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XXX Bookstores

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Started by #112279 at 07,Apr,11 21:37
Just wondering if anyone has ever run into a neighbor, relative or co worker in a XXX Bookstore?.. What happend?

Similar topics: 1.Men if you suck cock where?   2.adult bookstores   3.ABS hookups   4.New York City.   5.I Want to Suck Cock!  

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By onthelose at 16,Apr,20 03:06 other posts of onthelose 
I used to go to a bath house when it was still open. I saw a guy I worked with there . We both said hi and went on our way. Never heard a thing from him later. I don't suppose he ever said anything to anyone.

By thicknsmooth at 15,Apr,20 04:46 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I went to a adult bookstore years ago and I was in a video booth watching gay porn and a friend of mine’s brother entered the booth and sucked me off we never mentioned it and it never happened again

By #525977 at 23,Jan,17 01:11
I met a guy I had met at a party as a friend (boyfriend) of a really hot girl at a sauna. It was fun and liberating and boy did he EVER go down on me! :-)

By cumonme1 at 12,Jan,17 13:38 other posts of cumonme1 
adult book stores is where i go when i want to suck cock or get mine sucked. Sucked a cock for the first time in a video booth

By #526576 at 10,Jan,17 03:32
A few years ago I went to one of the bookstores in town. They have movie booths in the back. Window on the side that only activates when both ppl hit a button. Basically you can watch the other guy jack off. I got totally naked and hit my button and waited. Played with my cock. Then the other side activated. It was one of the "straight" guys from work.

Super shocked at first but what was there to say? We both caught each other doing the same thing. He motioned for me to join him. I picked up my clothes and went around to his booth. Went inside and shut the door. We sucked each other off. Next few days at work was like nothing had happened. Then we both closed. He asked if I had gone back. I told him no. He then asked if I wanted to go back to his place to have some fun.

By niceonebighead at 30,Nov,16 23:03 other posts of niceonebighead 
i take ex sisinlaw she luv 2suck as long its 7+she sucks me there an backi i like 2 watch she gets on onetakes longer than it should i get behinder eat her that puts her in overdrive we both have a great day

By #150240 at 07,Apr,11 23:19
I ran into my boss once in an adult book store. I saw her and said "hey" and her face turned bright red and then she busted out laughing when she saw the set of butt plugs in my hand. We became closer friends after that.
By #311947 at 02,Feb,16 15:09

By leopoldij at 03,Feb,16 00:08 other posts of leopoldij 
Did you fuck her?

By dickisgreat at 02,Feb,16 20:42 other posts of dickisgreat 
Next-door neighbor who was a good friend and also super-closeted. We never said a single word about it! Sex talk is completely off the table even though we're good friends. I can see how people under 25 might keep things hidden but we're 40!

By #506373 at 02,Feb,16 06:28
when i was in high school a friends **** work at one we go in back room and watch through spy hole. one day this lady comes in and buy this cock that was hanging on the wall called the mule.she went in and watch movie and used it ,out of the blue she said if you want to watch cum in so three of did,she suck all of us ,best day ever. ihad sex witht 4 ladys from there all 20y older than me great way to learn out sex

By #220845 at 09,Apr,12 16:07
Got together with a guy I knew from work wow. I sucked his dick

By #59855 at 06,Jul,11 19:51
From Matt's Wife: Never but we don't frequent them very often. We usually buy off the net

By #7976 at 04,Jul,11 21:39
Yes. We both said hello, went about our business, and never spoke of it again. What others do is their own private business as far as I'm concerned. Finding him there just meant that we were more alike than we knew before.

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