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Favorite position?

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Started by #287215 at 28,Aug,12 20:31
What is your favorite position to j/o? I have two. One is in bed, on back, knees up and spread apart. Second is squating and hitting balls with each downward stroke. Can't hit them too hard or they will be sore the next day.

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New Comment

By knewbi at 02,Aug,22 16:48 other posts of knewbi 
On my knees with a guys cock in my mouth while I stroke!!

By #662360 at 31,Jul,22 20:35
Kneeling with my legs spread. Love the heavy feel of my hard cock sticking out in front and spreading my legs pulls my muscles tight. Also if I’m with someone it looks good and they can play with me from behind and reach under me as I wank.

By nekekal at 28,Aug,12 20:48 other posts of nekekal 
Favorite? Hard to say. I so it a lot standing up, good for doing it in the shower, or public locations. I also do it a lot sitting down, good for public toilets, change rooms, etc. I also like to do it laying on my back. Mostly before I go to **** or before I get up in the morning.

Adult Discussion Forum