Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and families in France. Fucking scumbags continue to prey on the innocent. Until all leaders in all countries grow some balls this shit will never end. I spent 6 years fighting only to be held back by Rules of Engagement. We that served always second guess ourselves. Did we do enough, did we make a difference, could we have done more. I feel inferior right now, I feel that I failed. I am sorry for that. War is not glorious it is not pretty it is not fair or without casualties. If we have to eliminate these fucks one by one so be it. I can only speak for the US. But dammit, enough is enough. 158 dead. How many more need to die before we handle this. Just like 9/11. Innocent die. At what point do we take their innocent. I know that sounds barbaric. But we are fighting evil. We are fighting the devil. Fuck it has to be an eye for an eye at this point. Those poor souls that were just out for dinner and a good time will never go home. The mothers, the fathers, the brothers and sisters, and all family members that were lost. What if they were yours. The fight has to be without pitty.
I was reading through this thread earlier today and was drawn to a number
of points mentioned in different posts and, unusually for me, I found myself
wanting to pick up on a few things from different posts.
Most importantly and along with the other people who feel the same way
here, my heart goes out to the people of France and their loved ones who
are victims of this tragedy, and to all other victims caught up in any acts
of **** and hatred such as this in the world. Both warfare and
terrorism are guilty of unjust heartbreak and grief. Mothers, fathers,
ch!ldren and friends all become victims when they're forced to grieve and
face the rest of their lives unable to give their love to a s0n or d@ughter
they lost due to war or terrorism. It doesn't matter which side of the
fence they stand on, they're innocent in it all!
It worries me to know that so many of us seem to believe they have the
right to judge which people are more or less worthy of life than others
and who's lives are more important than others. Who decides on how that
scale is measured and how can you possibly establish a tipping point where
good becomes evil in that way of thinking?
I don't "belong" to any religion and I don't believe in any form of God(s),
but I don't disregard or disrespect any religious groups or movements and
the followers of them. Although I haven't found faith, I still respect the
rights of those who have (along with adhering to any reasonable codes of
the culture, such as removing my shoes in a mosque or wearing a Yarmulke
in a synagogue, because these things have religious significance and I like
to think that showing some understanding in our differences is healthier
and friendlier than anything else. After all, I've never met a Jewish person
who has a problem with people from other faiths for working on a
JohnS, does my attitude towards things place me in the "Do-gooder or
suchlike" camp in your view so far? I am genuinely interested to know what
you think because I notice you seem to focus a "blaming" kind of view at
Islam for all the current tension in the world at the moment, as well as
hinting at their religious beliefs and maybe even the lives of Muslims being
less important to you on that hypothetical scale I mentioned earlier.
You're out of order saying that kind of thing about Islam. I've known plenty
of Muslims over the years and not ONE of them was comdemning or had
any ill feeling towards other races or religions. Oddly enough, the majority
of other people I've known over the years have been (so-called) Christians
and more than half of them have been anti this or anti that, racists,
sexists.... VERY sad.
I'm very aware of the huge number of others worldwide who would agree
with you. It's understandable and I do actually share some of the same
views myself, but not unreasonably and not with any condemnation of Islam
as a whole because that would mean very unfairly including a ridiculous
number of innocent, respectful and righteous citizens around the world.
Muslims who respect me just as much as I respect them.
THAT is exactly why brought up the examples about shoes in mosques and
Yarmulkes in synagogues. It's the comments and jokes made about the
"little things" like those, or the nicknames disrespectfully given to them by
people not from those faiths that cause the beginnings of religious tensions
in cities everywhere because it's only a matter of time before the jokes
start to become sneaky opportunities for backhanded insults:
("...aww come on, Ranjeet, where's your sense of humour? I only said I
wanted to dry my hands on your Turban 'cause there's no paper towels left
in the toilets, hahaha!").
Have you heard some of the chants sang by supporters at football matches
in the UK? That's a mass of thousands of predominantly white British men
proudly belting out a "humorous" stream of backhanded, racist insults aimed
at one of the players AND the whole thing is also very often broadcasted
on international television. It's amazing how broadcasting guidelines in the
UK ban any programmes containing "bad language" or references to drugs or
alcohol being shown before 9pm, yet they feel it's totally acceptable to
broadcast racist insults?
Sadly, a small number of the supporters in the stadium will be k!ds, caught
up in the excitement and feeling proud to be part of the thousands of adult
role models who are demonstrating how there is nothing wrong with a
little racial stereotyping. The k!ds will join in singing the chant, most of
them probably not understanding the jokes or slurs in the words, but it's
still the beginnings of Britain's next generation of casual racists taking
Statistically, if you wanted to find an average cross section of the
supporters at that game, calculated how many you would need to select at
random and then asked each of them about their religious backgrounds, I
bet you any amount of money that a small percentage of them would say
they weren't religious, and at least 90% of the rest would answer either
Christian or Church of England, but of course they "claim" to be Christians,
but I'd say the only times pretty much all of them will have been inside a
church was when they were invited to a Christening or wedding.
I don't recall learning about ANY Christian values that say casual racism is
By the way, JohnS, don't forget that all those years ago when pilgrims
were arriving in the newly conquered lands that they were doing it all in
the name of God. All those natives who were shackled and suddenly the
property of Christians to be treated like shit, beaten, r@ped and killed.
How very Christian is that? I don't recall hearing about any other religion
who believed they had a right to act like that.
Was Hitler a Muslim?
I was brought up by parents who taught me to be respectful. They were
normal, working class people who worked damned hard, scraping by to
raise a family of 4 k!ds, not "hippy types" or "new age liberals". They just
understand the importance of respect and friendship.
I grew up in Liverpool and was a teenager during the 1980s.
England wasn't exactly flourishing at the time. It's economy wasn't healthy
and unemployment was at it's worst since before the Second World War,
so any towns and cities with large populations had an air of tension about
them, especially amongst the younger adults frustrated because they were
unable to find work after leaving scho0l.
If you were a young black guy in Liverpool, your job prospects were even
more bleak due to the institutional racism that clouded workplaces, so
unemployment within the black community was significantly higher than
anywhere else in the city, the same pattern showing in other towns and
cities with established black communities.
There was a history of tension between the black community and
Merseyside Police that was growing too. Young black men were frequently
stopped and searched by police without any justified reasons, and the
police had a reputation for being "heavy-handed" in their approach, so a
whole community of people had now become understandably more
alienated and distrusting of the police ****, who's vocation was actually
supposed to be protecting of them.
In July that year, a young black guy was stopped by police and arrested,
but the police used their heavy-handed approach, physically going beyond
their needs which forced the guy into needing to protect himself, but the
police continued being unnecessarily brutal with him. The arrest was
witnessed by a nearby group of black guys and so the built up tension and
frustration created by the actions of the police leading up to then reached
it's tipping point with fighting between the police and the black guys
kicking off as the the group came to his defense.
This was the start of 9 days of rioting in Toxteth, and it was down to the
actions of the police, but it wasn't a blatant action. It was an undercurrent
of racial abuse over years causing a community of people to feel like they
were "2nd class citizens".
The disrespect of religious and cultural differences over years and years in
seemingly insignificant forms such as jokes, football chants or
heavy-handed policing will only result in those at the receiving end of the
abuse considering themselves as 2nd class citizens because they're a
minority up against the majority. That majority must already consider the
others to be 2nd class citizens if they believe it's acceptable to disrespect
them for their religions or their skin colour!
If the shoe was on the other foot and white Christians had been subjected
to life as 2nd class citizens instead, what would you say then?
Now, having just read back through what I've written so far, I'm suddenly
finding myself worried that anyone who reads this post will think I'm trying
to justify the actions of terrorism or that I might somehow support their
causes. Believe me, ANY groups or individuals who carry out acts of
terrorism disgust me beyond words. I've used the word "respect" a lot
throughout this text. If someone were to ask us what our definition of
"respect" is, we'd all come up with slight variations of the same things
depending our upbringings and how we each learned how to show it, how
to earn it and, most importantly, the reasons why respect is given and
The resulting losses from EVERY act of terrorism are always the innocent
lives of people who were no threat to, had no political agenda against or
no weapons aimed at the groups responsible.
All the sorrow, pain and grief caused by war and terrorism is easily more
than enough heartbreak for me, but war is all about defending, protecting
or liberating and (hopefully) innocent civilians are never the intended
targets, are they?
Terrorism is essentially an aimless vehicle for showing, inciting and
spreading nothing but hatred.
What kind of mindset is someone in when they can rationalize and justify
whatever role they play in an act of terrorism? Of course, we don't know
how many of these people out there, but the laws of probability would
estimate at least 50% of them will be a parent, and I can't believe that any
one of those people wouldn't have an image of their own ch!ld or ch!ldren
flash through their mind at some point and not move them emotionally as
they're thinking about the affect of the terrorism they're part of. Worse
still, what about any terrorists who could willingly sacrifice their beautiful
son or daughter as a human bomb? That really is something I can't begin to
want to understand.
Sadly, a majority of today's terrorist groups will latch themselves on to a
true religion as a fundamentalist faction. As a consequence, the millions of
innocent people who belong to the true faith and denounce these factions,
particularly those living in the western world, are vilified and suddenly
become 2nd class citizens. Undercurrents of racial and religious tension
causes the new generations of people from those communities to localize
for the safety they feel in their numbers, but then that becomes
"suspicious activity" and, before you know it, the tipping point is reached
and **** is all that's left. The police arrive at the scene and head
straight for the 2nd class citizens first because the police assume they'd be
the attackers "because it was their lot who did the Twin Towers, innit!".
It's the sweeping statements and false information about races of people
and different religions in our countries that get thrown around after
something tragic and horrible like the attacks in France last week.
The more we continue to think it's OK to treat some races and regilons as
2nd class, the more we'll ALL be rersponsible for pushing those citizens
into the arms of terrorism because they feel no sense of belonging with us,
but more with the "promises" and "ideals" whispered into their ears by the
recruiters of those bastards.
I can't condone ****, but I do understand the evil necessity of it and I
HAVE to accept it. It doesn't matter which side of the fence you stand, it
will never truly conclude with the aim it set out to achieve - "peace". So
much is lost on so many levels.
I respect everyone and the points of view they've shared on this page so
JohnS, even though you might think I was being a smart-arse with you
before, I honestly wasn't. I really do want to know what you mean by a
"Do-gooder" because the name suggests to me that it's a person or
organisation aiming to resolve a conflict that's claiming the lives of
innocent people. If that's roughly what you meant then they sound like
decent people to me, but only if their agenda is unbiased and transparent.
Countryboy54, I respect you and have so much admiration for you. It
saddened me when I read your words, "I feel inferioir, I failed...".
You did not and you have no reason to apologize for ANYTHING!
You could have so easily become a very different person after seeing and
having to do some of the things you did as a soldier for your country. You
could have turned into a complete monster and lost a lot of respect for the
sanctity of ANY life, but you haven't. You still show compassion for the
lives of innocents and **** the idea of having to hurt them.
I'm not saying we need to open our arms and show love to these people.
They're not the kind of people who understand what that kind of offer
should mean to them.
I do think we all need to think a little more before we add to a continuing
spread of disinformation about a lot of people regardless of which race or
religion they are.
We're not all right and we don't all have the answers... which is why we
become frustrated and spout incorrect words instead.
If you feel your beliefs are THE beliefs that everybody should share with
you, you need to be sure the reasons behind them are faultless, and I am
certain that NONE of us can hand on heart say that we can do this. If you
do think you can, back it up intelligently instead of just thowing your
words out there because the more that kind of things goes on, the more
ammunition you give to hatred, more people will continue to become
alienated and resort to terrorism and I for one **** the prospect of my
baby neices and nephews growing up to be surrounded by people who are
prepared to fill their heads with crap that could cause them to unfairly
condemn anyone.
I took a good amount of time to think about what I was writing in my post. You can call me stupid if you want to, but why don't you explain why you think I am? You've actually just proved one of the points I mentioned by assuming I'm stupid instead of communicating with me.
I talked about a few observations I've made. I was honest and backed up anything I had to say.
If you read my words properly, you'd see I was pointing out how easy it is these days for impressionable young people to be swept along by the power of terrorism's voice because they've been alienated by the communities who turn their backs on them after horrific events like the one in Paris last week happen.
Oh, and by the way, I do speak German, French and some Latin as well as English too.
It's too bad that Sinjid felt that way, you articulated your points/position very well.
The sad thing about the entire matter is what's the right approach to take? Seek answers, talk first, fire back and most likely kill innocent people? Is there really a definitive answer? Sadly, the world is fu@ked up!
I could have just posted a crass sweeping statement, but I chose to back up my observations with examples I've experienced because I wanted my views to make sense so that people understood that I wasn't trying to sympathize with the bastards terrorizing the world.
Logodiarrhea? I've posted something maybe 3 or 4 times in the forum!
I'm sorry for how the text came out weird with the gaps between each line, making the post so large on the screen. I have no idea why it did that.
I found an intelligent thread for the first time in a long time and wanted to be involved in the discussion, actually hoping I might be welcome.
I have actually been at the receiving end of a terrorist bombing too, so I would have thought I kinda had some valid reason for contributing.
Sorry for my intrusion.
Who gives a rat's ass what anyone else might think! Just say fu@k 'em!
I'm surprised with your last sentence "I have actually been at the receiving end...", but, if it's true, then it's scary. I can't imagine.
How do you get this out of touch with intelligent thought.
But, I don't think I said anything about terrorist attacks or religion...
But having a wild west, "Git them bastards!" mentality about it won't help. A calm cool headed approach is a better option. And to say that we're defending our countries isn't exactly correct, we are actively, offensively trying to destroy a group of people. We shouldn't sugar coat that. It sounds bad, but it is necessary to preserve our way of life.
As Country said excluding Saudi Arabia these Arabian countries have limited resources. The Syrian people produced rebel factions, and they fought incredibly hard for their country, but there resources were limited and they haven't really been able to stop the destruction of Syrian cities. Thus refugees have been created. And have fled their home country.
France isn't bombing Syria. France is bombing ISIL. And in the last 48 hours France has been taking care of radicals within their own boarders very rapidly in fact.
This is no world war. This is a war between NATO and ISIL.
And there is nothing left to send these people back to. So it is or duty to accept them compassionately.
The "West" shouldn't have gotten involved. But "should have's" aren't helpful.
Chances are you didn't give a fuck about all those those African refugees until now. When you could use them as an example. And chances are you still don't actually give a fuck about them.
Now I don't agree with any religions fundamentals. And I recognize that Islam is an evangelical religion. But you've just made a generalization about half a billion people. And sh*t if that isn't racism, I don't know what is?
You didn't fight a world war. You just benefit from the people who did. And what the f@ck do world wars have to do with Muslims?
It's as if you've forgotten all of recorded history. "Why should l open my arms with compassion to people that want to ruin my way of life?" It's as if you completely forgot how your white skinned red haired ancestors got to your f@cking country. only registered users can see external links
Yeah Saudi Arabia isn't taking refugees. Probably because Saudi Arabia is on the side of ISIS. I mean really you don't seem to possess any knowledge regarding the middle east.
And as for "your" problem with refugees goes. I don't know why there's working age male refugees in your country. Usually that's not a demographic that the UNHCR decides to move. Sounds to me like their actually immigrants that entered your country legally. And that would be the fault of your government.
Also economically immigrants strengthen the economies of most developed nations. I'm sorry to hear you've been so misinformed.
And the immigrants that cause problems in your country, aren't the problem. You are. It is racists and generalists like yourself that alienate these people. And that's exactly what ISIS wants you to do. They want you to be divisive and hateful. Because that creates the disconnect and the conflict between people, that ISIS needs to thrive. You're playing right into their hand. If you were kind and accepting of these refugees and immigrants they would integrate into your culture naturally, they would gain a sense of nationalistic pride.
We recognize this fact in Canada. Our liberal nation of immigrants is accepting of all people and that's what ISIS hates. With our kindness and our strong culture, people coming into my country assimilate to a certain degree, and the very quickly stop being refugees and start being Canadians.
This will happen in the future in other European countries who also have large growing Muslim populations, it could also happen in Germany with the current influx of “refugees” and even in the UK and the US..
They were not vigilant and are now reaping the results.
The do-gooders and other suchlike people have a lot to answer for.
There is just so much the world can tolerate from all of this unbearable situation. The Muslim religion as far as I am concerned has its hand on the destruct button, we have to hope it doesn't take the rest of the world with them. But who knows, there are no cool heads in their religion I would say.
Islam is also a violent religion as Mohammed teaches that means in the Koran, the religious book which all Muslims follow and obey.
There is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim, when they say they are a peaceful religion that is a facade and a deception for which Western Governments and silly do-gooders have fallen. These idiots who say to welcome Muslims are falling for the deception, in politics they are known as "useful idiots".
Finally "allah" is NOT God but merely a statue that Mohammed found in Mecca centuries ago.
Go somewhere else with your issues....people are trying to discuss adult problems here...
However, that is the ONLY historical example of Christians trying to push their views on other people.
They also keep to themselves and NEVER interfere with politics or social norms. They are very quiet about their faith and refrain from pushing their beliefs on others.
Sadly, Christians--who have always treated others with so much compassion, understanding, and respect--have become the most persecuted people on Earth these days.
To quote a recent poster on this thread: "Guess you were too dumb to realize the irony"
In the other post you refered to the percentage of muslims living in my country. Yes a part of it is problematic, but most of them are good citizens. I doubt you have a muslim close to you.
Regardless of where we live, this is an outrageous attack on ALL of humanity
Scratched on the wall at auschwitz "if there truly is a god, he has alot to answer for"
That said, the world is a sad place nowadays. I feel for the families in my nearby Paris.
**** creates ****. Especially with these eye-for-an-eye islamic doctrines. Besides, many of the wars in the war on terrorism are wars started on false conditions (Irak for instance)
Funny how those countries are not taking in migrants from their neighbouring countries.
The executioner "jihad John" was taken out by drone. He got off lightly compared to his victims.
Yet i know for sure that answering to it with agression and war leads only to more of this hatred and attacks. Weve seen that for the last 14 years with Western war on terror, some with false claims, and the effects it had in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan and in Syria. Weve seen how many people there are left with killed familymembers in a destabalised country, with little to none job-opportunities, despite education, with a lost future, A lost generation. And that in a world with growing resentment towards Islam. No wonder many escape towards jihadist groups who preach revenge and resistance against yhe west.
The destabilisation of these countries by the west is exactly how these groups could seize the moment to claim power and support.
Showing mercy, forgiveness and humility while accepting those in need of safety with open arms might not be a solution, but it will surely lead to more respect, less bloodshed, less hatred, less attacks in the future. While the other option will only remedy the effects short term and provoke the hatred and bloodshed and will not render a solution long term.
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes
To suggest that if you show them humilty, love, open arms, and mercy. This will stop the attacks or even slow them down is ridiculous. We are not fighting for their respect, we are fighting to stay alive.
La France embodies everything religious fanatics h@te: the enjoyment of life here on earth, a multitude of ways: a cup of coffee that smells, accompanied by a growing "Cafй de Flore" or cafй "Les Deux Magots" beautiful women or handsome men smiling freely in the streets, the smell of warm bread and cakes, a shared bottle of wine with friends, a few drops of perfume, ch!ldren playing in the Luxembourg Gardens the right not to believe in God, do not worry about calories, flirting and smoking, and make love to take a vacation, read any book, go to school free, to play, to laugh, to discuss, to make fun of the prelates as men and women politicians, reuse anxieties later: after death. No country benefits both to life on earth than France. Paris, we love you. We weep for you. You are grieving tonight, and we are with you. We know you will laugh again and sing again, you'll make love, and that you will be cured, because to love life is part of what you are. The f0rces of evil will decline. They will lose. They always lose. I'm Paris, we are all Paris!
There must be a serious effort from countries in Europe and elsewhere to push the religious leaders of islam, within France, within each country, to clearly denounce every act of **** and make it anti-religion, anti-mohammedan, against their own principles/values. Islamic leaders never make it explicit that acts of **** are not just bad but that they also result into the scumbag killers godirectly to (whatever) hell (they believe in). They must speak their (irrational) language in order to make the killers unwanted within their religion/community/sect. These people do not understand simple logic. They are blind by their faith. So it is their faith that should be reformed.
That's part of the "diplomatic" effort. More should be done, of course, but we do need to make efforts to make them understand (using their own crazy language) that brutality will not send them to heaven.
Of course, we should also find the root of the problem and ask ourselves: what caused this now and not 30 years ago? Who created the monsters? Is it just a coincidence that, as soon as the "red threat" was over, there was an "allah threat"? Do we always need an enemy? Is oil so much more important than life?
As a soldier, an honorable warrior, I know that you are just venting, and expressing your frustration!
War and conflict always has 'collateral damage' to civilians, women, and ****. As a soldier, I know that you KNOW that the Rules of Engagement are there, for a reason, mostly to limit these civilian losses!
We cannot 'Demonize' an entire group of people because of a few Horrible ones!
How do you fight a war against a dishonorable enemy that willingly kills their own, for meager gains?
I don't know. But more killing is NOT the answer! That just makes more 'Martyrs' for them to rally around!
I pray for peace for your pain.
Its important that every country in europe starts to be more careful about who is permitted to step to their country. We must remember that many migrants whos is coming to europe(not everybody) dont have any possibilities to get adapted to their new homecountry, due to the diffrencies of cultures and religion. Many of them are also very stubborn and hates the values of western world. Thats brings up question about why they choose europe from all the places of the world. Do they have any idea what kind of country they are going?
Dans quel monde vit-on ? Combien de morts ? Combien de familles endeuillйes ? Et au nom de quoi ? Je suis dйgoыtй par ce monde oщ rиgne une **** (v i o l e n c e) sans fin ! Comment des gens peuvent-ils faire cela sans йprouver la moindre hйsitation, le moindre regret ?
Jean-Paul Sartre: L’enfer, c’est les autres !