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male pubic hair design

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Started by shavedpubis at 07,May,12 07:35  other posts of shavedpubis
what kind of male pubic hair design do you like (trim)?

Similar topics: pubic hair   2.pubic hair designs   3.keep your hair natural!   4.Anybody who dye their pubic hair?   5.pubic hair for men  

New Comment

By apolo10 at 08,May,12 15:59 other posts of apolo10 
By apolo10 at 08,May,12 16:00 other posts of apolo10 
By shavedpubis at 08,May,12 16:50 other posts of shavedpubis 
you are the very man i was looking 4
By spermkiss at 18,May,12 15:36 other posts of spermkiss 
I agree. I went to his page and had a look at his photos. They include everything from fully grown out to completely hairless. He looks best hairless or with a nice tight little well trimmed pubic patch.

By #556114 at 20,Jul,18 22:49

By #390248 at 03,Dec,16 12:59
I once shaved mine as an arrow pointing at the base of my cock. I thought it was humorous but was told, "I can find my way without direction." I love going completely bare from time to time, but my wife prefers me to keep the strip, the width of the base of my cock, because she claims to enjoy the feeling of my pubes against her clit when I'm in deep and grinding. She gets what she wants.

By #517796 at 22,Oct,16 07:26
I believe in letting it grow natural the way nature intended.
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 08,Nov,16 05:13 other posts of 3fdfd 
you are looking good !

By #512291 at 11,Nov,16 07:41
[deleted image]
I'm with you on that one
By #517796 at 12,Nov,16 02:38
Mmmm hot!!!

By kebmo at 11,Nov,16 10:59 other posts of kebmo 
It's got that hipster look.
By #517796 at 12,Nov,16 02:45
You lookin good yourself!!

By #519017 at 16,Oct,16 22:18
I like to keep my bush natural except that I cream hair off my shaft so it's smooth for wanking, HJ's and BJ's. I like full bushes on women, especially those vintage triangles!

By pifad at 16,Oct,16 16:13 other posts of pifad 
I like full hairy natural bush on men

By #496814 at 16,Oct,16 12:32
I prefer to have it shaved, but not fully. A couple of years ago I shaved, leaving a small ridge of hair under my belly but way above my genitals. Now I shave and leave a small square of hair as wide as the base of my penis, just above my cock.

But I have to be honest, it happens often that I was too lazy to shave dor quite a while and have a full bush again.

By #520705 at 16,Oct,16 12:20
I used to leave a small triangle piece but i now shave it all.

By shavedpubis at 24,Jul,16 12:09 other posts of shavedpubis 
im baaaack

By shavedpubis at 13,May,12 08:53 other posts of shavedpubis 

By #218750 at 07,May,12 22:09
I prefer (I think also ladies) trimmed pubic and balls hair, but not completely shaved.

Let me show it:

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By shavedpubis at 12,May,12 13:14 other posts of shavedpubis 
very natural length

By jocstfr at 12,May,12 13:06 other posts of jocstfr 

I keep a little triangle similar to a female. Ive noticed more guys shavings like this recently.
By shavedpubis at 12,May,12 13:13 other posts of shavedpubis 
huge glans

By shavedpubis at 12,May,12 04:02 other posts of shavedpubis 
dye and bleach are also welcome

By #119469 at 10,May,12 10:49
i used to shave before but now a days i am keeping it long and i used to dye it with pink colour.
By shavedpubis at 11,May,12 08:40 other posts of shavedpubis 
show me the pink hair pls.
ive ever bleached

By #36950 at 11,May,12 05:15
I have a small triangle of hair above my penis; otherwise shave pubes, chest, and crack. See pix on my profile page.
By shavedpubis at 11,May,12 08:39 other posts of shavedpubis 
oh i see. u enjoy bodypainting, right?

By shavedpubis at 10,May,12 09:05 other posts of shavedpubis 
no more special designs?

By shavedpubis at 09,May,12 08:13 other posts of shavedpubis 
shaving pubic hair w/o templates is difficult.
how do you guys do to keep sharp lines and simmetrical shapes?

By #220845 at 08,May,12 16:03
Time for my morning shower and shave anyone else

By #249305 at 07,May,12 16:46
check out how i trim mine
By shavedpubis at 08,May,12 07:14 other posts of shavedpubis 
i like ur triangular shape

By cumjohn at 07,May,12 17:29 other posts of cumjohn 
Few years ago i used to be shave all my pubic hairs and hairs at the balls, but nowdays i let pubic hairs be like they are and now im just shaving my balls. I think my genitals looks best in this way.

By #220845 at 07,May,12 16:54
Sometimes I go completely bald but lately I trim my bush in more of a pronounced V like the ladies do. Shave my chest my cock my balls my ass and between my cheeks keeping a strip of hair from bellybutton to bush. It turns me on.

By shavedpubis at 07,May,12 11:51 other posts of shavedpubis 
i like smooth as well and sometimes i do.
but it's so erotic for me to think of the pubic hair design.

i've ever tried V shape, Y shape, Nike logo and so on.
and today's design is landing strip.

if you guys trim, pls show me before/after.
and the during is also welcome

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