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What age did u have your first Wet Dream guys?

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Started by #255882 at 01,May,12 22:44
I had my first wet dream at 11. All i can remember was having a very strong sensation and feeling my dick moving. When i woke up the next morning, my underwear and pj's, underwear and legs were wet. i had a good orgasm tho.I still cum alot.

Similar topics: 1.In your dreams?   2.How many have never had a wet dream   3.What is your WILDEST Dream.SeXual or whatever...?   4.I had a dream...   5.I had ANOTHER dream...  

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By #423426 at 31,Jan,17 08:46
Never had one.
By skot at 02,Feb,17 07:57 other posts of skot 
Me neither

By t-rex at 02,Feb,17 03:25 other posts of t-rex 
I just had one the other week 😃

By #460523 at 02,Feb,17 02:31
I have had a few do not remember 11 or 12 the first time last time was about 45 wish I had them more often

By gazlittlewilly at 01,Feb,17 11:22 other posts of gazlittlewilly 
Like many guys on here, I've never had one either. Like them, I assume it's down to daily wanking from an early age!

By routemaster at 31,Jan,17 07:54 other posts of routemaster 
I suppose it was about 11 or 12 and I still occasionally have them

By #528209 at 31,Jan,17 05:03
Never had one as I started jacking off at 9 or 10 and did it usually twice a day, therefore no extra cum once I started ejaculating.

By #311947 at 28,Jul,15 13:38
I think I was about 14. Was fooling around with this girl but she was rather prudish. To make a long story short, we fell asleep in a spooning position and at one point I woke up with my cock twitching and I was cumming all over her back

By oppyeahyouknowme at 21,Jul,15 01:41 other posts of oppyeahyouknowme 
I didn't really have one either I started jacking off around 7 or 8... it was great.. I didn't actually cum till I was like 12.. I was kinda scared because all the porn I watches the guys would cum so much! I thought it was milk

By bi1953 at 21,Jul,15 01:33 other posts of bi1953 
I was 11. In the dream I was french kissing another boy. We were both naked.

By #451452 at 20,Jul,15 23:55
I almost had a wet dream, but I fell asleep.

By #218750 at 01,May,12 22:49
My first wet dream was at 10 (ten) years!
I remember what a pleasured I had!

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By #343933 at 20,Jul,15 20:57
I've never had wet dreams because I've started before the semen production with masturbation and have not been suspended for the day.

By xdjxx1 at 20,Jul,15 20:42 other posts of xdjxx1 
Was about 11/12. Only ever had a couple...soon worked out how to control it!

By nekekal at 15,Jul,15 05:56 other posts of nekekal 
I never had a wet dream. I masturbated way too much. I beat it when I went to bed every night, twice sometimes, and if I woke up with a hard on, I just beat it again.

By #323075 at 14,Jul,15 11:02
With the age of 12. Now I didnt have one since about 12 years

By #460523 at 14,Jul,15 05:37
do no not remember at what age my first wet dream was but I had a few over the years even had one in my 40s

By #64328 at 04,Jun,12 18:19
Never have had a wet dream. Started masturbating at 8 and didnt have cum till 13. I bet I had 5000 dry orgasms during those years 5 times in a day was not uncommon. Without yhr mess I could get away with doing it just about anywhere

By hytiger at 03,Jun,12 23:22 other posts of hytiger 
Never had one

By #249167 at 04,May,12 22:34
Around 13, but not often after that as I discovered wanking and never got a build up of cum

By 3fdfd at 03,May,12 13:23 other posts of 3fdfd 
13, shortly before my 14th birthday. I might have been a bit slower than most of you guys.

By #67735 at 02,May,12 01:09
Unfortunately I've never had a wet dream. I was a horny **** but still haven't had this amazing thing everyone is talking about

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