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Whats the volume of your penis?

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Started by #257116 at 10,Jun,12 18:25
Its your diameter (squared) X the length x .78

Similar topics: 1.whats your ideal penis size........and honestly   2.Semen load   3.cum volume   4.Ultimate formula for increasing sperm and precum volume   5.Are there any men here who would prefer to suck on the same Penis all the time?  

New Comment

By slipper at 16,Jun,12 21:47 other posts of slipper 

By WristThick at 11,Jun,12 19:37 other posts of WristThick 
I've been using volume as the ultimate way to measure penis size for years. Great question!

The Visualiser says I'm 353 cubic centimeters (avg is 130-150 cc). Another non-metric calculator says I'm 23.6 cubic inches (avg is 10-11 ci).

FYI, girth is the greatest factor in determining volume which is why my figures are so high.
By WristThick at 14,Jun,12 01:33 other posts of WristThick 
Forgot to post the results earlier



You have a huge hammer!!"

By #264686 at 13,Jun,12 12:34
wonder is this helps?

a place called mraverage has a compare yourself chart that shows volume. you enter length and then girth and it graphs volume.

my Vol = 275

using thevisualiser Vol: 306 cmі

[deleted image]

By boc at 13,Jun,12 01:50 other posts of boc 
373 cubic centimeters based on visualizer

By #42017 at 11,Jun,12 07:51
I put in my measurements on thevisualizer - I'm 107cubic cms
By *kmadeau* at 12,Jun,12 16:42 other posts of *kmadeau* 
By #50082 at 12,Jun,12 21:04
Handy tool that visualizer. Speaking of tools, some nice ones here on SYD.
By *kmadeau* at 13,Jun,12 01:19 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #139037 at 12,Jun,12 13:19

20.25x18=364 cm3

Taken that my penis is cilindrical, which it obviously isn't. Not a bad number I think.
By *kmadeau* at 12,Jun,12 16:51 other posts of *kmadeau* 
and now 364x0.78 !!!

(Its your diameter (squared) X the length x .78 )
By #139037 at 12,Jun,12 22:14
But where does the 0.78 stand for?

nm, its around 250 then.
By *kmadeau* at 13,Jun,12 00:13 other posts of *kmadeau* 
the Volume is: V = 3.14 x (Diameter/2)squared x Length =

or V = (3.14/4) x (Diameter)squared x Length =

or V = 0.785 x (Diameter)squared x Length.

hope this will help (see above LooseNut, too) lol

By *kmadeau* at 12,Jun,12 16:53 other posts of *kmadeau* 
24 cubic inches or

390 cubic cm (cmі = inі Ч16.387064)

By #239636 at 12,Jun,12 12:28
Loud lol

By hytiger at 10,Jun,12 20:12 other posts of hytiger 
Firstly, the penis is not cylindrical, therefore does not have a diameter.
Secondly, please explain where the x.78 comes from?

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