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i want to play with another mans cock

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Started by #235767 at 10,Aug,12 17:43
i'm not gay but i its makes me horny looking at other mens cocks, i love uncut cocks! i'd love to wank or maybe suck a cock??

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By #612144 at 29,Feb,20 07:39
I have never had a cock even close to me but have wanted to for years jerk off and fantasies a lot in different sceneries but the one that turns me on the most isa **** fantasy where I am told and forced to pleasure his cock anyway he wants and forces me to with a weapon.
Am I the only one or do other men get off on being raped fantasy?

By #608810 at 25,Feb,20 17:02
Me too I've had plenty of pussy in my life it's cock time now to complete the sexual repertoire
By spermkiss at 28,Feb,20 16:49 other posts of spermkiss 
Do it, man, you'll be glad you did. I've long advocated that men, all men, gay and straight, should at least once in their lives should step away from their usually preferred gender and do a bit of switch hitting. I certainly have. I'm as gay as pink ink, but I've had sex with women. I even hasd an affair with a woman that lasted nearly a year.

By Leo037 at 28,Feb,20 11:31 other posts of Leo037 
I would love to get my hands and lips around some guy's cock, and I would love some guy doing the same to me too.
If anyone is interested message me.

By #612144 at 27,Feb,20 23:03
I have never done ity yet but want to meet up and jerk off each other’s cocksfor hours.
Lately I have been thinking I would love to cum in another guys mouth and watch him swallow my cum! I would reward him with my virgin asshole.

By german_guy at 25,Feb,20 18:42 other posts of german_guy 
me, too….would love to Play with a nice cock, Maybe give a BJ and have both of us fun
By RubyRed at 25,Feb,20 20:31 other posts of RubyRed 
You and me both
By german_guy at 26,Feb,20 12:24 other posts of german_guy 
would be great fun

By #486048 at 25,Feb,20 22:37
now that would be nice

By #8388 at 19,Mar,13 03:03
I am not gay but would like to check out another guy's cock, especially one that is uncircumcised. I don't have foreskin myself and would like to play with a cock that does.
By #173353 at 30,Mar,13 03:13
Most men are bi-sexual and have an interest in cock most won't admit this but it is true don't feel bad just enjoy what you see and suck by all means
By gabriel at 12,Mar,14 06:53 other posts of gabriel 

By 7uncutinchez at 13,Apr,13 08:35 other posts of 7uncutinchez 
Hey Honeydick, Is my uncut cock something you would want to play with ?
By #454064 at 12,Mar,14 04:59
Absolutely!! (name change)

By #494671 at 26,Jul,15 13:56
By tb1 at 27,Jul,15 17:06 other posts of tb1 
I'd luv to play with your gorgeous beauty:
[deleted image]

By #369710 at 26,Jul,15 18:12
wanna play with my uncut cock?
[deleted image] message me...

By bigone21 at 31,Mar,13 20:15 other posts of bigone21 
If I were to call myself GAY (which I am!), and had a fancy for pussy and boobs, wanted to lick them, had fantasies about it, wanted to play with it, after a few months, how sane would I be if I didn't reconsider my supposed sexual orientation??

Come on! Straigt guys wanting to suck cock?? Preferably uncut ones too?? Aaah! Connaisseurs!!

Stand in line!!

By johnwish at 26,Jul,15 13:54 other posts of johnwish 
I think I'm at the very least bi curious but probably completley gay,but I would absolutley love to suck your big cock.You look great and that is a real man's cock.Just how one is supposed to be.Lovely!

By #401572 at 14,Mar,14 18:14

By #62682 at 13,Mar,14 03:32
You can play with my uncut cock if you want to.

By #362440 at 10,Mar,13 15:31
Anyone in CT? Never experienced before but willing to try.
By #377223 at 18,Apr,13 21:23
love to experment with a couple or you.
By sd33lkng at 18,Apr,13 23:37 other posts of sd33lkng 
Count me in. Same here..luv looking at cocks always get hard when I do. Want to play with one...Never done it..want to try..maybe just stroking it to get it hard and then a hand job until you cum..Prob more after I get hooked...dont know

By #273756 at 29,Aug,12 02:53
Never been with another guy,just dying for that feeling of being complete as a person
By #7217 at 09,Mar,13 19:35
yea me too maybe we should get together
By #359452 at 17,Apr,13 09:29
I'd love to get together with both of you

By #305882 at 08,Feb,13 21:11
I think I must be bi... because all of a sudden I want to play with a man .... i get hard at the thought of being with a man... having him play with my cock and me playing with his...Just have to find some man who would want to take me in hand
By #109580 at 09,Mar,13 15:20
I'd love to give you a hand
By #359452 at 17,Apr,13 09:26
I'd give you both a hand

By #365315 at 18,Mar,13 00:17
Also not gay but I too have this desire to try and suck a cock and have mine sucked. I'm new here please check out my pics. My cock is small just under 5" when hard. Would you suck on it. Let me know. Would luv to know what you think
By #359452 at 17,Apr,13 09:24
Sure I would you can suck mine too

By #222595 at 13,Apr,13 18:27
I was thinking on that too, it would be interesting to give a handjob to someone and make him cum. Best would be a threesome with an another guy and a beutiful girl (thinking of that makes me hard quickly).

By #304115 at 08,Feb,13 16:55
I would love to get a chance to wank and suck another guy im straight too or at least nonactive bi
By #359325 at 03,Apr,13 10:24
Luv 2 play with yours

By spermkiss at 31,Mar,13 20:35 other posts of spermkiss 
Who doesn't? There's hardly a man in the world who doesn't like looking at other men's cocks. Many kick it up a notch and play with or suck those cocks. Likeing cocks is a guy thing not a gay thing.
By bigone21 at 31,Mar,13 20:46 other posts of bigone21 
Point is: "straight" cocksuckers want to do what "queers" do, suck cock (!), but don't come out and don't want to suffer the political consequenses аnd be called a FAGGOT!
If they would come out for being a cocksucker, that would be butch!

By JeffinKS at 29,Sep,12 13:06 other posts of JeffinKS 
would anyone wanna play with this?//
By JeffinKS at 29,Sep,12 13:06 other posts of JeffinKS 

I am also into sucking cock.... nothing better and I think it is so hot when mine is the first cock a man has played with and sucked on....

By #319629 at 31,Mar,13 13:58
i would love to

By #299329 at 27,Sep,12 10:43
[deleted image]
Check out my page for more pictures and videos
By oliver09 at 09,Mar,13 16:40 other posts of oliver09 
Love to play with that

By oliver09 at 09,Mar,13 16:38 other posts of oliver09 
you can play with mine

By #220845 at 08,Feb,13 19:53
You can play with mine

By #55376 at 17,Aug,12 14:58
I would also like to wank a uncut cock. Im not gay but it would be interesting to do. Seems like fun
By #273227 at 19,Aug,12 11:46
How would my cock do very long foreskin
By #55376 at 08,Feb,13 15:38
It would be nice to jack u off i like watching the foreskin go up and down

By #296619 at 28,Aug,12 17:03
By #291032 at 30,Aug,12 03:59
Me to

By #291032 at 30,Aug,12 03:57
Im in sheffield during the week for cock sucking

By #263199 at 19,Aug,12 11:35
I know where your coming from and I have to say I agree ... playing around and looking at other men's cocks is a big turn on ... in high school I fooled around with a guy in my class we tugged and suck each others dicks many time and I have to say it was pretty good

By #291618 at 16,Aug,12 23:22
haha i like on skype

By pablo37 at 16,Aug,12 21:26 other posts of pablo37 
Just say the word and its on

By #288187 at 13,Aug,12 17:18
you could play and suck on mine

By #277053 at 12,Aug,12 17:17
Just once in my life before I pop my clogs I would like to have a reciprocal meeting with a male of my own age to share this moment, if possible?
By slipper at 13,Aug,12 03:15 other posts of slipper 
Love to double-dock with ya!!!

By qhaos at 12,Aug,12 14:55 other posts of qhaos 
i love being sucked by a man, give me a look, can i satisfy your cock hunger?

By slipper at 12,Aug,12 06:25 other posts of slipper 

By #81740 at 11,Aug,12 12:03
hey bud im in Leicester and if you fancy meeting me we can suck and wank each other. i could accom this week!!!

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