Started by bella! at 11,May,12 03:00  other posts of bella!
Similar topics: 1.admin gay or straight or other 2.Auto logout...Question for Admin. 3.RANDOM BULLSHIT.......DUMPSTER EDITION! 4.Deletions,alexblue,monted and the admin, 5.Admin: This is a Members Request to : Bring back the Ban Feature from the past... New CommentComments: |
Well, there is a way, indeed - to make all new members submit their photos holding their legal IDs in hands. But I as well may just close this site, because almost no one will do this.
so you could be 67 y/o and 350 pounds??
you hack the forum, but you don't want to complie to the spirit of the site: showing off??!!
Don't be a dick bigone...
and: what's the point of having a pic that is not YOURS on showYOURdick/cunt????
you think i'm a dick?? well, my pics are ALL mine and i show it off!! that's the spirit of this site!! and so you can see i'm not only A dick, i'm a BIG dick!!
By the way that test account is already gone. Deleted automatically as inactive because I did not use it for a long time. I guess major bugs on this site have been fixed already.