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Fuck your boss?

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Started by #259293 at 11,May,12 17:40
Have your ever or would you fuck your boss? A few years ago I worked at a college. One of the administrators was a handsome, charming, brainic that excited every inch of me everytime I saw him. He recognized and quite enjoyed it....silently. He couldn't initiate the activity and I didn't take the initiave. Still regret not fucking him.

Similar topics: 1.My house docter and my boss are both bi-sexual. What to do?   2.Seducing my Gay Boss   3.Lady boss (longish)   4.Fucking your Boss   5.Omg a lil embarrassing  

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By Lvphose at 11,Jan,24 05:21 other posts of Lvphose 
My girlfriend and I used verbal during sex where my might say my boss is watching you wants to to fuck get with your hard cock then I’d fuck my gf as she’s my boss!

I have fucke for real several women that I was there boss!

By #685481 at 09,Jan,24 07:13
If it didn’t make things awkward I would love to have a threesome with them both. He’s a smaller man but quite fit and she is so petite and adorable.

By #704641 at 29,Dec,23 04:39
I1 have done it when I was 17 I worked at a fast food restaurant I close the store on Saturday night I need a ride home my manager give me a ride he asked me what had planned I told nothing everyone at house he me ever sucked dick I said yes he said going to my apartment I did he was 35 so I was nervous we got there and and we smoked weed and he dressed me in lingerie he told he was going to party and fuck my holes all nigth after that he fuck my ever chance he could

By #7976 at 03,Apr,16 04:58
There are jobs where the sexual tension is so high that effectively getting any work done is improbable if not impractical. I'm told that this is more of an issue with women than men but not always. When I was younger I worked in a warehouse with a female manager. One thing lead to another and we screwed ourselves silly for an entire summer. Blow jobs in the racks, masturbating her in the john, or fucking bent over a palate were all in a days job description. Damn, I did **** to go back to school that fall. But it was one experience that sex at work worked out very well for everyone involved.

By #485312 at 05,May,15 13:10
if you are attracted, boss or not, just do it, lifes to short for regretting not doing what you want...if youre really lucky, you might get a raise, or a promotion...if you suck, you could get the sack...*lix*

By firefox553 at 04,Jan,15 19:08 other posts of firefox553 
I fucked my boss which I was the lucky one every guy at work was trying to get in to her pants. She was 33 I was 22 and damn she could fuck, no one at work knew but we fuck a few more times. It was funny watching all the guys trying to hook up with her.

By #68656 at 11,May,12 18:09
This question can be answered simply and universally, to have sexual relations with an employer or superior in the workplace or place of business is a breach of trust, morals and ethics.
By #229885 at 20,May,12 06:43
If you fuck a subordinate, it's harassment; fuck your boss, it's ambition.
By bella! at 04,Jun,12 17:16 other posts of bella! 
Oh joehackett, no truer words spoken.....uh ( typed )!

By likedicks at 20,May,12 21:45 other posts of likedicks 
Im doing my best to stay clear of this kind of fun with my boss. i know that she wud want this, but she is do ugly, i dont think i could do that. but if she wud look better i defo wud shag her

By #213926 at 20,May,12 13:55
my boss is a woman in her 40's and has the hottest ass i have ever seen i would fuck her in a heartbeat

By #147052 at 15,May,12 16:51
your boss has been fucking you all of these years....doesn't it show in your paycheck

By #214855 at 13,May,12 15:06
I want to fuck my boss too. She is 59 and hot.

By slipper at 13,May,12 02:42 other posts of slipper 
The last one I had--some years ago, I'd pay to see him gang-raped by a herd of crazed elephants... repeatedly and repeatedly and...

By smokieb69 at 11,May,12 21:48 other posts of smokieb69 
Yes, I fucked my female boss when on a conference in Miami - ended up having an affair with her for about 8 months or so

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