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Started by steve8211 at 17,Jun,18 14:57  other posts of steve8211
Which do you prefer? I am cut but wished I was uncut. I think that extra foreskin would be great to have especially when masturbating. What's your thoughts?

Similar topics: 1.cut vs. uncut ..What are you,, and what do you like?   2.How and by who u Cut? UnCut can comment too   3.do u prefer cut or uncut?   4.Uncut Dicks   5.Any uncut guys near Jackonville, Florida?  

New Comment

By #463848 at 25,Jun,22 09:05
Both are fine if the head on the shoulders is on straight

By #673334 at 15,Jun,22 16:56
I’m cut and have always love every woman I had sex with loves it. No I have 2 prince alberts and my girlfriend cums harder that every

By Bobbyd73 at 11,Jun,22 13:39 other posts of Bobbyd73 
Cut for me. I absolutely love looking at a well formed or big mushroom head without it being hidden

By yellowman at 10,Jun,22 22:24 other posts of yellowman 
Much prefer a natural penis.

By Jublad36 at 10,Jun,22 04:50 other posts of Jublad36 
Was circumcised in middle age for personal reasons, and love the result.
That being said, I'm very pleased that it was my choice to get cut, and that my parents didn't have it done at birth- my body, my choice.

By knewbi at 09,Jun,22 15:19 other posts of knewbi 
While a cock is a cock and they are all great I actually prefer a cut cock but would never turn down an uncut as I love them too..

By #667453 at 09,Jun,22 00:19
I prefer uncut

By #518391 at 18,Jun,18 07:29
I'm very happy to be circumcised after suffering for balanitis problems for years...problem gone, sex and wanking feel better without a foreskin in the way, I think a circumcised cock looks better and more manly, and so much easier to maintain.
[deleted image]
By MM_DD at 19,Jun,18 11:07 other posts of MM_DD 
Give your situation, I can certainly understand why you feel as you do. I've known of several men in similar circumstances, and all of them were much happier after they were circumcised. This is why I don't consider myself anti-circumcision but rather pro-intactness.

You have a beautiful penis, by the way, with or without a foreskin.

By #539358 at 17,Jun,18 21:18
Intact and very happy to be so.
By MM_DD at 17,Jun,18 21:38 other posts of MM_DD 
Very happy that you are intact too. Your penis is stunning.

By MM_DD at 17,Jun,18 21:37 other posts of MM_DD 
Strongly prefer uncut and wear out my husband's uncut penis probably for that reason. But I love cock far too much to discount cut ones. I can think of tons of cut penises that I would absolutely love to go down on.

By the way, I'm cut and am perfectly fine with that.

By #551226 at 17,Jun,18 15:23
I am cut but wished I had had the choice to be cut or hot. Fuck the doctor who did it without my consent.

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