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HEY ADMIN..........

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by bella! at 11,May,12 03:00  other posts of bella!
What do you think...... admin bestows 80 points to new members 2 days/48 hours after joining *providing* the new member uploads pics? No pics, no voting privileges!

Similar topics: 1.admin gay or straight or other   2.Auto logout...Question for Admin.   3.RANDOM BULLSHIT.......DUMPSTER EDITION!   4.Deletions,alexblue,monted and the admin,   5.Admin: This is a Members Request to : Bring back the Ban Feature from the past...  

New Comment

By #239636 at 14,May,12 12:18
HEY ADMIN....... dosn't give a shit
By #222521 at 14,May,12 12:43
yes they do as a lawsuits and time in prison or a massive fine often offends
By admin at 14,May,12 15:18 other posts of admin 
You are a dumbass, are not you? Under a current law I'm responsible only if I intentionally encourage to post fakes or fail to delete proven copyright violations. I do neither. And you just got deleted because I noticed that you admitted your pic is not yours. Your registration mail address also suggests that you are in fact a male.

By admin at 14,May,12 15:15 other posts of admin 
Obvious answer is: "there is nothing that can prevent new members from posting fake pics from internet or cropped pics from this very site". Or do you really think I have some powerful magic that allow me to tell that pics are not of that person?

Well, there is a way, indeed - to make all new members submit their photos holding their legal IDs in hands. But I as well may just close this site, because almost no one will do this.

By #222521 at 11,May,12 09:33
sounds like a good idear but then look at my has a picture but it is not of me,at least i have said so many of the fake dont for obvious reasons
By #146804 at 11,May,12 14:07
Always found it odd how it wasn't of you. I mean you don't have to post a pic to be a member?
By #222521 at 12,May,12 07:39
no you dont have post pics to be a member.i was getting some crap from some one how would only allow members with pics to view his page so i posted that one.looked at his page left my comment to him .result no more crap
By bigone21 at 13,May,12 18:45 other posts of bigone21 
@jessica35: so your only pic is fake????

so you could be 67 y/o and 350 pounds??

you hack the forum, but you don't want to complie to the spirit of the site: showing off??!!

By #146804 at 13,May,12 18:52
She clearly labels the pic isn't her on her page so it's not a fake as she's not claiming it to be her (this is allowed in the rules)

Don't be a dick bigone...
By bigone21 at 13,May,12 19:39 other posts of bigone21 
jessica35 is NOT showing off!! that's the point!! sure it's faking if you post pics that are NOT yourselfs!!

and: what's the point of having a pic that is not YOURS on showYOURdick/cunt????

you think i'm a dick?? well, my pics are ALL mine and i show it off!! that's the spirit of this site!! and so you can see i'm not only A dick, i'm a BIG dick!!
By #170523 at 14,May,12 02:51
I do remember the ADMIN stating that he had few accounts that contained pics that were not him for" test purposes",I am guessing to see how things went on his improvements.What is good for the goose is good for the gander,fake is fake and it comes from the top,don't single anyone out unless you first bitch at him or her( I am not sure )for this practice.
By admin at 14,May,12 15:01 other posts of admin 
I have a lot of pics I shot myself in past and I have signed model releases that allow me any use of those photos. I'm the owner of publishing rights for them. But most of the fakes use pics they have no legal rights for.

By the way that test account is already gone. Deleted automatically as inactive because I did not use it for a long time. I guess major bugs on this site have been fixed already.

Adult Discussion Forum