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What age did you start puberty?

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Started by #496662 at 21,Jan,17 20:55
I started puberty at age 8 do u guys think this is normal?

Similar topics: 1.still want to try   2.When did you start puberty?   3.Was anyone on here circumcised after hitting puberty ?   4.hung before the puberty(for only 8+ in size)   5.Foreskin size  

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By #711401 at 22,Apr,24 12:41
Seems I was quite late compared with some of you guys - 13/14

By #667453 at 29,May,22 20:22
I don't know which secondary characteristic started first, but I know I made my first semen mess at age 12. 💦
By LGA6969 at 23,Sep,22 20:56 other posts of LGA6969 
me to around 12. I use to hump my pillow at night. Then one night I was humping for quite awhile and it happened...I remember it was a sticky mess
By #662360 at 23,Sep,22 21:50
That sticky mess was the only downside. It dried overnight and left a stain my mother found. So I was always careful to keep it off the bedsheets and had a tissue ready to wipe it off my chest and belly. That helped keep my wanking secret but reduced the spontaneity.

By #662906 at 23,Sep,22 07:55
I started maybe 11-12 would love to hear others experiences hit me up
By tb1 at 23,Sep,22 13:17 other posts of tb1 
Me too

By #589016 at 22,Sep,22 20:48

By PoloFields at 24,Aug,22 03:34 other posts of PoloFields 
13 or 14.

By #275407 at 23,Aug,22 15:54
By #574505 at 23,Aug,22 16:01

By Justin20 at 23,Aug,22 14:39 other posts of Justin20 
Between 12 - 13

By #662360 at 23,Aug,22 07:04
I was probably about age 12. I was starting to get pubic hair by that age and remember being embarrassed about it naked in school gym showers. I was getting good hard erections by 12-13. I masturbated my erect penis first time at 13.

By towman812 at 23,Aug,22 05:31 other posts of towman812 
i think i was 10 or 11

By #275407 at 05,Jun,22 22:35
Can't remember
By #574505 at 05,Jun,22 22:46
I don't either

By Francesco at 05,Jun,22 09:06 other posts of Francesco 
11, I was ashamed of hairs growing on my body. I remember at sea with my parents I didn't hold my arms up to not let them see my armpits hairs just starting to grow
By #667453 at 05,Jun,22 13:27
I love hairy armpits on a man ❤️

By LGA6969 at 30,May,22 13:01 other posts of LGA6969 
started getting pubic hair around 11 or 12

By #622304 at 16,Sep,20 21:47
Started getting regular erections at 10 first ejaculation at 11!
By tb1 at 04,Oct,20 05:41 other posts of tb1 
Me too

By galaxy123 at 22,Sep,20 11:54 other posts of galaxy123 
I developed very late
I remember getting erections very young 7 or 8
very tiny penis and balls until 14
pubic hair very light aged 15
Finally ejaculated semen aged almost 16
By Darthshame at 04,Oct,20 04:39 other posts of Darthshame 
Same for me. I remembered looking down at myself in the shower and saying holy shit, when did that get so big. Then I messed up and touched to which it fired goo across on the wall.

By gladbachfan at 23,Sep,20 07:00 other posts of gladbachfan 
mit etwas ьber 13 jahren, hatte einen ersten samenerguss, dann gings los mit der sb hatte direkt weisses sperma ein wenig schambehaarung bin mit ca 7jahren beschnitten worden.

By #621517 at 16,Sep,20 20:12
I think I started noticing girls about age 11 and started getting pubic hair about age 12 and at the same time started enjoying erections. I first masturbated, spurting cum on my first ever wank, at age 13.

By #64328 at 16,Sep,20 20:00
I'm not really sure. Puberty was very diffrent for me compared to my friends. By the summer after 5th grade my dick was full size and much bigger than my friends. It was quite the topic of conversation among us. Right before 7th grade I was able to shoot sperm and many of my friends still couldnt. But I didnt get any public hair until my Jr year of high school. I think I mature backward compared to my friends

By newwt10 at 16,Sep,20 18:38 other posts of newwt10 
About 11 with my step cousin.

By #463848 at 17,Aug,20 13:20
About 12 1/2 and I was 13 when I had my first (and only ) nocturnal emission.

By #591921 at 22,Mar,20 13:16
I had an experience on the summer I went through puberty. This neighbor and I were friends and his grandparents had a pool installed. So he was a good year or year and half younger than me. His sister was same age as me. So funny thing his cousin came to stay with them for like 3 weeks in that summer. I had already dropped and my cock was full size early that summer. I dont think he had yet. However when we went to his grandparents to go swimming. When we did that us guys went under the house by the air unit to change clothes into our swimsuits. Well I went under the house and wasn't worried about hiding behind the air unit to pull off my pants,he was. His sister and cousin walked under the house just after I got my pants completely off. So I turned to face them and his sister said holy crap at big his is to their cousin she looked and said oh wow lots bigger than your brothers. They laughed and ran out from under the house. So his sister and cousin must have seen his before and wanted to compare or at least see another one.

By LGA6969 at 22,Mar,20 13:08 other posts of LGA6969 
I was about 12 when I started to get pubic hair and armpit hair. Notice my cock and balls had a growth spurt. Started to masturbate about 13 humping my bed pillow.

By #536019 at 09,Jun,17 12:48
I had just turned 12 when I first noticed that my penis and balls were developing... and only a few months later when I learned how to masturbate and shoot cum. I loved showing off my (soft) penis and slightly-dangling balls, in locker rooms and the showers after school athletics.
By #613625 at 22,Mar,20 06:31
Exactly the same here. Great answer
By #591921 at 22,Mar,20 12:53
It all happened over my summer I turned 12. So it was quick for me pretty much started around end of school year and by the next beginning of school I was there and growing hair.

By #472252 at 23,Jun,17 14:21
I remember I was about 10th grade was hairless thru early teens got dressed fast in the locker rooms
By #64328 at 03,Mar,20 17:18
Size and sperm came early for me but pubic hair was very late. Finally got pubes around 17. I think I matured kind of backwards. Stared masturbating at 8 , had an adult size cock at 11, shoot sperm at 13 but no pubes till I was in the 11th grade

By #537175 at 23,Jun,17 12:57
For y. Din't spunk for aou its normal , but its a bit earlier than the average of around age 11/12 . I was aged about 12 when I saw the first few hairs near my cock . I had been getting stiffies for a few years and at age 12 , erections were very frequent . However it was not till age 13 I discovered wanking and had my first dry orgasm , didn't spunk for about 2 or 3 months .Then gradually from age 14 spunk got white and amount got bigger and stronger squirting . Only ever had about 2 wet dreams as I wanked so frequently , but the first one felt like I had peed the bed , so much spunk , my PJs went rock hard

By RealTitsLover at 28,May,17 05:16 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I started later than all my friends, but started masturbating sooner than they did, getting off without cum for years.

"I started puberty at age 8 do u guys think this is normal?"

Nope. Girls start puberty much sooner, and that wouldn't be normal for them, either.

By #524681 at 28,May,17 00:42
Puberty for me was about 11 but id already been wanking from the age of 6.

By #532987 at 19,Apr,17 01:35
In the locker room at high school at age 14 I was stunned to observe dudes with long skinny dicks and lots of pubic hair. I was totally bald in the pubes until 16. I did not get pit hair until 18 and full pubic hair until about the same age. I experienced my first orgasm at 15 with some clear juice only
By #519017 at 27,May,17 22:47
That's late. I was getting pubes and good hard erections at age 12, and first masturbated at age 13 squirting a good splash of semen.

By #532124 at 31,Mar,17 15:23
I started around 17, really short puberty that lasted maybe 2 years.

By 3fdfd at 13,Mar,17 01:01 other posts of 3fdfd 
Never developed any lower belly/belly button area hair & none of my chest. My legs were moderately hairy by 13 or 14.

By 3fdfd at 13,Mar,17 00:47 other posts of 3fdfd 
Cock hair started not long before my 12th birthday; first cum - via a wet dream - just before my 14th birthday. Cock probably got to its maximum size - not very big - at 15; finally got underarm hair at 15. Only a few facial hairs by 17 or 18; didn't really need to shave until I was 20/21 & then only a few times a week.

By xdjxx1 at 13,Mar,17 00:10 other posts of xdjxx1 
About 11/12... More hair growth than anything else though. Always had quite a deep voice.

Started getting regular erections when I was about 12, too.

By #505990 at 12,Mar,17 20:06
No hair and no cum until i was 17

By #493361 at 12,Mar,17 13:48
Late teens. I have a hormonal disorder
By Gary5 at 12,Mar,17 14:55 other posts of Gary5 
I was the same
By #493361 at 12,Mar,17 16:06
I sorta never went thru puberty

By Leilani at 12,Mar,17 09:57 other posts of Leilani 
I started menstruating at a late age. Age 14 I believe. My bl.o.od is Irish, German, English, Dutch, & possibly Scottish, so I wonder if girls in those countries also start at age 14 & it's common there.
By #491253 at 12,Mar,17 15:11
Well done Leilani There have been 29 posts here from guys and 24 in a previous thread so thank you for reminding us that it's girls too who go through puberty. We boys think this is a great idea. Whooo! Wonder what girls think?
By Leilani at 12,Mar,17 15:35 other posts of Leilani 
Thank you Jack...

By #6568 at 12,Mar,17 13:44
There has been a well documented drop in the average age of puberty during the last 30 years, esspecially among girls...I think the 'record' in the UK is about 6 years for a girl.

It's difficult to know exactly when puberty starts because it's actually a whole set of different things that don't all happen at the same time.

For me, I always had erections and started to masturbate with dry orgasms at about 9 or 10 while trying to sort out my tight foreskin. I looked forward to my nightly pleasure and orgasms but was still 'pre-pubescant'. When true puberty happened a couple of years later it was VERY sudden....I was walking to school and suddenly felt excited by women and the shapes of their legs and particulary their buttocks..within a week I unexpectedly 'shot' massive and forceful streaks of thick semen during my nightly pleasure.

By #528209 at 10,Mar,17 03:16
I first had white sperm in the summer between grade 6 and 7 so I was 11 going on 12. I had clear liquid for a few months before that.

By #64328 at 31,Jan,17 19:58
I matured backwards. First size...then sperm...last and much later pubic hair

By cumjohn at 31,Jan,17 16:31 other posts of cumjohn 
In the age 10-11 i started the produce sperm. Pubes and armit hairs hairs started to grow before age 12. I started to grow taller somewhere around eleven and before age 13 i was already 181cm tall.

By #509510 at 31,Jan,17 15:32
age 12 full grown dick by 13 7.75 inches

By mrseveninches at 30,Jan,17 19:15 other posts of mrseveninches 
Got pubes shortly before my 12th birthday. Able to cum a couple of months after my 13th birthday. My dick reached full size by my 15th birthday.

By #519017 at 30,Jan,17 17:56
I started getting pubic hair round my balls about age 11. By 12 I was getting good hard boners and had got interested in girl's, especially their legs. I first masturbated a good squirt of cum at age 13.

By #460523 at 30,Jan,17 04:23
about 10 here

By #292697 at 30,Jan,17 00:11
12 almost 13

By #46165 at 29,Jan,17 22:39
13, almost 14.

By onthelose at 26,Jan,17 18:45 other posts of onthelose 
Thinking back I cant remember when all this happened. I was completely oblivious. My first thoughts of sex were after a cousin told me about masturbating. Of course once I found out about sex I was an addict, like most men are.

By #417542 at 26,Jan,17 18:39
I started aged 9 and I could cum at aged 10 and hard on all the time

By JeffinKS at 26,Jan,17 14:56 other posts of JeffinKS 
maybe 12? was growing pubes when I was 13......constant erections at 14....

By hotone1066 at 26,Jan,17 04:29 other posts of hotone1066 
I had full pubes at 11, and shot my first load at 12. I also had fully developed dick at 12 (same size it is now). I know ibwascan early bloomer. 😝
By #472252 at 26,Jan,17 13:18
You started early I was 10th grade about 15

By dgraff at 26,Jan,17 02:41 other posts of dgraff 
I grew a full bush by 10 at 12 I was shooting cum every were and by age 15 I could grow a full beard shaving was a daily thing my mother said she raised a gorllia

By #460523 at 26,Jan,17 02:02
maybe 9

By #460523 at 26,Jan,17 01:45
about 10

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