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Anyone else here circumcised as an adult?

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Started by #98365 at 21,Sep,10 22:01
If you're curious about adult (male) circumcision you might like to read my blog.

Similar topics: 1.CIRCUMCISING YOUR SON...   2.Adult Circumcision   3.Circumcised as an Adult   4.Who has been circumcised as an adult?   5.Adult circumcision  

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By #457608 at 16,Jun,14 23:56
In america circumcision is done at birth most of the time not because religion but because so many guys are cut parents think you have to because of lies of it bieng cleaner and doctors don't inform parents there are no medical benifets all they care about is getting paid more fore the procedure.

By #428053 at 20,Sep,13 14:34
I grew up uncircumcised
Posted by Mt3594 at 02,Sep,13 14:28

I believe I was born a bit premature, and for that reason was left uncircumcised. We lived in a rural area, which again, I believe is the reason my parents never took me back to the nearest city to have me cut. I say this because my older **** was circumcised, and during the time I was born almost all baby boys had a RIC. I really wasn’t much aware of being “different” down there, until I started bathing with either my **** or father. I would look at their cocks, and wondered why they were different than mine. I was kind of shy, so I never broached the subject. I just assumed that I had a different looking penis, just like some people had different looking noses or any other body part. By the time I got to be school age, I became aware that I indeed was very different than all the other boys. Instead of having a “rounded” end on my penis, mine had a long piece of skin on the end. In those days the boy’s restrooms typically had nothing but a long trough to pee in, so everything “hung” out for wandering eyes to see. It soon became apparent that I was the only boy in my small country school to have such an unusual looking penis. The other boys would unmercifully tease me about my penis coming to a point instead of the rounded tip that all of them had. However, most of them seemed to enjoy getting a good look at it whenever I was taking a pee. It seemed like they would almost fight to stand next to me. I became very self conscience about my unique looking penis, so started to try to hide it whenever possible. I never saw another uncircumcised penis until I was in the fourth grade. By this time we had moved, so I was in a new school. One day there were several boys standing in the boy’s room taking a leak when I walked in. One of them said “let’s have a contest to see who can pee the farthest.” One by one they stepped toward the urinal and pulled out their dicks, and let ‘er fly. They all had circumcised dicks, so could get a nice stream going. I wasn’t sure at the time, but I though one of the boys from the fifth grade had a penis that looked like mine? However by the time I got a closer look, I could see that he also had a rounded tip. I believe that this was actually first uncircumcised penis I ever saw, but by the time I had gotten the closer look he had obliviously pulled back his foreskin, so I thought that he was circumcised. Remember at this point in my life I had no idea that there was anything called circumcision. I just thought I had a weird looking dick. I had never “pulled back” my foreskin because I didn’t know I could. It was during this time in my life that my father died, so I never had a mentor to explain how my strange penis worked. When I was around 8 years old, I stepped out of the bathtub and started to dry myself after bathing. I looked down at my dick, and for some reason pulled back on it. What happened next scared me to death. As I pulled very hard on it, something started to “pop” out of the end of it. I immediately let go, and whatever started to come out of my penis went back in. I thought I had almost “broke’ my dick. Of course what almost happened was my first “retraction” of my foreskin. Because I was so scared by this, I never attempted to pull on my dick again for fear of breaking it for good.
I had very few sexual encounters between 8 and 10 years old, and still at age 10 had never retracted my foreskin. At age 10 I had a cousin stay over one night. He was about a year young than me. We decided to do a little bit of sexual experimenting, and ended up playing with each other’s dicks. He had a very tight circumcision, which made his cockhead very pronounced. However his head was very small so his cock seemed to be all shaft with a small head on it. First I masturbated him. He enjoyed it, but that was about it. Then he started masturbating me. He commented about my strange looking penis, but went about his business. He next said something about “maybe we could get some scissors and get rid of all the skin on the end of my dick”. We both had a good laugh about it. After he masturbated me for a few minutes, I started to get a very strange feeling, and finally erupted into a full blown “dry” orgasm. My very first one, and boy did I love it.
After that we moved again, and I started out in a new school. A fellow befriended me, and we hung around together almost every day. He was my age, and nice looking (as I was), but he was a little bit on the “stocky” side, which made him sort of self conscience. We were a good fit because by this time I was very self conscience about my uncut dick. We met in January, but never did anything of a sexual nature. He never even saw my dick, as I made sure we were never in a position where he could. Summer came and one day we decided to go swimming at the city pool together. The changing room was very open, so there was no hiding anything. I did turn my back while changing into my swimming suit, so I don’t think he saw my dick at that time. However when we got out of the pool and went back into the changing room, we obliviously had to strip down, dry off, and put on our street clothes. There was no way I could keep him from seeing my weird cock, so I just sort of went with the flow. I could tell he was getting a good close up look at me, but he didn’t say anything. I could obliviously see him too, and he was circumcised. But he did have a fairly loose circumcision and because he was a little overweight, what little foreskin he had left sort of bunched up behind his cockhead. Afterwards on the walk home, he looked at me and said “you never had the skin cut off your dick, did you?" Of course I had to reply “no”. From that moment on he seemed to be in love with my penis. He would embarrass me to no end by asking me questions, and telling all our mutual friends about my uncut status. All of them were cut, so I was constantly the butt of all jokes. He kept inferring that we should “mess around”, but I kept avoiding any sexual encounters with him. We were both 11 at the time. He lived alone with his dad, who was a total drunken jerk. My friend confided in me one day that he and his dad always slept together, and that they occasionally would (as he said it) touch each other. He also confided that his dad, like me, was uncircumcised. He invited me to **** over one day. We went to the movies and then returned to his house. His dad was always out late drinking, so he wasn’t there. My friend (Mike) had set up a couple of sleeping bags for us in the back bedroom. We stripped down to our underwear, and laid on the sleeping bags and talked about the movie we had just seen. After a few minutes, out of the blue he said that he wanted to mess around with me. I felt kind of trapped by the situation, so reluctantly agreed. He pulled off his underwear to reveal his cock, and then looked at me as to say, “Well, your turn.” I pulled down my underwear, and my weird little uncircumcised cock came into view. He obliviously knew more about uncut dicks than I did; probably because of his experiences with his dad. At any rate, he had me lay on my back and he went straight for my uncut dick. The very first thing he did was try to pull back my foreskin. The overhang pulled back, but my foreskin was far too tight to go over my cockhead. He just said in amazement “your skin won’t pull back”. I didn’t know what to say because I didn’t even know it was supposed to. A few days later we were playing with a Frisbee after school. He walked over to me, and said that his dad had told him that if my foreskin wouldn’t pull back, I’d have to be circumcised. I had no idea what circumcision was, thankfully the subject was dropped.
Since it was summer, and school was out, my **** had a summer job looking after a boy while his mother worked. He was about 8 years old, so I didn’t pay him much mind since he was too young to play with. He mostly watched TV while my **** went about her business. One day my **** had to run an errand, so asked if I would watch him for an hour or two. I agreed and we played basketball for a while. He told me he had to go the bathroom and since I did also, we went together. He pulled out his dick and to my surprise he was uncircumcised. As a matter of fact, his penis looked almost exactly like mine, with a long overhang. We both stood there peeing through our foreskins. I could tell he was checking me out as much as I was looking at him. This was the first time I had ever come face to face with another boy with a foreskin. We left the bathroom and I invited him up to my bedroom, as I wanted to explore his cock a little further. He seemed to have the same think in mind. I pulled down his pants and then mine. Then I pulled down his underwear, and then mine. We were standing face to face with our uncut dicks hanging out. They looked exactly the same, except his was a bit smaller. He made the first move by reaching down to the base of his dick and pulling back his foreskin. As his foreskin retracted to expose his bare cockhead I was amazed. It was as if everything became clear to me. My strange looking cock also had a cockhead under my foreskin. I couldn’t wait to retract mine, but wanted to do it for the first time in private. My **** returned home, and I told her I was going to take a bath. When I got into the bathroom by myself, I got naked and stood there looking down at my cock. I then reached down and attempted to pull my skin back. Again it would only go back so far until it became impossible to go any further. I was determined now that I knew how it was supposed to work, that I was going to get the skin back. I pulled with all my might, and finally my foreskin gave way and my cockhead saw the light of day for the first time ever. Since I was 11 years old at this time, my cockhead was a mess. There were adhesions, smegma, and all sorts of strange odors. I also had minute tears in my foreskin by **** it back so hard, but at least it was retracted. I then decided to pull the skin back to its’ normal position, and experiment a little later. Unfortunately, my foreskin was trapped behind the rim of my cockhead. It wasn’t going anywhere. I finally had to run the water in the tub, jump in and gradually work the foreskin back to its’ normal resting spot. Eventually I was able to clean my cockhead up and retract my foreskin, although it was still very tight. I found that if I retracted it behind my cockhead, it would stay there all by itself because it was so tight. I actually would pull it back before changing for PE class so that I might look like I was circumcised. It didn’t work very well though, because my foreskin was so long that when it was retracted it bunched up into what almost looked like a rubber band behind my cockhead. Also because my cockhead was completely covered for so many years prior to my first retraction, not only was it extremely tight, but it was also very sensitive. All of the uncut readers know what I’m referring to. For a while my cockhead was so sensitive it was almost impossible to even touch it. I tried to wear my foreskin back behind my cockhead on a regular basis. I just couldn’t do it because my cockhead was just too sensitive. I found that just the normal activities of the day resulted in the head rubbing against my clothing all the time. It was so uncomfortable because of the sensitivity of my cockhead that I would have to go into the nearest restroom and pull the foreskin back over the cockhead just to function Whenever I masturbated, I had to avoid directly touching the head because of its’ extreme sensitivity I kept at it and finally my cockhead lost enough of the sensitivity that I could wear it back for short periods of time. Because of my shyness about being uncircumcised, I would pull the foreskin back whenever I thought my cock was going to be on display. It still looked very strange as my long foreskin would bunch up behind my cockhead, but at least it sort of made me look circumcised.
Later, I graduated from high school and joined the Navy. After I was in for about a year, I had a routine physical. There were ten or so sailors (including me) in a circle with the Medical Officer in the middle. The exam was what was called a flight physical. All of us were in a job code that would/could involve flying as a part of a flight crew, so the exam was to make sure that there was no physical reason for us not to be allowed to fly. Of all of the sailors circled for our examination, there were only two of us that were uncircumcised. The other fellow was a “lifer” nearing retirement, probably in his late thirties. Since we were all in a circle, the Medical Officer went around one by one for what was referred to jokingly as a “short arm” inspection. This portion of the flight physical had all of us standing in our shorts, and at the Medical Officer’s command dropping our drawers. It was at this point that all of us had everything hanging out for inspection. The officer went from one of us to the next, first having each sailor turn around and bend over for a rectal exam. Then he had each of us turn around to have our dicks looked at. The first sailor he looked at was the older “lifer”, who was the only other uncut sailor besides me. Much to the amusement of the Medical Officer (and all the rest of us), this fellow had a long foreskin and on the part covering his cockhead, he had a fly (house fly) tattooed on it. When the officer came to me he took a long look at my dick with its’ long foreskin. He retracted my foreskin, and because of my tightness, the foreskin just gathered in a very tight ring around the rim of my cockhead. He examined the foreskin’s “stranglehold” on the base of my cockhead, and asked me if it hurt when I got an erection? I just said no, as I was “beet red” from embarrassment. He just kind of left things at that.
I later found out that I could loosen my foreskin by stretching it a little at a time. After a couple of years my foreskin actually became very loose, and was extremely easy to move back and forth over the head. Of course this was great for masturbating, but there were still some drawbacks to my now “loose” foreskin. One of the drawbacks was that I could no longer pull it back and have it stay behind my cockhead. I was back to having an uncircumcised penis with a long (and loose) foreskin that had a lot of overhang. The thing I disliked most about being uncircumcised all those years was that no matter what I did, there would always be an odor associated with my penis. Within fifteen minutes after showering it would be moist again under my foreskin, and shortly after that it would start to get a funky odor. Since I’m a very “clean” person, I couldn’t stand that. I know not everyone would agree, but I decided I’d had enough. I scheduled an appointment with an urologist and had my penis circumcised as an outpatient. I was relatively comfortable with my decision for 3 or 4 years. The only regret I actually had was that I wished he had removed even more foreskin, and made it a tighter circumcision. In the military we called it “high and tight”. I actually decided eventually to do something about that also. I did a lot of research and decided (of all things) to get recircumcised. Since I thought any doctor would think I was crazy, I decide to do a “self circumcision”. I bought what is called an alisklamp from a company in Malaysia. About a year ago I used it to “trim” up my original circumcision. As painful as it sounds, it was actually very easy. The only pain was the initial “clamping” of the device on the foreskin that I wanted to remove. I then wore it for about 5 or 6 days, and the unwanted foreskin just dies (from lack of **** supply) and falls off. I can honestly say I now for the first time in my life I feel very good about my cock. I know it’s not for everyone but a tight circumcised cock works out the best for me.

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By bigone21 at 20,Sep,13 17:04 other posts of bigone21 
Thanks for sharing your story Mt3594!

70% of your story is about how "strange" and "weird" it was looking being uncut. If you were born in my country, it would have been just normal!

I saw my first cut cock when i was 14 or 15, a jewish boy in my class, didn't think much about it as I recall.

the next 20% of the story is about the function of the foreskin, which you had not learned, your parents obviously didn't say anything... Petty! At sometime a boy has to learn something about that, and the fact of how to keep it clean.

And the last 10% is about odour you don't like. You see an urulogist to be clipped. No other options? Anyway, you get yourself clipped. And after some years you decide to get a "high and tight" circumcision for cosmetic reasons.

Well, sounds like ALL those reasons to get clipped as an adult are about the last 10%. That's your choice, and you are free to do that! As an ADULT, concerning YOUR OWN penis!

The other (70% + 20% =) 90% of your story make it clear that why in my country, and all over Europe, all over the world, it's normal for b o y s to be uncut, and, hopefully for parents to give some body-education.

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