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First time anal?

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Started by #166469 at 30,Apr,12 22:44
How would u recommend preparing for your first experience of anal sex (receiving) I have never gone further than a finger in a shower but its no preperation for a 7 inch cock in your arse. Do I just have to accept its going to hurt the first time round?
Would love to get some guidance.

Similar topics: 1.First Anal Sex experience   2.Anal survey   3.preparing yourself for anal the first time?   4.First time anal   5.Serious inquiry into anal  

New Comment

By #220845 at 06,May,12 14:30
B into the experience and the guy

By #256856 at 02,May,12 14:50
anal is not meant for sexual pleasure. It's not natural atall. It's unhygenic. It's dangerous to insert foreign objects.
By #186493 at 03,May,12 04:57
I don't mean to offend you, and I know that some people have religious taboos for these kind of intimate things.

The Greeks, and Romans, of any level of higher society, had young boys, for their sexual joy! There are historically preserved frescos, vases and art, openly showing the beauty of the body, the male body, and their sensual joys, with young guys!

It's OK if you don't like it, and I am not saying that I like, or don't like it, but in our society, everyone has a right to like what they like!!

Have you ever tried it?

If you have never tried it, then shut up, as your argument is baseless, and unfounded!!
By #68656 at 03,May,12 14:40
Hello joystick.
That is correct, as I have pointed out many times before it is an activity which can cause damage.
By #166469 at 03,May,12 14:49
I only was really interested in the opinions of people who have participated in anal sex (receiving), so can straight men please keep their irellevabt vies at bay please
By bigone21 at 03,May,12 15:52 other posts of bigone21 

By Ray10754 at 03,May,12 15:01 other posts of Ray10754 
JohnS some of what you stae is true! But why not explain all the facts if your going to post comments both side's of the coin?? It is a well know fact that Anal sex has been around for centeries,dating back to the earlie Romanns and Greeks.As like any sexual act can have it's bad features thae all have good sides also.Anal sex can and is very satisfing to both partners (IF DONE CORRECTLY).
One shoud be aware of their limetations,fell comfortable with the individule that they will be endulging with,and know what feels good and what dose not.
I agree that seeing some people that partake in anal fisting and some of the other unnatural actions Is not safe or advised (different strokes for different folks) But to condem tha act of anal sex between to conccenting adults that are in total trust of each other is not right.
It's the same as any other discution,If you cant state both sides of the topic then dont say anything at all.Especialy when some one asks for advice,Every topic has a negitive and positive side
By bigone21 at 04,May,12 15:47 other posts of bigone21 
@Ray10754: i agree with your comment to JohnS, except the part about anal fisting being not safe or adviced... IF DONE CORRECTLY it's the most overwhelming and intimate feeling there is! i have years of experience (active & passive).
the part about anal fisting being "unnatural" is a discussion with no end... is a condom natural? is a dildo natural? yet, you put it up your ass! and shortly after this comment, someone comes in and says all male/male-sex is unnatural! so, let's be happy that two censenting adults can decide for themselves!
By Ray10754 at 04,May,12 19:12 other posts of Ray10754 
Bigone21,Thank you for your informative posts! I can agree with you on what your saying, what I should have said was
(Fisting and the use of oversized objects in not something that interests me)your also correct in saying that (it takes consenting adults to make there own decisions)
In reguards to the Male/Male sex being unatural, that is hog wash men have been having sex with each other since teh early days,People in general just cant come to grips with the facts!
Thanks again for your posts here

By #131063 at 04,May,12 00:54
Jsmythe, you are so incorrect it turns my stomach. "...for their sexual joy"? First of all, there is a huge difference between pederasty and p-e-d-o-philia (the modern-day definition of the term, i.e. molestation). In those days of antiquity, yes, it was not unusual for an older male to take on a 'protege' - but not in the sexual sense. We have to remember a few things. In those days, the general lifespan of a male was much shorter than today. Most males of age were conscripted into the soldier's life and were warriors. This would be around the age of early to mid 20's. The protege would likely have been in their mid-late teens, so we can see there was not much difference in age. It in no way compares to what you infer would be acceptable in today's world. In those days, the truth and reality is that anal penetration was i-l-l-e-g-a-l. Regardless of what is displayed on 'art', that is not to be construed as what was practiced or accepted in the general populace, any more than Alistair Crowley's work accurately represents that time period.

It's been proven that anal activity is 5000% more risky than other sexual acts (CDC/WHO statistics). This means it take 50 instances of oral, for example, to equal the risk factor of one instance of anal. Now flash back to the days when there was not the benefit of antibiotics, d-r-u-g cocktails to prolong life, modern condoms*,etc. [*Present day failure rate - 5/14% - manufacturer stats. Vaginal sex; anal rates are higher]. The logical remedy in early times was to outlaw behaviors that were an incredible risk to the population. Profound wisdom, something 'modern' society has lost sight of. As pharmaceutical 'band-aids' in the present day continue to lose their effectiveness or fail altogether, perhaps we could learn something. In that early era, the prohibition had nothing to do with religious taboos, but with survival and protection of the human species - something a lot of people arrogantly disregard in the present day and which you so clearly demonstrate. I don't need to experiment with arsenic t know it has the potential to kill me. Yes, I have fallen to peer pressure and did go the anal route for some time in the very distant past. But I wised up and that is likely why I am the last in my immediate peer group to still be alive.

Sources are numerous, but a good read that has been recommended is:


Search on Amazon or any similar bookseller.

Jsmythe, your post demonstrates that - whether in the present or in earlier times - you would be a very poor mentor for a young male. And if my comments offend, well, so be it. More criticism from within the m2m community is what is lacking and sorely needed.
By bigone21 at 04,May,12 16:33 other posts of bigone21 
well hornybrat, interesting lecture!!

but, as a gay man, what does your comment mean for me??abstinence?? haha!

because a young brat mixes up some history and statistics, with his own lack of experience on the subject and conservative views, to a sour soup presented as the truth to eat??

no way young man!! i don't take your bullshit! for i am 5000% happy with my sexlife!! (making me a statistic exception!!)

and for now, buzz off, and present your speech at church!!

By Ray10754 at 03,May,12 15:15 other posts of Ray10754 
Fuzza, I hope I can shed some lite on what your looking for here.
First off try playing with youself with a varity of different sized toys be sure to use a quality type of lube.
When you feel comfortable and whant to go to the real thing,be sure to find some one that is aware of your newness to the act (you dont wantsome guy to plow into you with disregard) You need to take your time and be paitent,you may dot achivefull penetration the first few times,It is new to your body and needs to becom accustomto something different.
One small thing that I have found helps me when experiancing a large piens is try pushing out with your ass (as if trying to relive your self) The anle mucle is made to constrict ,when you push your actuly relaxing the mucle and penitration will be a lot easier and you will find it to be less painfull.Once penitration is achived be sure to get accustomed to the feeling before getting ito the pumping action,be sure to practice safe sex also!
If you have any other questions or worries feel free to e mail me directly and I will try to help as much as I can!
I am not a professional by no means but do have some experiance.
By #131063 at 04,May,12 01:08
How about some better advice. IF, Fuzza, you insist on going down this path of foolishness - do NOT do it with a STRANGER. Even if they 'claim' they will be 'gentle'. Sure, not getting ripped open is a concern, but the larger risk is their sexual history. Where have they been, what are their sexual and hygiene habits, where do they spend their time (bathhouses, bars, backrooms, bushes in the parks? RUN for the hills, b-r-o-t-h-e-r...) [Can we believe this site edits out that unmodified word? WTF?]

Instead, try to develop a lasting platonic brotherhood with some guys at first and perhaps in time, some of those may turn intimate, once the mutual trust and respect level is built. Those men, over the long term - you might get a better chance of trustworthiness. Never, EVER, trust anyone on this site with your health and life.
By Ray10754 at 04,May,12 01:18 other posts of Ray10754 
I dont think anyone here is asking him to trust the people from the site with his health or life! He simply ask for advice as to how to make his experiance less painfull ,in witch I think everyone here as done, He is a grown man and has to make his final decisions him self. I must say however that you did bring out several excelent facts that should always be concidered in reguaeds to who and when you do is with !

By #233140 at 03,May,12 15:09
I am a true bisexual. I enjoy my boy-toys just as much as I do my gal-pals. Being such, I've experienced anal sex from BOTH sides, as the fucker and the fuckee and have had my cock in MORE than my share of asses, both male and female and everything in between.

While I'm 'naturally' a top, I have visited the 'bottom bunk' a few times and have enjoyed every single time.

I DID in fact 'prepare' myself LONG before I had a real dick inside of me by 'practicing' with various dildos. All are life like and they range in size from a little smaller than average to the one we call the 'Donkey Dick'.

I did the same thing in regards to deep-throat, spending quite some time learning how to suppress my gag reflex before EVER attempting the real thing. Now, as a direct result of my 'training', I haven't found a cock I CAN'T deep-throat all the way to the hilt and that includes some MIGHTY big/long cocks, including a few that were 9-10"+

I am a FIRM believer that this is the way to go. I know from experience that at first, you WILL experience some pain. Sticking something up the butt is in fact not a 'natural act' and your sphincter muscle WILL protest and trust me, the pain IS intense.

Patience, lots of lube, taking your time etc all work in your favor and will eventually get you over the hump. It does in fact get easier and better.

Now, I'm NOT one of those folks who shove gargantuan things up their butts and yes in fact there is a 'size limit' for dicks that I choose to allow in there both real and fake and that I can take comfortably. Luckily, most of my guy-friends are average in size although I do have a couple of boy-toys who are hung like Clydesdales. I tried having one of my mega-hung friends fuck me once and it felt like he was trying to shove a football up my ass. Needless to say, we stopped. Actually, I turned him around and fucked HIS ass.. LOL

One thing you hardly EVER hear talked about are anal orgasms. I can tell you from experience that they can and DO in fact happen and they are truly a mind-blowing experience. They can be intense and they're also quite a bit different and distinct from your average everyday, penile type orgasm, being MUCH deeper if you will and VERY intense. They can be quite literally, weak in the knees like intense .gif'>

Anyway, I hope this helps you a little bit. Keep at it, have patience, find someone you TRUST and have fun .gif'>

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