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viagra question

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Started by #274453 at 16,Jul,12 15:44
So ive been thinking about experimenting with viagra recreationaly im 42 and have noticed my hard ons are not wha the used to be... well sometime they are and sometimes they are not?? But i also would like to go a second time or 3rd if i can like when i was younger so i am healthy and do not take any other drugs... i have been told to cut the pill in half or quarter? ? Whats the difference if i cut in half or quarter or thirds? Longer lasting? This would be my first time messing with this stuff

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By #274453 at 16,Jul,12 16:44
So the stuff works.... now what does anyone know about cutting the pills in half or quarters? Do you think it will last a smaller amount of time or do you think it will just have a smaller effect on the hard on? Im goal is to have a hard on and not think about trying to keep it hard.... just to stay hard for an hour or so fuck a little get sucked a little eat some pussy for awhile and still beable to keep it rock hard the whole time
By slipper at 21,Jul,12 05:03 other posts of slipper 
Talk to your urologist.

By #274453 at 19,Jul,12 18:40
Well i took half a pill so it was 50mg and wow did it work great! This stuff is crazy.... i could hang bricks from my cock it was so hard.... this is something i would only use on special occasion not every time for sure... and yes about 1.5 hours later i was balls deep again.... no side effects but i did find it a little hard to cum the first time.... and the second was no problem.... felt as if i could go one more time but think she was worn out hahahaha damn i felt like i was 23 again

By #268785 at 17,Jul,12 14:50
The recomended way to take it is one for one. (Lisceanced CHPT), take it 30 minutes to an hour prior to sex, and stay away from fattty foods, as it can diminish your bodies ability to maintain an erection. Also dont take more than 25mg in a day iof youre new to it.
By bella! at 19,Jul,12 00:16 other posts of bella! 
Licensed CPhT.......fingernails?

By boc at 16,Jul,12 15:52 other posts of boc 
try cialis instead. it does not cause the blue vision and some of the other unpleasant side effects. Plus it last more than a few hours.

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