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Masturbating with foreskin

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Started by #266600 at 31,May,12 11:55
I normally masturbate without lube because my foreskin makes it easy to
Is this normal?? Should I be using lube?? Does anyone else with a foreskin masturbate without lube??

Similar topics: 1.Foreskin Cocks   2.foreskin adhesion   3.shape of a cock   4.Uncut or cut   5.Foreskin  

New Comment

By #524681 at 05,Dec,16 09:13
I don't use lube, I wank my foreskin back and forth over my glans so not much friction. Occasionally I hold my foreskin back and use my precum juice to directly wank my helmet which make me spunk hard!

By #121361 at 05,Dec,16 08:58
Special Way do you like ? [deleted image]

By #121361 at 05,Dec,16 08:56
[deleted image]

By routemaster at 05,Dec,16 08:23 other posts of routemaster 

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By bigone21 at 12,Oct,14 17:38 other posts of bigone21 
i never use lube for wanking, don't need to, my foreskin does the job!

By #41858 at 20,Jan,13 22:05
I hold the foreskin back and pump the shaft dry as if I was circumcised... I often fantasize about having a circumcised penis and how good it would feel to have sex with it

By #61033 at 18,Jan,13 13:53
I have never needed lube. I do however use lube when I want to masturbate with my foreskin peeled right back and held there.

By #323075 at 18,Jan,13 11:29
I masturbate always without lube. My cock produces a lot of precum so it isn't necessary for me to use lube.

By #343933 at 18,Jan,13 10:25
As a lubricant has over time proven best butter, before I used a cream but fat is not as good skin tolerability in the long run. Above all, it is important to wash the penis well after use, cleanliness is even a habitual masturbators like myself is very important because the penis is always available in good condition needs.

By #146919 at 31,May,12 12:26
the penis does not produce its own lubricant and as such masturbation over a long period with out lubrication can make the glande sore and pain full.if you feel the need to masturbate then try some ky jelly,any chemist/pharmacy will stock it,its good for masturbation as well as sexdo not use personal hygeine products such a soaps as the high ph levels in them dry out the skin and that would not be a good thing for your penis. you could just use your saliva its free and plentiful.
By hornyuncut at 01,Jun,12 18:05 other posts of hornyuncut 
the penis does produce is own lubricant, its called precum! not everyone produces it unfortunately though
By #146919 at 02,Jun,12 15:27
no it does not
By #94263 at 02,Jun,12 18:32
Technically you're right. The penis does not produce lubricant (ie precum), it is the prostate that produces that. But precum IS a lubricant and if you have a foreskin that does seem to help spread out the precum and so does mean that a lot of uncut guys do not need to use a extra lubricant.
By #146919 at 03,Jun,12 11:39
the penis or any other part of the male reproductive tract does not produce any lubricant whos only job is to lubricate the vagina and penis during sexual intercourse. the fluid that is precum is produced by the two mucus secreting glands and its sole purpose it to give one sperm the best chance of reaching and fertilising a female does this,as i have said before by neutalizing the acids in any urine left in the male urethra or any of the acids that are found in the female vaginal cavity.the fact that it does lubricate is part of this process but it does lot make it a lubricant. what precum is in fact is a very efficient and affective chemical cleaner.
By #94263 at 03,Jun,12 14:33
Nowhere in my post did I say that precum was ONLY a lubricant, I just said it was a lubricant. Yes it does also clean the urinary tract and vaginal cavity, but it also has the property of being rather slick and this can and does help with lubrication. You stated in an earlier post that there was no lubrication by the penis and therefore after an extended period of masturbation the glans becomes sore..... I say BULLSHIT!!! that can happen in some men, but not in all and I should know as I have edged at times for up to 2 hours and because of using my foreskin AND having a large amount of precum released I have NEVER, I repeat NEVER had a sore glans at the end of that period. So my point was that you do not always need added lubrication as quite a few men do manage to cope with the lubrication that precum offers EVEN THOUGH this is not it's primary function.
By #146919 at 03,Jun,12 16:35
you stated that precum is a lubicant it is does acts as a lubricant as part of its function but it is not a specific individual fluid.yes you body will **** pre cum if you are masturbating as the brain does not tell the difference between actual sex or mastubation.when you mastubate or have sex the part of the brain that deals with reproduction does not see it as sex,love,masturbation or a wet dream it sees it as a chance to reproduce. therefore it does not switch of parts of you reproductive system that it thinks are not needed or will not be of use so your penis will **** precum what ever the situation. not only have you not read my comment you have chosen to miss quote me as well.i said "MASTURBATION OVER A LONG PERIOD OF TIME WITH OUT LUBRICATION CAN MAKE THE GLANDE SORE AND PAINFULL". my penis ***** only a small amount of precum before ejaculation and if i masturbate and if i go on for to long then i do need some form of lube,i use saliva.i have over 340 picture on my page to show off my penis in all sorts off positions.on one occasion myself and another person took over 600 picture of my penis and as sex was not involved,although the situation was very very sexual, i had to maintian my erection by masturbation and i can tell you after 3 hours my glande and foreskin were as sore as hell.
By #94263 at 03,Jun,12 18:03
Ok let me post this direct from your previous quote....

".the fact that it does lubricate is part of this process but it does lot make it a lubricant"

and you deliberately seemed to miss the point I said too. I did say that it's specific job may not be to lubricate, but as a by product IT DOES lubricate. I said that I have used precum as a lubricant for edging sessions of 2 hours and more. So just because it does not work for you does not mean this is the case for everyone.
So once again I repeat.... I agree with you that precum's primary function is NOT as a lubricant, however I do NOT agree with you that it doe not act as a lubricant at all, it DOES, it's just that this is a secondary accidental function.
By #146919 at 03,Jun,12 18:07
let me qoute you again "i just said it was a lubricant"
By #94263 at 03,Jun,12 18:15
You are deliberately not seeing what I am saying. So for that fact my conversation with you is over.

By #94263 at 02,Jun,12 18:34
I have never needed lube either. Have always been able to masturbate for hours with no problems and plenty of precum as lubricant.

By #217865 at 02,Jun,12 17:57
I also use no lube! My foreskin is just the perfect tool to masturbate without lube and......... I love it!

By X5TANNED at 02,Jun,12 17:23 other posts of X5TANNED 
no never need it ,

By #6568 at 02,Jun,12 15:26
Most men with intact foreskin use it as a stimulant, usually by rubbing it up and down over the glans until they reach orgasm.

However, there are more pleasurable moves with a foreskin,....I greatly enjoy lightly brushing the loose end or 'overhang' when I'm getting it up for a longer session. Sometimes it's more sensual to pull the hood right back and 'tease' the stretched foreskin and the rim of the glans very lightly and without any lubrication,....other times I use lube with hood right back....

......Sometimes I do all of these and more in the same session

By slipper at 31,May,12 22:50 other posts of slipper 
Never use lube... don't need it!

By notnow at 31,May,12 17:42 other posts of notnow 
im uncut but for long periods of masturbation I use Albolene , a little goes a long way behind the foreskin

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