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When did you start puberty?

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Started by #242250 at 11,Jun,12 22:17
I started at the age of 13- my dick just seemed to grow and grow... And then I was turning myself on every time I looked down... When did others start puberty?

Similar topics: 1.still want to try   2.Was anyone on here circumcised after hitting puberty ?   3.hung before the puberty(for only 8+ in size)   4.Foreskin size   5.What age did you start puberty?  

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By #303133 at 13,Jun,14 13:23
By #281008 at 19,Jun,14 11:53
still waiting unhappy

By #281008 at 19,Jun,14 11:51
nahh haven't got there yet damn sad

By #291618 at 17,Jun,14 18:27
i think i was around 10 i had much more frecuent erections and first apearance of pubic hair but pit hair came later around 14

By #460523 at 16,Jun,14 04:01
I was 10 got hair and a hard on a lot

By Gary5 at 13,Jun,14 23:48 other posts of Gary5 
You boys are lucky - 16 for me!

By donkeyuncut at 13,Jun,14 22:33 other posts of donkeyuncut 
8" at 11 pubes just b4 never got bigger thought id b huger

By #292697 at 13,Jun,14 14:02
Started getting hair around twelve didn't get full bush till thirteen also when I started to masterbate

By 3fdfd at 13,Jun,14 12:00 other posts of 3fdfd 
Hair started to grew around my dick just before my 12th birthday. [7th grade] I guess by the time I was 14 or so, I had a nice growth of hair "down there" - hairy legs as I got older - but never did grow any on my chest or belly.

By #204902 at 27,Aug,13 20:56
Started before my 10 birthday! First ejaculation and 10y and 4 months! First pubes the same time!

By #315268 at 27,Aug,13 17:50
12 for it all
I remember stroking it in the shower and it feeling so good and doing every time I was in the shower but it wasn't till I laid on the shower floor outside the shower that I finally came for the first time. Still remember the shampoo I used and that was 28yrs ago

By malecall4 at 26,Aug,13 07:35 other posts of malecall4 
how can anyone remember these detail from so many years ago? the only thing i remember without a doubt is my first was a geyser. i will never forget it and i will never have another one like it.

By xdjxx1 at 26,Aug,13 07:12 other posts of xdjxx1 
I first saw the appearance of pubes at around eleven, was twelve when I first remember getting an erection and first ejaculation, can't really say when penile growth occurred. Somewhen between 11 & 18 my flaccid penis gained an inch or so, and my erect length increased by around half an inch.

By #64328 at 16,Mar,13 21:21
Size between 10 and 11
Semen at 13
Pubic hair not until 17

Im pretty sure I went through puberty totally backwards
By Gary5 at 26,Aug,13 01:33 other posts of Gary5 
That was almost the same with me - size, maybe 11 or 12, semen at 12, and pubic hair 17

By #323075 at 12,Mar,13 06:00
It started when I was 13.

By slipper at 12,Mar,13 03:05 other posts of slipper 
Any time now... I'm hoping!!!

By boc at 13,Jun,12 16:06 other posts of boc 
At around 12. At 12 my penis was about 5 inches erect. At 16 it had reached 8 inches.

Hair on my body was a litle more gradual and took longer to fill in. And I am still getting new ones now in strange places like my ears.
By spermkiss at 13,Jun,12 16:54 other posts of spermkiss 
Like you, penis growth was my first sign that I was entering puberty. And for a long time it was the only sign. I remember when I started high school at fourteen and had to take showers with the others after gym class. There I was with my skinny, hairless b-o-y body and a large man size dick. Sometimes I was treased about my lack of hair, but nobody teased me about the size of my dick. It was bigger than most. Even when the hair began to grow in, I didn't get very much very quickly.
By boc at 15,Jun,12 15:12 other posts of boc 
Well they busted my ass about it. My limp penis is about the size of an average erect penis. So one time, when I was 15, after getting out early from baseball practice because I had pitcher's elbow. I hit the shower alone first. I was relaxing letting the hot water run down my arm and the rest of my body. The water made my penis grow a little but it was still relatively flacid. Another member of the baseball team then came in the shower and starting telling the other team members as they arived that I had gotten an erection in the shower. I still have not heard the end of that. I'm 47 and I saw an old baseball team member at a local bar about 2 months ago. He made sure to remind of that incident back in my freshman year of highschool.
By spermkiss at 16,Jun,12 18:01 other posts of spermkiss 
First of all you didn't get an erection in the shower. You might have gotten a "big-on", but you did not get a full stand up and throbbing hard-on (or did you and you just ain't telling us?). And since your soft dick is as big as many guys' hard dicks, the others were sure to notice.

Second, there isn't a man in the world who hasn't sometimes gotten an erection in a gym shower, locker room or changing room. This is especially true for adolescent boys whose hormones are raging. Just because you never saw other erections does not mean that they didn't happen. Trust me, they did. You were teased because you were caught.

What to do about the teasing now? Well, look them right in the eye and say "Yeah, I sure did get a hard-on and I can still get one now. Can you? And do you want to see mine?" Or say "Why does my dick still fastinate you thirty years later?"

By #265525 at 15,Jun,12 22:09
believe it or not i started at age 8 mnd my **** walked in and saw me new and the he said nice puby dick would be hard and i would have wet dreams all the time although back then i thought i was pissing the bed but couldnt understand why it felt so damn good. my bush was grown in fully by 10 but it took forever to grow hair under my arms.

By #270555 at 13,Jun,12 21:36
at 10 i could play with myself and dry cum but no hair really small sack and balls by 12 i had some hair still couldnt cum but felt great when i was 13 my cock started to grow and i was jacking off one day and it shot all on my chin and face first cum shot

By #204902 at 13,Jun,12 18:39
I was 10yo and 3months when I first ejaculated sperm! I had I few pubic hairs at this time!

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