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wank driving

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Started by #280064 at 08,Jul,12 04:48
Wanking when driving . I do , do you ?

Similar topics: 1.Nude Driving!   2.Driving orgasm   3.Driving and masturbating   4.your best danger wank   5.Masturbating while on motorcycle  

New Comment

By Insano at 13,Mar,15 05:04 other posts of Insano 
i do!
By #485312 at 21,Oct,15 19:44
Do you pass cars and trucks hoping to get caught? *lix *

By #64328 at 23,Oct,15 03:34
Stop by and pick me up

By spermkiss at 21,Oct,15 19:57 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey, up the anti and do it in a convertible with the top down. And before you ask, yes I have.

By #485312 at 30,Apr,15 07:51
l drive everywhere with my nipples out and rubbing them, if its a long trip, l like to sit on a dildo as well as playing with my tits *lix*

By #266252 at 24,Aug,12 07:42
Every chance I get. Been doing it for years. The beat goes on!
By #482836 at 19,Mar,15 05:59
And I've now got that song stuck in my head. Thanks for that!

By #280064 at 08,Jul,12 17:58
Sure is . Luv getting seen by trvck drivers
By #383140 at 21,May,14 03:20
I'm a truck driver and I love to see people wanking while driving.
By leopoldij at 25,May,14 15:23 other posts of leopoldij 
Ever seen women do that?

By #482836 at 19,Mar,15 05:58
10 years as a truck driver and I've only seen a guy wanking while driving a couple of times.

By #131547 at 14,Mar,15 09:52
I have jerked off many times while driving! I keep my coat handy to cover up for whatever reason.

By #285354 at 23,Aug,12 19:13
You can do it without taking your eyes off the road. It's safer than using a cell phone.
[deleted image]
By #131547 at 14,Mar,15 09:49
Indeed, wannking is safer than texting and driving!

By #121361 at 13,Mar,15 05:10
My Autopilotmodus [deleted image]

By #222660 at 24,Aug,12 00:20
Hell yeah ... masturbating on the highway is one of my favourite past times. Check out my latest video (not sure how to attach it here!)

By #183178 at 08,Jul,12 14:46
like this!

[deleted image]
By #222660 at 23,Aug,12 23:21
Superb mobile wank ... nice load on the steering wheel!

By #11431 at 22,Aug,12 16:57
I sometimes wank or suck my partner as he drives .. thats a much safer way to do it !

By #291618 at 22,Aug,12 15:48
isnt it dangerous??

By #285354 at 22,Aug,12 11:25
Watch out for onlookers in high buses and trucks

By JustWondring at 22,Aug,12 11:20 other posts of JustWondring 
I was wanking on a lonesome highway once, and suddenly realized a pickup truck was passing on my left. The very attractive young lady riding shotgun gave me a sweet smile as they went by.

By #155500 at 07,Aug,12 19:15
i dont wank when i am driving i would get somebody else to do that for me
By Arlo at 07,Aug,12 21:54 other posts of Arlo 
Have they?

By Arlo at 07,Aug,12 13:48 other posts of Arlo 
I do often, more so in the past. Also, road head---fabulous! And yes, I suppose somewhat dangerous. And I have been jerked off by girlfriend while driving. Orgasm is a mess, unfortunately. Better used as a method of foreplay.

By PK75 at 09,Jul,12 15:52 other posts of PK75 
Yeah, can be a bit hair raising on the local country roads. Its not a whole lot different to getting blown, yes your hands might be free but both very pleasurable!

By #59855 at 08,Jul,12 16:23
From Matt's Wife: Not smart at all
By #186672 at 08,Jul,12 16:44
It's fun though

By #279682 at 08,Jul,12 04:50
I tried to once.........lost my licsense!

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