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Started by #277673 at 03,Jul,12 18:56
Similar topics: 1.condoms and uncut dicks? 2.Look better if cut?? 3.Reason for your Adult Circumcision 4.Stretching foreskin New CommentComments: |
The next day the Rabbi goes to see the man and shows him the bag of foreskins and asks if it might be possible to make something out of them. The bag maker is not too impressed with either the material or the task and tells the Rabbi that he will see what he can do, but to not expect much and come back in a week......
The Rabbi returns in a week and is presented with an equisite little purse beautifully stitched from the foreskins,.....The Rabbi exclaims his delight but then frowns and mentions that "it's a bit small"......Anxious to get rid of the Rabbi the bag maker ushers him out the door saying; "just get your wife to stroke it a few times and it'll turn into a suitcase".....
For what it's worth, like most American men I am circumcised and I'm glad I was. For my sex partners I tend to prefer circumcised men. As you do, I think they look better.
But I definately can go either way on this. There are a LOT of ultra attractive un-cut dicks on this site and there is someting really exciting about slipping my tongue inside a foreskin to tickle a man's glans and savor the flavor of any man juice that might be there.
The bottom line is that I like dicks.
Exactly as you predicted and as we expected, at the sounding of the bugle the usual individuals descended upon the discussion with their usual comments and agendas. They are as predictable as the taxman, a political speech or the sun rising in the east each morning.
On various matters I am predictable and this is one of them.
Basically we are both grumpy older men set in our ways, be careful not to slip on a maple leaf as I just stepped in some kangaroo doo doo.
While I was one of thousands that were circumcised as an infant I have always resented the fact that it was done. I have been actively restoring my foreskin and I am very pleased with the result.
I have nothing against circumcision as long as it is the decision of the male and not done as soon as he is born.
Fortunately, for tiny defenceless babies, things are changing now. A BIG leap forward was the landmark German court case in Cologne about a week ago which found that an infant circumcised had been assaulted against his human rights.
Please 'google' "cologne circumcision" to read about the case and the furore it has caused in religous groups who mutilate as a matter of course. Also, look at the 'Betty Dodson With Carlin Ross' website and look under 'circumcision' to read a very interesting commentary and video presentation.
".......The District Court in Cologne ruled that parents having their sons circumcised can be prosecuted for causing bodily injury - according to their ruling "neither the rights of parents nor the constitutional freedom of religion can justify circumcision"...."
In the US, with it's powerful 'bible belt' and exploitive religous mania, it will probably be the new interest in 'uncut porn' that will bring about the end of routine mutilation of infants.
It's actually 'circumcised' and 'non-circumcised',...ie.,it's exprememly difficult to "uncircumcise" a penis and has rarely(perhaps never) been achieved due to the difficulty of finding the same type of erogenous nerve endings that are in the foreskin anywhere else on the human body. The only real hope is to stretch the remaining skin, which is what restorers try to do....
.....In a full circumcision two thirds of this uniquely erogenous tissue is removed along with it's equally unique voluptus.