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"So-And-So Is A Fake!"

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Started by #89828 at 01,Jul,12 15:51
Seriously, who actually gives a rat's fuzzy bottom?

Similar topics: 1.fake accounts   2.Why delete only the "fake" profile?   3.What is FAKE NEWS?   4.Fake accounts   5.Fake accounts  

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By #491031 at 27,Sep,15 15:04
Can someone explain to me why the witch hunt for fakes is so important here?
By admin at 27,Sep,15 15:29 other posts of admin 
It seems you failed to notice, but this is a site where many people come solely to show their nude photos and receive attention. Fakes post photos from the net, usually much more attractive - huge dicks, muscular bodies, cute faces (while real people rarely post faces at all), or similarly glamorous girls in case of female profiles. They steal all the attention and it's very disappointing and aggravating for real people.

You obviously come here for some other purposes so this does not concern you.

I'm libertarian, so I welcome all kind of people here as long as they behave. But frankly, it's you and your friends who are out of line in this matter. The only problem with those who are against fakes is that many of them report not because they care about fakes, but because they want to settle some personal grudge. Aside of that they are "right" in this matter.
By #491031 at 27,Sep,15 15:40
So it all comes down to people feeling that they don't get enough attention?
By admin at 27,Sep,15 17:26 other posts of admin 
I think my previous post is quite explanatory.

But let me explain you in other terms. You seem to be writing stories and poetry. So how would you like if someone was stealing attention of your readers posting stories stolen from other very famous and very talented authors but pretending they are their own? Let's suppose for the sake of argument that readers are unable to determine that the text is of Shakespeare, Rabelais or Burns and really believe it belongs to that person, but you know the truth. Would you be indifferent to that?

By #495452 at 27,Sep,15 17:31
Fakes have different motives based on the goals they seek. For examples, /////

The fake is here for personal attention even though they don't realize that not being true to themselves will not solve their loneliness and self worth issues./////

The fake is not here to display their true image of exhibitionism based on site integrity but rather lie to people in order to get views, comments and donations of points. Once they get points illegally they will transfer points to other holders because the most points they can have is 250 thus constantly maintaining flow of revenue. more importantly for extreme circumstances and unfortunately for the naive victims the fake is here to spam for other sites or to steal your identity../////

The fake is here to fight and not be blamed by defacing his true identity.This may be a tactic to gain attention for oneself but it is usually to create an uncomfortable situation for the person or groups he or she is targeting../////

The fake is not legally allowed to be here based on age./////

The fake is a tactic that unfair dominants create other names using copyrighted or photo shopped images so that the fake can create more revenue for the dominant. When this is done and points transferred, once the point total reaches 250 the dominant transfers to a name that usually don't have a lot of pictures if at all for the purpose of being un-noticed therefore unsuspecting. These names or banks as you wish to call can have up to tens of thousands of points which is the net profit of making fakes using the fakes to create points thus the end result is the point total of these banks..///////////

For the most part the ones that come on here just for exhibitionism I have the greatest respect for. Its unfortunate that most are here for other purposes and it does discourage real people from participation.. They become frustrated and leave unfortunately..
By bella! at 27,Sep,15 20:11 other posts of bella! 
To Sawdust, do you really feel that SYD still has the hard core Domination Game player creates a pseudo profile for the purpose of amassing points in order to transfer excess points to another profile?

By bella! at 27,Sep,15 17:32 other posts of bella! 
To admin, please clarify the part, "you and your friends" because I consider myself to be a friend on TheUnicorn's. Thank you.
By admin at 27,Sep,15 17:37 other posts of admin 
So, what's exactly confusing you? I may be used "them" incorrectly, I have corrected the post.

By jayman73 at 27,Sep,15 17:03 other posts of jayman73 
Well, I thought the name of the site is " Show Your Dick" and/or "Show Your Cunt" I assume the purpose is for real people to show their private parts and not fakes. We come here to see real people and communicate with real people. Communication that goes beyond this being a so called sex site. We want the pics to match up with the person at the other end of the screen. I almost never complain about fakes. I just chalk it up to experience. If someone blacklists you just for questioning them being real or fake, they're most likely fake. Like, I said I have better things to be than worry about all the fakes, but it's still frustrating when a fake pops up. But I have made up a list of real women on the site, so I can keep track of who's real. But there are at least a dozen or two real women on this site. A few do actually show their face and I appreciated it. Since this site is for real people, real pics would be great. I still not understand the purpose of fake accounts. What do people get out of them?
By admin at 27,Sep,15 17:20 other posts of admin 
Some are straight out spammers and scammers who want your money, but they are very few and usually promptly reported and deleted.

But most of them are same as real people - they mostly want attention. They can not get attention with their real identities so they make fake ones.

There are also some trolls, but they are eventually for attention as well, it's just that they want another kind of reaction out of you - negative, not positive.

By #229803 at 02,Jul,12 00:42
So and so what? If you wouldn't bother to post I wouldn't even know that member exist.
Seriously why bother with those fakes? We all know that a lot of women members are fakes and clicking on their images all the time. And we leave a lot of comments. Are you strong enough to expose those fakes too?
By bella! at 02,Jul,12 00:57 other posts of bella! 
To noname; I might be wrong but I think you misinterpreted the original question posted by justlookin. I really think all he's trying to say is "who cares?". The majority of SYD/SYC members are able to spot a fake and that's that!
By #229803 at 02,Jul,12 01:14
Hey bella could be. And I can even agree with you.
But I think we talk about those fakes way to much. And a final solution? I can't see it.
Sorry ... just my five cents.
By bella! at 02,Jul,12 01:38 other posts of bella! 
The saying is "put in my 2 cents"! Are you factoring in inflation?
By #229803 at 02,Jul,12 02:41
Nope ... that's feds job ...
By #23212 at 02,Jul,12 03:02
Yes, and I see that they cut off one 'o' from the word 'too', eh non?

By #146804 at 01,Jul,12 19:50
Having idiotic men stumble over each other in the chatroom to drool over photos that are so obviously from the net you can see the corner of the site's they were taken from logos in the corner makes us real women think "Why bother?"

Fake men photos are obvious, probably done for a quick thrill or for points. But when fake female photos get attention it just makes being a real female member seem pointless and demeans previous compliments as it shows most people here are utter idiots and would say "hot" to anything and everything.
By admin at 01,Jul,12 21:00 other posts of admin 
>most people here are utter idiots

welcome to a real world, Neo
By #89828 at 01,Jul,12 22:56
Now, my feelings are hurt! I am only a semi-idiot! lol
(That movie, btw, is SERIOUSLY over-rated)
By admin at 02,Jul,12 01:09 other posts of admin 
First part was intriguing. Though personally I was familiar with the conception before, it seems that many people were struck by it "baaa, we may be living in a computer...", hence the popularity. Gotta admit that everyone was acting pretty good also. Not that masses understand much in it...

By #139037 at 01,Jul,12 16:15
Me neither, but mostly i just pity the fool who has such pics. I see no reason why to pretend to be someone else... Its pathetic, but not my problem.
By *kmadeau* at 01,Jul,12 17:09 other posts of *kmadeau* 
reason is points, ONLY POINTS...

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