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are long dicks on average thicker than average size cocks?

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Started by #253626 at 11,May,12 11:18
I'm like 8 inches long but about 5.1 inches around. Is that normal to have a long one but not that thick? It's 5.5 around the base.

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By Dong69 at 26,Mar,22 15:04 other posts of Dong69 
I am above average in length and girth!!!

By TinyLittleGuy at 09,Nov,21 21:16 other posts of TinyLittleGuy 
i am 3 inches long and 4 inches girth , rather on the smaller size

By #463848 at 09,Nov,21 08:38
Not always. I was at a urinal some years ago and a guy enters and stands beside me. He pulled out a soft dick that made my eyes water. It was long - probably about 7 ins (soft) but very thin - much thinner than average.

By #64328 at 21,Apr,20 05:41
It's amazing how you will never find two dicks the same but the average thickness of 4.87 is a real statistic. Also their are far more dicks under 6 inches than over 6 inches

By #615532 at 21,Apr,20 03:49
I’m 5 inches long and 5.5 inches thick - I’m below average length but above average girth - average girth is 4.5-5 inches

By nekekal at 11,Dec,12 05:33 other posts of nekekal 
I don't think that there is any real correlation. My cock is almost 8 inches long, and the head is about 6.5 inches around. The widest part of the shaft is up by the head and it is about 6 inches around. The base is only about 5 inches around.

The thing will not stand out from my body like most guys, it just stays hanging down. Too much mass out at the front for the size of the support at the base.

It works find though once it is in.

By boc at 11,Dec,12 01:57 other posts of boc 
Mine is 8.5 x 6. I think longer cocks tend to be thicker as well, but that is not always the case.

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