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Started by #14216 at 13,Jun,12 07:16
Just sent some private pics to a member on here but although they're showing in the sent box to him, he says he hasn't received them. His page isn't marked for friends only and all the private pics I send to other guys get received so I don't understand why this guy hasn't got them. Can you - or anyone else - explain please as I don't want this guy thinking I'm bullshitting him. Thanks, Routemaster

Similar topics: 1.Auto logout...Question for Admin.   2.Polling : What A Greeat Idea   3.QUESTION FOR ADMIN   4.WTH?   5.Pics  

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By #260870 at 13,Jun,12 12:33
I can no longer send pics , the ( choose file ) will not hilite but everything else works , so frustrating . Have tried mobile upload nothing has shown up , I use an IPhone if this helps you to understand .
Help me please .
By admin at 13,Jun,12 13:56 other posts of admin 
upload button don't work on iphone. say thanks to apple. It's not a bug, it's their feature.

the only browser that they say can upload files from iphone/ipad is iCab Mobile - only registered users can see external links

may be you should try it
By #101710 at 26,Jun,12 13:38
Or jailbreak your iDevice and install Safari Upload Enabler from Cydia

By #268785 at 14,Jun,12 14:50
Part of it has to do with some websites requiring flash. Apple and Adobe don't like each other, so it may be a while before flash is an option on the iphone. There is an alternative way to upload I found out about that is free. Once I get to work later to look at it, I will post the work around.

Just checked
A few apps that can help. Picup, wordpress, and eye-fi. My boss suggested also to download another browser like opera instead of using safari. I did find out flash is available, but you have to be a publisher.
By admin at 14,Jun,12 17:22 other posts of admin 
Flash is not used on this site. I always try to avoid anything fancy unless it's absolutely necessary. Opera on iphone/ipads does not have upload either.
By #260870 at 26,Jun,12 11:24
Why is it so easy to put an image on Facebook surely it is possible here.
By admin at 26,Jun,12 11:59 other posts of admin 
Because there are special applications for facebook. And comparing facebook to this site is like comparing Ford Motors to a local plummer.

By #260870 at 14,Jun,12 12:13
That's a downer ( rotten apple$) shold of kept my
$100 Nokia
By #68656 at 14,Jun,12 12:26
I still have my old Nokia 6150 which I bought at Cash Converters at least 12 years ago which still works perfectly well. No camera or fancy applications, just a simple phone to make and receive calls.
My old Kodak camera is also getting old but works perfectly well.
Why worry with all this latest gadgetry which seems to cost the Earth and causes problems discussed above.?
By #23212 at 15,Jun,12 06:08
Apple's iCab browser for iPhones and iPads costs ONLY USD$1.99!! What is the problem with that?

By admin at 14,Jun,12 14:30 other posts of admin 
IOS simply does not allow you to read its file system in a conventional way like folders and files, hence the upload button not working. I don't know why they did it this way, but I suppose it's to make a piracy harder.

On a low level there is indeed some kind of filesystem anyway, you just can't make it different. So I guess the developers of that iCab Mobile know how to work with it using undocumented ios functions.

By admin at 13,Jun,12 12:17 other posts of admin 
If you see something in your message log to the person - it automatically means the person can see it in his/her log also.

Even if something is wrong with the pics themselves, he should still see a message "Routemaster sent you a private picture".

If you give me his nick I can check for other possible problems.

By #146919 at 13,Jun,12 09:19
i have had this happen to me before some one asked for a picture i sent it they said it never arrived but did show up as sent and in my private down loads
By bella! at 13,Jun,12 11:39 other posts of bella! 
Really mr7, I didn't get those pic, please send them again.......

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