201583 at 15,Feb,16 00:54
I love that flap. Mmm
By routemaster at 15,Feb,16 06:26 other posts of routemaster 
Thrilled you do

By routemaster at 12,Feb,16 09:05 other posts of routemaster 
[deleted image]
By #486758 at 12,Feb,16 13:44
mmmm love to lick your tight hole
By routemaster at 14,Feb,16 15:36 other posts of routemaster 
MMMMM, I LOVE having my TIGHT ASSHOLE well and truly LICKED

By routemaster at 07,Feb,16 09:40 other posts of routemaster 

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By routemaster at 18,Jan,16 19:52 other posts of routemaster 

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By routemaster at 02,Jan,16 04:30 other posts of routemaster 
[deleted image]

My friend John's SPECTACULAR HOT ASSHOLE, taken during one of his previous visits a few years ago

By foreskinlover52 at 25,Dec,15 19:52 other posts of foreskinlover52 
[deleted image]

By routemaster at 25,Dec,15 19:14 other posts of routemaster 
[deleted image]

My friend John's HOT ASSHOLE
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By routemaster at 21,Dec,15 18:06 other posts of routemaster 

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By routemaster at 15,Dec,15 03:26 other posts of routemaster 

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By #452005 at 14,Dec,15 18:50
[deleted image]
By *kmadeau* at 14,Dec,15 19:14 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By EarthQuake69 at 14,Dec,15 17:40 other posts of EarthQuake69 
here it is

By routemaster at 02,Oct,15 07:49 other posts of routemaster 

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By heylittleman at 24,Aug,15 08:48 other posts of heylittleman 
By *kmadeau* at 01,Oct,15 15:36 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #497363 at 01,Oct,15 07:54
[deleted image]
By #316057 at 01,Oct,15 07:59

By #68656 at 25,Apr,12 19:01
An ass is actually the offspring of a mating between a horse and a donkey, it is correctly known as a mule and is usually sterile.
Is the gentleman, going by his comment "I just love asses", implying that he is an equine breeder specializing in mules.??
How would a mule (ass) make a hole.?
By #183032 at 25,Apr,12 19:25
Funny can tell you dont get laid
By #68656 at 25,Apr,12 19:45
Chickens lay and mules bray.
By #59855 at 27,Apr,12 05:08
From Matt's Wife: L0L

By #482162 at 18,Apr,15 02:08
actually, I believe a donkey is considered an ass. Not a mule.

By #497363 at 01,Oct,15 07:53
There's nothing wrong with humor, guys. Anyways, enough with the horsing around and neigh-saying, everyone.
By #316057 at 01,Oct,15 07:57

By #121361 at 30,Sep,15 04:39
[deleted image]

By routemaster at 27,Sep,15 09:21 other posts of routemaster 

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By routemaster at 03,Sep,15 15:34 other posts of routemaster 

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By #201155 at 29,Aug,15 18:28
Plenty more on my pages!

[deleted image]

By routemaster at 29,Aug,15 03:53 other posts of routemaster 
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Adult Discussion Forum