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Fucking your Boss

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Started by Greek18cm at 21,May,19 16:53  other posts of Greek18cm
OK maybe my title is not perfect.

I don't want to fuck my boss exactly.
There is this woman, that is in charge of our organization so the real boss not to have to do all those things.

And since she is exactly as I like girls. Thin... Maybe to thin... And... Well I like her that's the point.

I know it's a bad idea. She has a hasband and she is the one that hired me and since she did not give me any sign that she want iti know it's a bad idea...

But, I am so atracted...
I propably not going to do anything just ranting.

Tell me your experiences with bosses...

My slut cousins always get involved with their bosses and always end bad...

Similar topics: 1.My house docter and my boss are both bi-sexual. What to do?   2.Fuck your boss?   3.Seducing my Gay Boss   4.What do people do here?   5.Lady boss (longish)  

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By #275407 at 31,May,19 02:57
I don't need to fuck my boss, he's already fucked up

By phart at 29,May,19 01:25 other posts of phart 
NEVER get your pussy and your pay check from the same place. AT some point,you will find you get neither anymore!
By Greek18cm at 29,May,19 08:22 other posts of Greek18cm 
Yeah I know

By Greek18cm at 30,May,19 09:25 other posts of Greek18cm 
But what if she asks first? I mean, generally I still suppose I should not but how do you reject it in a polite way that will not affect the job?
By phart at 31,May,19 00:20 other posts of phart 
Be polite and speak the truth,it would complicate your work relationship which pays your bills and you can't afford that.
And if they ask first,I would go ahead and start looking for another job as they are probably trying to set you up to get fired.

By wycowboy at 30,May,19 20:00 other posts of wycowboy 
Yeah, I'd love to fuck my boss. She is a great looking MILF.......but I have met her husband and like him a lot. I doubt I would go for it even if asked.

By #372661 at 22,May,19 00:31
You seem to be very frustrated sexually and in addition you possess no code that you live by. Bad enough she is your superior at work AND she's a married woman on top of that.
By Greek18cm at 28,May,19 18:28 other posts of Greek18cm 
No there is code. And that's the frastrating thing. I have disires that I can't and should not persue
By #372661 at 28,May,19 22:38
We all have desires that are not appropriate and part of maturity is not acting on them. I don't mean this as an insult, have you considered professional help? Clearly you have some hangups that must become part of the past. Pick yourself up, you can beat this.
By Greek18cm at 29,May,19 08:21 other posts of Greek18cm 
There is no such a thing. I m not persuing any of those diseres. Just mention them here as it is easier to talk about those things.

By onthelose at 29,May,19 05:16 other posts of onthelose 
I've been in charge before and adding sex to the mix is a real killer. Hard enough o get people to do their jobs without sexual blackmail in the mix. Fortunately I wasn't working during the me too bs. I was worried enough about some women making unfounded accusations that I strictly kept it professional. No small talk just business.

By #281008 at 21,May,19 20:39
wake up to urself er

By #586516 at 21,May,19 19:43
I had a boss for years then I became his boss... I know he has a foot long unit... But I wasn't bi back then dangit... Lol... He played guitar in a band years ago in Florida... I guess I got raises by hooking him up with girls... Didn't have to suck him... Seen the beast in the jacuzzi with a few gals... Lol

By #551147 at 21,May,19 16:56
OH LAWD! Did your cousin now become your boss? 😖
By Greek18cm at 21,May,19 17:06 other posts of Greek18cm 
No why? You think I only want to fuck my cousin? You are deluded... Plenty of women I like!

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