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adult bookstores

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Started by #220845 at 26,Apr,12 15:09
Any of u bookstores. Can u.relate ur xperiances

Similar topics: 1.Anyone else here circumcised as an adult?   2.XXX Bookstores   3.ABS hookups   4.New York City.   5.I Want to Suck Cock!  

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By #509942 at 06,Dec,16 04:58
Any in Illinois
want to meet
By niceonebighead at 09,Dec,16 05:29 other posts of niceonebighead 
i go 2 peoria arcadesand i go 2 it inspringfield where do u go

By cumonme1 at 06,Dec,16 13:26 other posts of cumonme1 
i'm hoping to get to a abs in new Jersey soon need to get or give a blow job

By onthelose at 02,Dec,16 20:15 other posts of onthelose 
I used to frequent an adult pool and spa with booths. I had many good times with the glory holes. They are good for the shy guys and those who only care about Cumming. Unfortunately the prudes own the law and all the holes at all the other places are closed . I guess they could not stand that fact that others were having a good time. I often wonder what or whom we were hurting??? The bath house closed for zoning violations , too bad.

By #147052 at 02,Dec,16 15:37
I found that the book reading was a bit sticky

By cumonme1 at 30,Nov,16 13:24 other posts of cumonme1 
I go to the adult shops when I'm looking to get or give a blow job. i actually sucked a cock for the first time in a video booth in freehold, New jersey.

By niceonebighead at 29,Nov,16 16:50 other posts of niceonebighead 
at home some have theather in there also go in there pull it out stroke it let some one suck it so everyone can watch or if ur shy then ugo 2 the boths an hide like shy fagman up i like 2 watch an bewatched let everyone enjoy

By #519017 at 28,Nov,16 18:22
On my business trips to Germany I always visit the Beate Uhse store which every German airport seems to have. I have a good browse and buy a porn mag, much hotter than any I can get back home, for a good meaty wank in my hotel room. Some have video booths attached and if I've got time I waste a few Euros on one and sometimes need to use the box of tissues every booth is provided with.
By spermkiss at 29,Nov,16 05:08 other posts of spermkiss 
So you wanked in a movie booth and had to do a little clean up with the tissues provided. Tame!

Try going to an adult bookstore with movie booths and glory holes in the partitions. Stick your dick thru and get sucked off by a total stranger you cannot even see. Or wait for a dick to come thru and suck it.
By #519017 at 29,Nov,16 08:09
If I want anything less tame I go to one of the excellent striptease bars in town and have a "private dance" from a girl in one of the booths. The notice says "no touching" but inside the booth it's just between the two of us!

By #147052 at 27,Apr,12 16:11
No, but I've been to Barnes and Nobles....Must be an adult store as I see adults there!

Adult Discussion Forum